Walnut is a whole pantry of nutrients created by nature. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, a whole complex of vitamins, as well as zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, copper, cobalt, phosphorus, vitamin E in significant quantities make this product indispensable for the human body.
The most useful is walnut oil. Its properties cannot be overestimated. Its application is diverse and wide. Oil is used in cosmetology, in traditional medicine and in the food industry. It has long been known for its wound healing and regenerative properties, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is excellent for nutrition during the recovery period following an illness and complex surgery.
Traditional medicine has long been using this wonderful product - walnut oil. Its properties have been known since ancient times. The oil has the ability to improve metabolic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, positively affects the work of the kidneys, stimulates blood formation. Oil is useful for diabetics due to its property of lowering blood sugar levels; it is used in the treatment of tuberculosis and thyroid gland.
The wonderful system of walnut oil also has a very positive effect on the nervous system. Its properties are such that not only oil, but also tea with walnut leaves, as the use of the fruits themselves, can strengthen nerves and relieve stress. This is an ideal food for vegetarians, because walnut is not inferior to meat, milk and eggs in its nutrients, moreover, it is much better absorbed by the body.
In cosmetology, walnut oil is also widely used. The properties of this seemingly simple product are truly magical. For lovers of a beautiful tan - literally apply a few drops to the face and body, against dry skin of the hands - rub into the skin. To cleanse your face and recharge your skin with energy, just dampen a cotton swab with water, add a few drops of walnut oil and wipe your face.
The benefits of walnut oil are truly invaluable in the fight against stretch marks, in the restoration of wound surfaces, in cellulite and in the treatment of problematic skin. With periodontal disease, walnut oil is used in the form of applications for the gums, with otitis media, it is instilled in a heated form in the ear, and with colitis, it is rubbed into the abdomen.
Nowadays, when ecology leaves much to be desired, walnut oil should be used with selenium to prevent the onset of cancer. It helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids, kidneys and atherosclerosis, restores the gastric mucosa.
To the question: what is the use of walnut oil, you can answer a whole list of transfers. This includes its healing properties - you can safely recommend it to nursing mothers to get rid of nipple cracks. Oil has proven itself well in the treatment of urolithiasis and urinary tract diseases. For conjunctivitis and intestinal colic, fresh oil is used, squeezed from walnut kernels.
In ancient Persia, it was believed that walnut improves brain function, and the oil from it adds to the mind of a person. In addition, it is able to improve almost all processes in the human body, helps in the treatment of hypertension, hepatitis, diabetes and goiter. Walnut oil is especially recommended for elderly people, as well as those suffering from poor bowel function.
The oil of this wonderful fruit is also appreciated for its ability to remove harmful substances from the body. It is indispensable in the treatment of psoriasis, varicose veins, furunculosis and eczema. The anti-aging effect of peanut butter on the whole body, its ability to lower cholesterol, increase resistance to the action of pathogens and radiation, has long been known.
Due to the huge content of vitamin E in its composition, walnut oil has a positive effect on the skin, hair, and nails. A huge complex of nutrients makes it indispensable for nutrition of all ages, oil is especially useful for weakened people, athletes and those in the stage of recovery.