What is Object 221? What is the purpose of the "Object 221" ZKP Black Sea Fleet?

For a long time Crimea was attractive for immigrants and conquerors. This was due to its unique geographical location and favorable climate. The Khazars, Byzantines, Greeks and Genoese left traces of their stay here. This was continued at a later time. Most often, the peoples living on the territory can be judged by the ruins of fortifications - because they are more durable than ordinary housing. With the development of military technology, defense systems gradually go underground, turning from terrestrial to underground.

The legacy of the Soviet era

object 221

One such example of the legacy of the late socialist era was the “Object 221” - the ZKP of the Black Sea Fleet. He lurked at a depth of 182 meters in the mountain Cherka-Bair. The place where it was decided to place the emergency command post “Object 221” is the Crimea, the Alsu tract in the neighborhood of Balaklava. One cannot fail to appreciate the professionalism of the people who chose this place. According to the results of geological exploration, the mountain has a monolithic structure, which has no faults or voids. The draft land clearing and its deployment were personally approved by L. Brezhnev. Conceived has analogues only in the works of science fiction writers.

Then the world was on the verge of a nuclear disaster. The slightest chance could launch a fatal scenario on both sides. The ZKP was needed to maintain the command of the fleet, their families and the families of the country's political leadership, even if a nuclear attack occurs. And even more important was to achieve reliable communication between the ZKP and ships and submarines in order to be able to deliver a preemptive or retaliatory strike. Since more than a dozen US warheads, according to intelligence, were aimed at Sevastopol and its suburbs, it was decided to make the place where the "Object 221" is located, Alsou is a point outside the danger zone, but very close to it. The capabilities of the equipment and the supply of food made it possible for the ZKP to exist autonomously for 30 years, while maintaining combat readiness.

The beginning of the story

object 221 Sevastopol

They started building in 1977. Literally in one year, the workers of the Donetskshakhtoprohodka association, who had the experience of driving deep mines designed to accommodate ballistic missiles, created two barrels 182 meters long and 4.5 meters in diameter. Continued work metro builders from Kharkov. For construction, pre-erected workshops for metal processing and woodworking, even a whole concrete plant. As a result of work, by 1987 4 horizontal levels were created. Inside the trunks were covered with steel up to one and a half millimeters thick. The construction turned out absolutely tight and high strength. Thick-walled pipes serve for air intake and for the output of cable lines and antenna waveguides of the communication system. According to the most conservative estimates, the installation required tens of thousands of tons of metal.

All unskilled work was done free of charge by soldiers. The result was a transition system of hundreds of meters. Internal structures were carried out according to special welding technologies developed at the Institute. Paton. ZKP itself occupies 13.5 thousand square meters. m, and together with other levels - 22 thousand square meters. m. Design ZKP vertically divided into 4 levels:

  • communication;
  • command;
  • residential;
  • hardware.

The levels are connected through stairwells. Premises were also provided for power generators, which made it possible to resolve the issue of energy supply.

Creation goals

Object 221 ZKP of the Black Sea Fleet
It was planned to place the headquarters services of the Black Sea Fleet on the premises of “Object 221”. The huge city, built underground, was able to accommodate up to 10 thousand people. The world was expecting a nuclear conflict, and Sevastopol was one of the likely targets of the strike. An underground structure would be an excellent shelter.

object 221 crimea

It was supposed to build a huge dining room, treatment facilities and much more.

Unscathed to survive the explosion of a nuclear bomb was called "Object 221", Sevastopol could not survive. In a state of 90% readiness in 1992, the construction site had to be frozen. Since then, funding has been gone.

Protective measures

object 221 photos
To avoid publicity, the reserve command post of the Black Sea Fleet was kept as secret as possible, and enhanced measures were taken to mask it. To explain the heavy traffic, military units were deployed in the vicinity of the facility. The route between Sevastopol and Yalta was generally closed. For builders a residential complex was built. At the same time, they started a rumor that a training center for naval specialists was being built.

object 221 alsou

Entrance structures, equipped with huge armored doors with a gateway, were disguised as ordinary buildings, similar to the buildings of the nearby Alsou pioneer camp. For masking tasks, volumes of work comparable to the main ones were performed.

The collapse of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR, the “Object 221” ZKP of the Black Sea Fleet lost its significance. Ukraine has become nuclear-free. True, she could not have financed the completion and maintenance of the object. For a long time, Russia did not have confidence that it would remain in Sevastopol. Security was removed, and the construction site was abandoned.

Total looting

Black Sea Fleet reserve command post

In parallel, the object was plundered. Everything valuable that could be sold was exported from here. By the end of the 20th century, most of the equipment was dismantled. Having plundered the equipment, we proceeded to non-ferrous metal. The most requested was the electric cable. When the non-ferrous metal ran out, prices for ferrous metals rose by the way.

Ferrous metal was continuously mined. He was taken out by Kamaz for several more years. So, from the construction site of the century, “Object 221” (Sevastopol) began to turn into a dismantling of the century.

Even reinforced concrete structures, from which metal fittings were uprooted, did not spare the vandals.

Total theft occurred with the connivance of all law enforcement agencies. This suggests that such lawlessness could not flourish without large-scale bribes for the leadership of law enforcement agencies.

The looting of a unique structure does not stop now. The amount of metal is still very large. Most of it is on the walls, however, in order to remove it, you have to work hard. Now ferrous metal is almost stolen. Brick structures were dismantled to the very bottom.

Now this place has become simply dangerous. Fans of Soviet exotics should not visit the remnants of the ZKP alone. Local residents and all criminals involved in metal mining are very jealous of outsiders' visits. Nobody needs extra applicants for badly lying property. Therefore, a safe visit is possible if you manage to gather a relatively large group. Clothes for such a visit should be chosen warm, since the temperature there is kept around 12 degrees year-round. To fully examine the "Object 221", a photo of which is presented in the article, you will need at least 12 hours. Accelerated acquaintance will require a little more than an hour. You need to stock up on powerful flashlights.

In summer, a strong draft walks along the corridors of the building and is quite foggy, because moisture condensation occurs. This makes photography difficult. In addition, an interesting effect is observed at the object: instead of rising upward through pipes, air, on the contrary, goes downward, leaving through portals. At first glance, this contradicts physical laws. Gossip is still common that the radioactive background is increased at the facility. Most likely, this information is dismissed by metal miners to scare unwanted guests.

Present day

Currently in practical use for “Object 221” never found. But the excursion here promises an unforgettable experience. Even a visit to Balaclava with its underground submarine base is not as interesting as Object 221. Crimea is famous for many of its tourist sites, but this one is special. Get to the ZKP You can, moving along the highway Sevastopol - Yalta.


At the base of a height of 495 are the remains of the building, which was part of the ZKP complex. This building, together with the dining room, vegetable store, water treatment facilities, underground water intake and power transmission lines , was erected for the builders of a giant bunker. It was this complex of buildings that served to disguise the construction of the facility.

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