Trembling (in Latin - tremor) is an unconscious rhythmic oscillation of different frequency and amplitude in the muscles that occurs for a number of reasons. They can appear in different circumstances and in a healthy person. Most often, the causes are emotions: excitement, stress, fears. Or physical activity, for example, overtraining. Jitter of this kind temporarily and immediately disappears after removal of the provocative factor.
Why do legs shake after sex?
The fact is that sex is an instant plexus of emotions and physical exertion. Normal physiological reactions include the following: increased heart rate, redness of the skin, increased pressure, hormonal bursts, and more.
"Many organs and systems participate in sexual function, their combined action and leads to an ideal result," - this is the opinion of the doctor of medical sciences and nutritionist Lauren Streicher.
So, is it okay when your legs are shaking after sex? After all, this phenomenon is not so rare.
Full sexual intercourse: what is happening?
During sex, first of all, the muscles tighten. The rhythm of the heart becomes just mad, the pulse reaches 100-160 beats per minute. Blood pressure jumps sharply, there is increased blood circulation. Breathing quickens to support the heart. It turns out that sex is akin to a sports load. The only difference is the level of pleasure. Hormones are released into the blood: steroids, endorphins. Blood exchange in men rises sharply.
As a result, a man has an erection, and a woman's genitals swell. After a frantic rhythm, the body does not calm down immediately. Heart rate and breathing are also not instantly aligned.
So why are legs shaking after sex? The reason for this is only because there was an orgasm.
Processes during sex
During intercourse, hormones are activated, they create a mood for sex. This is nothing but a specific combination of neurotransmitters: dopamine and serotonin. In this case, the phase of excitement in a woman is observed above the belt. That is why the prelude is so important. And if at these moments it is trite to think about food and cleaning, there will be nothing romantic anymore.
And in men it is much simpler: sexual arousal occurs below the waist. With its increase, the level of sex steroids and adrenaline increases. With them, the level of endorphins rises in parallel. They help to relax and relieve all unpleasant sensations.
If your legs shake and feel dizzy after sex, but there is no relaxation, there is only one conclusion: something went wrong.
With increased heart rate, the expansion of blood vessels in response occurs and blood in an increased amount rushes to strategically important zones. And this means that an erection has come, and women have released lubrication. The idea of nature is to not cause discomfort.
In addition, vasodilation will provide you with a blush, general redness of the body and a sensation of heat. Breast enlargement is taking place - this is exactly what can be called "breast augmentation without surgery, quickly and inexpensively." A rush of blood to it makes part of the body poured and hypersensitive. At the same time, genital stimulation occurs.
Why do legs shake after sex? Muscles are tensed and this is quite natural. Just the degree of such stress is different. Again, the conclusion about sex as a sport suggests itself.
The pose is important. Depending on it, the muscles will work more or less actively, but they will remain in tension until the end of the act. This is especially true of the muscles of the pelvic region and legs. Such tension, by the way, increases the power of orgasm.
Why are my legs shaking after sex? If the orgasm is very strong, a woman can not only tremble in her legs, but also pulsate the lower abdomen. Without these signs, she is unlikely to feel anything special.
Who is prone to trembling
Why do girls shake legs after sex ? For various reasons, women after intercourse want to immediately wash themselves to enhance their attractiveness and suddenly notice that there is weakness in their legs. In addition, the muscles of the female legs are not designed for such an overstrain in an unusual position.
And some sexual poses (for example, a horsewoman, mastiff-style - only this pose has 5 types - and so on) force the muscles of the legs to strain. In men, tremor occurs much less often, if only he did not give all the best 100%.
Worry or not
The main attention should be paid to whether there is a transition of tremor into convulsions. They differ not only in pain, but also talk about problems in the vessels, hypoxia and a deficiency of vitamins, metabolic disorders.
The opinion of sexologists: in any case, trembling legs after sex is not a reason for depression. This is an unusual manifestation on the part of the body, no more.
Trembling after blowjob
According to sexologists, such a trembling in a man is rare and may indicate the skill of a female partner. Such an orgasm is a new level of pleasure (valley orgasm). Compared to it, the usual orgasm is simple excitement.
This is an elongated strong orgasm instead of an explosive simple. In these cases, a man does not need to suppress muscle contractions; on the contrary, it is better to maintain “cramps” while enjoying them. This will enhance pleasure and give you the opportunity to control. If a man is not concerned about the manifestations, you do not need to see a doctor.
If the girl’s legs shake after sex, you should be wary only when the trembling becomes constant. And if the tremor goes into paresthesia with crawling, flowing, accompanied by weakness and a disorder of coordination, you need a consultation of a neurologist.
Numbness of the extremities can also occur when the nerve is clamped. This can happen with an uncomfortable posture during intercourse, a long stay in one, albeit a comfortable position, an awkward position and pinching of the limbs. With a change in posture, numbness passes quickly enough, after 5-6 minutes.
Often a spasm can occur in the muscles of the abdomen, but this is usually an indicator of pleasure. If there is no discomfort, there should not be concern.
Numbness cause
Simultaneously with orgasm, the muscles of blood vessels contract. It impairs blood circulation. So, the muscles become numb. Consulting a doctor is required only in special cases.
To make a diagnosis, you will need an x-ray of the spine, a blood test, an ultrasound scan, an MRI scan, an electroneuromyography (determines the location of a nerve injury) and a CT scan.
After sex, legs shake and dizzy - this phenomenon is more typical for coffee lovers who abuse the drink. All caffeinated liquids lead to increased excretion of calcium and iron from the body. Also at risk are active smokers, adherents of extreme diets, professional athletes.
Spasm after sexual intercourse: causes
Why are you shaking after sex? The reasons can be both physiological and pathological.
The first include:
- incorrect or simply inappropriate postures;
- active ingestion of a large amount of air during intercourse: it accumulates in the lower abdomen and after sex gives a strong spasm;
- pregnancy (spasm after sex in this case often becomes the first sign of pregnancy).
The reasons are pathological:
- inflammation of the ovaries (then incorrect postures will irritate diseased organs);
- cystitis: sex activates it, but a cramp in this case will occur 1-2 hours after sex;
- commissures;
- ovulation;
- rupture of a capsule of a cyst;
- myoma;
- fibroma;
- pathology of the cervix;
- endometrial inflammation;
- apoplexy of the ovary;
- postcoital cystitis;
- venereal diseases.
To clarify the leading reason, you must definitely visit a doctor. He will identify the etiology and prescribe treatment.