The word "control" is considered by many to be unloved from childhood. But at the same time, everyone loves that the quality of the goods that a person consumes is regularly checked. Although those who produce them for mass consumption also do not like such checks. Let's see what control is. The stages of control are also important, therefore, we will consider them in this article.
If someone says that the next cake eaten by such persons was not monitored for quality, then this can simply cause a storm of indignation. In general, such a term as control is very difficult to understand. The stages of control are different for each area. But at the same time, in any case, this term is closely related to the legislation or to provisions that are basic and for which compliance the organization needs to be checked. So, let's begin to analyze the types and stages of control, as well as the very characteristics of this phenomenon.
What is control?
In general, there are a lot of definitions of this term. Choose the simplest of the existing ones. This is one of the functions of control systems. Everything in our world is part of a particular system. And each element in it corresponds to a certain function. Among other things, each system also has its own functions. The same goes for the management system.
What is a management system?
A control system is a set of tools designed to collect information about an object that is being monitored. Also, tools are not only related to the collection of information, but also control the behavior of another element of this system. Why are such concepts far from specifics used? Everything is simple here. The fact is that an object can be not only a person, but also, for example, a computer. And to manage it, they also need a certain system.
It is important to understand that the control system must be strictly defined. In another case, it will be just a chaotic set of methods for implementing management, which, by the principle of organization, is the exact opposite. Although the tasks will be the same. But that's not the point. It is important to understand something else. This is what one of the tools and also the function of the control system is control. This is the basis on which any management is based, regardless of its type.
Types of control
It is important to understand that there is not a single sphere where control would not be needed. In fact, even chaos is to some extent a control, simply with a low level of requirements or their absence. But if there is a system with its clearly defined principles and norms, then control in this case is mandatory. It is impossible to achieve any goal unless you directly control the process that accompanies its achievement. Let's take a closer look at what types of control exist by industry.
Technical control
This type of control may not have anything to do with technology. Its essence is completely different. We figured out that there are certain rules - the rules that must be met in order for the product to be considered quality. Also, technical control may not necessarily be exercised over the goods. Any service or business requiring compliance with standards requires technical control. After all, its essence lies precisely in checking how these rules have been followed.
Energy control
This may include both checking energy conservation and tracking which energy resources are used to achieve a specific task. Also, this type of control involves checking how rationally energy is used to achieve the task.
Environmental control
Environmental control may include checking whether a certain activity meets the requirements designed to preserve the environment, and it may also include control over the ergonomics of certain theories, designs, concepts, and so on.
Sanitary control
In principle, there is nothing special to say here. Sanitary control is designed to check whether a particular job complies with sanitary standards, if any. This is especially true for factories or public institutions that produce food.
Financial control
On this form, you need to dwell in more detail. Financial control is a set of actions necessary to verify the rationality of the use of material resources. However, this may not necessarily be money. Any property with a cash equivalent may fall into this category. The department that deals with financial control is usually called bookkeeping. This is a local variety. At the same time, there is also a global one, which is carried out by higher authorities.
Financial control is an integral part of the business entity. This is an individual who directly takes on the function of managing his own activities and is responsible for all that this person has done. As an economic person can act not only an individual entrepreneur. It may also be a commercial or non-profit organization. This person conducts economic operations. If this is true, then by law it is called an economic entity.
Financial control is a system of actions of persons who were put to carry out this type of audit aimed at the property of business entities. As you can see, the scope of financial control is wide enough. What are the goals of financial control?
- Verification of compliance with financial law. In addition, compliance with decisions made by the managing entity is monitored. Again a new word. What is the difference between a manager and an economic entity? The first has more rights. For example, he has the opportunity to displace a business entity.
- Monitoring compliance of the activities of an economic entity with the interests of the manager.
These goals are tactical. And more about strategic goals can be found further. Now we will figure out what steps are being taken in such a thing as control.
Stages of control
This topic is superficially simple. It is important to understand that this system is quite generalized for the reason that for a more complete understanding it is necessary to take into account the features of a particular type of control. For example, the stages of production control have a very special specificity. It is impossible to fit into this framework. But at the same time, let's figure out what are the stages of the control process as a whole, regardless of type.
- This stage consists in determining the norms that must be followed. As a rule, data is not taken from the air. The existing documents in the state are used as norms. Moreover, they must meet a huge number of requirements. So, they must be scientifically based, able to change under the influence of various factors and so on.
- At this point, you should determine the model of the management system. On this model, such parameters as resource flows, places of formation of the results should be adequately displayed. Also important is information.
- The third stage is to obtain information about what has already been done. After it has been received, it is necessary to check it for compliance with the model and the standards that were established in the previous paragraphs.
- And finally, this stage is to ensure that the errors received are corrected as soon as possible. This may include, for example, changing goals or methods. Sometimes the model can lead to incorrect results. In this case, it needs to be replaced.
We realized that the stages of the control process is not a very complicated topic, if we talk about its universal properties. But at the same time it all depends on which variety is being implemented. For example, take quality control. There you need to change the focus of control. The stages of quality control are generally the same, but there are certain nuances. True, an ordinary person does not need to understand them. Understanding what stages of control exist, in detail, is necessary only for professionals. The same article is general education.
Quality control
This is one of the varieties of control, which is awarded a separate place. Its meaning is to verify the conformity of the products produced to a number of factors. The first is state standards. They are used as a guide at the first stage. The second is the technical conditions, which must be clearly maintained.
And the third is the conformity of finished products to the expectations of consumers. This is also a very important point. If the product meets the standards, then this does not mean that it will completely suit other people. And the latter will perceive the product as low-quality, although it is made in accordance with all standards. And to monitor their implementation, you need to use control. But we’ll talk about this in more detail in the section on control objectives.
Control functions
Let's take a closer look at the main tasks that are set for a person who is about to exercise control. The control steps are not relevant for the analysis of functions.
- Assessment of the effectiveness of decisions made.
- Analysis of the validity of these decisions.
- Identification of deviations in the functioning of the controlled system.
- Develop ways to eliminate existing deviations.
- Prevention of wrong decisions and technology violations.
As you can see, these functions are an excellent strategic tool, for which there is control in the form familiar to us. So, we figured out what control is, what types and stages of control exist. We also figured out a number of complex topics. For example, stages, control functions - all this needs to be not only crammed, but also understood.