Broke a nail to meat? What to do in this case

If a girl broke her nail to meat - what should I do? The advice that women's magazines give may not work: stick a nail on the plaster, draw a funny face on it, or keep it bent all the time, and answer the questions of others that the shark bit off. Or bandage a finger and explain, looking thoughtfully into the distance: "Nonsense, a gangster bullet ...".

Seriously, you need to urgently stop the blood using hydrogen peroxide. It also protects the wound from infection. And then solve the cosmetic issue.

First aid

But what if a woman pinched or broke an extended nail into meat? What to do in this case? If the crack has passed along the nail bed, dividing the artificial nail into two parts, it can be glued. To do this, the wound is well disinfected. Specialty stores sell special disinfectants for skin and nails. They add antifungal, antimicrobial and other substances. After treating the wound with a disinfector, apply a drop of glue for tips on the surface of the crack. The nail sticks together and will grow for about two months, until it reaches the free edge. After that, it will be possible to cut it.

Bandaged finger

A black seam forms at the crack site - this blood penetrates into the glue before it is frozen. Three minutes after application, the adhesive hardens so firmly that it can be filed. Rhinestones are placed on top or a picture is pasted to hide the blackness.

Nail Repair Kit

Many do manicures on their own without resorting to the help of professionals. But there are situations when you can get confused. For example, a woman broke a nail under meat. What if she is on vacation in another country and does not plan to spend money on a beauty salon? In shops selling varnishes, glue for tips is always on sale. The composition indicated cyanoacrylate. It glues together cracks formed on the free edge of the nail. If the nail is broken so that the free edge is no longer there, you can try sticking a piece of tea bag on top. For the convenience of repairing nails, a kit is issued, which includes a fireclass (silk for repair), glue and a degreaser.

Nail bed injury

Repair Instructions:

  1. Degrease a fingernail.
  2. Cut a piece of material for repair.
  3. Apply a drop of glue to the nail.
  4. Attach the cut piece and smooth it.
  5. Glue the patch again.

If desired, you can repeat the procedure. If you stick several layers, gluing each, you get an impromptu papier-mâché, replacing a natural nail. It can be varnished, and no one will guess that the nail is disabled.

Professional help: modeling

There is a list of limitations for nail extensions. It is better to come to the session with the master with a manicure done three days before. This requirement is explained as follows: a shape is inserted under the nail, and it is necessary to have at least a minimum free edge for this.

Modeling a damaged nail

Experienced masters, when asked whether it is possible to build a broken nail for meat, answer that everything is possible. What technology to use in this case, the specialist decides on the spot. You can apply the upper forms, which do not require a free edge, or glue the tips used to build nails with high pads on the fingers.

The choice of material can also be different: if the nail bed is injured, then the gel is most likely not suitable due to heating during polymerization. And with healthy nails, there is a burning sensation, but for a wounded finger it is completely painful. Acrylic modeling is preferable in this case - there is no heating of the material during polymerization.

Professional help: biogel

Professional athletes sometimes get nail injuries. Almost always, these are deep damage to the matrix - the root of the nail. After removing part of the plate, a long healing surface remains. Now they use biogels to fill them with an open nail bed. These materials do not give a burning effect in a manicure lamp.

Broke a nail to meat

If the girl is not an athlete, but also broke a nail to meat, what should I do? Should I use biogel? When a severe injury to the nail, its bed is damaged, only biogel is used, tissue repair occurs under this material.

It can be used partially, especially if the artificial nail is broken, part of it is cut off at the cuticle, and the rest rests well, so do not remove it. In this case, partial filling with biogel is performed.

It is important not to skip the correction every two weeks. After aligning the nail, you can paint it with varnish or apply color gel. You can apply gel polish on top - any decorative material. But on the "meat" put biomaterial.

Professional help: bruising

If a girl wears a short length and at the same time breaks a nail to meat - what should I do? When a short nail breaks (which is extremely rare in general) - it means that a lot of force was applied to it. Perhaps he was pinched by the door or fell on him with his whole body. Almost always, the injury is accompanied by a bruise, which makes the nail blue or black.

In this case, the length is not restored, although you can impose two layers of fiberglass with glue. But it is better to cut off the free edge at all. After that, a decorative coating of black or blue is applied to hide the bruise. All other shades will not work, because the blue nail will shine through.

Dressing a bruise with broths

In the photo above, the bruise on the nail is hidden under the design. In its decoration, broths and rhinestones were used.


Of course, when the girl received a serious injury, you should go to the emergency room as soon as possible. But perhaps she simply lost the free edge, although she claims to have broken her nail to meat. What to do then? First of all, advise her to calm down and go to the salon. You can come even without an appointment, urgently. The specialist will determine the degree of damage and choose the most suitable option to preserve the beauty of manicure.

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