Avon is a well-known cosmetics company, an example of network marketing. The services and products of Avon are used by tens of thousands of girls and women around the world. In almost every catalog, company customers can find special offers, product samples, and discounts.
However, when buying products there are situations when it is necessary to cancel the order at Avon. How to do it and is it possible? We’ll try to figure it out.
Deleting an order before processing
How to cancel an order at Avon? First of all, it is worth clarifying whether it has already been processed. If not, the customer will be able to cancel the purchase. To do this, you must contact the company through a special line for Avon representatives. The operator will ask you to name the order codes, which will be deleted. Order will be canceled.
Deleting an order after processing
Is it possible to cancel a shipped order in Avon and how to do it? If the order has already passed the processing stage and has been sent, then unfortunately, it is not possible to cancel it. It is worth remembering at the design stage.
What to do in this case? It is necessary to receive an order, and then, without printing and without tearing seals from cosmetics and other products, arrange for a return of products. In the box with the order, customers will definitely find a return form.
Return Terms and Conditions
There are several reasons why a customer may have given up a return of goods. Namely:
- receipt of defective products;
- regrading (when you ordered one, but received a completely different one);
- underdelivery (when the product was ordered, it is on the form, but actually absent);
- personal refusal (products are not opened and were not in use);
- allergies caused by Avon brand cosmetics and care products.
It is important to remember that Avon will accept the product for return if it is issued no later than 90 days from the date indicated in the attached document.
It is also worth noting that there are a number of goods that are not refundable. Namely, all printed materials, including catalogs. Also, it is not possible to send back goods from the “Together Against Breast Cancer” charity program. Products from the Sale brochure and special online offer are not available for return.
When placing an order, think more than once whether you really need the goods that are in the basket. In addition, do not forget that if you want to cancel a purchase, you need to do this as soon as possible before the company has time to complete the registration process.