Spanish chickens: description, photo

Spanish chickens are a southern and heat-loving breed, and quite rare for Russia. However, the productivity of this bird of the original color is pretty good. Therefore, some farmers, especially those living in the southern regions of the country and in the North Caucasus, are still interested in the characteristics of this breed, as well as the methods of its maintenance. In this article, we will give a detailed description of the Spanish Belolitsa and talk about how to breed it.

Breed history

As the name suggests, this chicken was bred in Spain. This breed is actually very old. Received it in the 18th century by crossing minor with fighting hens. As a result of long selection work and careful selection of producers, a very beautiful, hardy and productive bird was obtained. For several centuries, the Spanish white-faced has been very popular among farmers in the warm regions of Europe.

spanish hens

general description

Outwardly, the Spanish chickens very much resemble the minor known to our farmers. They have exactly the same black plumage and a bright red leaf-shaped crest. The only difference is that the Spanish face is painted in pure white. In minor, this is considered a defect. Earrings in both the one and the other breed are also white. Only the Spanish women are more massive. The main distinguishing features of the Spanish whitewater, in addition to the slate-black with a bluish tint of feathers, include:

  • Dark eyes that stand out against a white background.
  • A high-set neck, giving the bird a solid, “important” look.
  • The smooth line of the back is the tail.
  • Long, well developed gray legs.
  • Luxurious tail plumage.

Thus, Spaniards are chickens that are valuable not only in terms of productivity. It is also a spectacular decorative breed.

Main characteristics

Spanish white-faced chicken belongs to the meat-and-egg direction and can lay up to 180 eggs per year. Shell color is white. The weight of one egg reaches 55 g. The live weight of the chicken can be 2.5 kg, adult cockerel - 3 kg. You can see the bird of this breed in the photo below. Hens "Spaniard" are actually very beautiful.

spanish hens

Despite years of selection, the Spanish white-faced managed to maintain the instinct of incubation. The maternal qualities of these chickens are still not particularly good, but the chickens hatch very hardy. The survival rate of young animals in this breed is more than 96%.

Content Features

As already mentioned, Spanish chickens are a thermophilic breed. Therefore, farmers in central Russia who want to breed this beautiful bird will have to build a warmed shed for it. In addition, Spaniards are afraid of high humidity. Therefore, the barn for them should also be dry. Of course, it should arrange good lighting and ventilation. The windows in the chicken coop, designed for the Spanish White Woman, should be large enough. After all, this bird is southern and is used to a lot of sunlight. The area of ​​the windows should be at least 10% of the floor area. It is imperative to provide for second removable winter frames.

The floor in the chicken room is usually made of adobe. You can even spend a little money and bring down a wooden flooring. Spaniards will freeze on the concrete floor . The ceilings in the chicken coop should not be higher than 1.8 m. This will save maximum heat.

What else is characterized by the Spanish breed? These hens are very lively, active in nature. This bird is certainly not suitable for cell breeding. The enclosure for her should be quite spacious and fenced with a high mesh fence. It is located on the south side of the chicken coop.

Spanish breed

In the southern regions of Russia, where the air temperature in winter does not drop below -10 degrees, heating in the house for the Spanish woman can not be arranged. However, since this chicken is also very afraid of a sharp drop in temperature, it will still be necessary to warm the barn. To do this, you can use mineral wool or polystyrene foam. The floors in such a barn must be covered with a thick layer (at least 5 cm) of sawdust or hay.

Features of feeding Spanish

The diet of hens of this breed is practically no different from the "menu" of any other. The only rule that must be observed is the inadmissibility of the use of low-quality or stale food. In Spanish women, this has a great effect on productivity. In addition, such food weakens the body of the bird, as a result of which it is worse resistant to various kinds of diseases, including colds.

spanish chicken

The Spanish breed must be fed at least three times a day. In the morning they give wheat, sprinkled with additives that increase productivity, as well as a small amount of chalk and salt. At lunch, make a mash. For its preparation, you can use any fresh vegetables and root vegetables.

In summer, you must add young juicy grass. This can be nettle, quinoa, radish and carrot tops, etc. Apples and pears are produced from fruits. Like all chickens, Spaniards are very fond of potatoes. You can give it raw. But at the same time, care should be taken to prevent sprouts from falling into the mishmash. It is very good to add fresh white or dry (not moldy) bread to the Spanish menu. Usually bran is also added to the mash. After all the ingredients are ground, they are poured with boiled water. Sometimes it can be replaced with fish or meat broth, cooked from cheap sets.

In the evening, chickens are again given wheat with additives. Between feedings, if the grass does not grow in the aviary or there is little of it, be sure to plant chickens leaves of cabbage, root crops of root crops, quinoa, nettle, etc.

How to breed

Spanish chickens are born black-haired. Farmers who breed this bird believe that it is better to leave eggs under the chicken. In this case, the survival will be greater. However, if not a single hen sits on eggs, you can try placing them in an incubator. The rules for care during the ripening period are the same as for any other breed. The only thing is that the regime should be followed exactly. This is especially true for moisture in recent days. Otherwise, it will be difficult for chickens to get out of the eggs.

spanish hens description

What you need to know

Spanish chickens, described above, have one small drawback: indigestion occurs more often than other breeds. Therefore, do not immediately prepare a large number of mixers for them. Chickens should eat the proposed food in no more than half an hour. Water in birds should also be clean and fresh. Drinking bowls and feeders should be periodically cleaned and disinfected. In the chicken coop and aviary, it is necessary to place containers with small pebbles and shells. They contribute to grinding food into the goiter of chickens.

At the moment, only some amateur poultry breeders breed Spanish. On an industrial scale, this chicken is not used to produce meat or eggs. They keep it mainly as a genetic reserve fund. However, those who want to breed this breed will not be left in any way. The productivity of this bird is really very good.

photo chickens spanish

Head chickens

This is another breed of chickens called Spanish. Its main distinguishing feature is the complete absence of plumage on the neck. Outwardly, such hens are somewhat reminiscent of vultures. In terms of productivity, this chicken does not show any special results. In addition, domestic farmers regard the neck of the birds of this breed as a kind of defect. Therefore, Spanish-nosed chicken is extremely rare. Only individual lovers of the original decorative bird contain it . They take care of representatives of this breed in the same way as they do for the Spanish white-haired woman.

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