Types of packaging for quail eggs

Many products have their own packaging. Their presence allows you to safely transport and store goods. Packaging for quail eggs should be multifunctional, because only then it will protect the product from damage. Modern manufacturers use polystyrene, plastic and paper to make. More details about all types are described in the article.

Quail egg storage

It is better to store products in the refrigerator, because then its shelf life is much longer. To do this, it is better to use special stands, but you can leave the eggs in the packages in which they were sold. It is advisable to place them away from fresh meat, fish, as well as products with a pronounced smell.

quail egg packaging

If you store eggs at room temperature, it is best to leave them in the store packaging. It is better to wash them before use, but do not do this immediately after purchase. Shelf life in the refrigerator can reach 60 days, and at room temperature - up to 30 days. For storage, you can use cardboard and plastic containers, which will be discussed in the article.

Cardboard Cells

Carton packaging for quail eggs is considered traditional. With it, gentle transportation of goods is provided. In addition, it can be used for advertising. Such a product is safe for health. They make it by paper casting. Compared to plastic, there is no fogging effect when the air temperature changes.

packaging for quail eggs Moscow

Eggs will be stored in such packaging longer. Container capacity may vary. The color of the cardboard is different, but usually they use gray. For the box, you can create a self-adhesive label. The product from waste paper is soft and at the same time tough, serves as a replacement for polystyrene and plastic, does not include impurities.

Advantages of Cardboard Products

Cardboard packaging for quail eggs has the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • a thick layer of cardboard serves as a reliable protection;
  • better heat-insulating properties compared to plastic;
  • printing image is applied;
  • simple disposal, used for recycling.

Packaging for quail eggs from the manufacturer is in different versions, colors. Products differ in the number of cells.

Plastic cells

Used plastic packaging for quail eggs. Compared to other boxes, the product has the following advantages:

  • transparency of the container allows you to see the contents;
  • protection against light mechanical influences;
  • convenience of storage, transportation, use;
  • air intake to the product is available;
  • plastic containers do not deteriorate from moisture or a broken egg;
  • robust design of locks protects against accidental opening of the package.

Which product is better?

What is the best packaging for quail eggs - plastic or cardboard? To understand this, you should consider some nuances:

  1. Cardboard is formed from recycled materials, it is processed on special equipment. The soaked paper base is formed and dried in the form of a cellular structure with or without covers. Corrugated cardboard is used for packaging products that are best placed in boxes with cells. Such products are chosen because of environmental friendliness, the possibility of recycling, a long shelf life and bright design. Product transportation is also safe because there are no gaps.
  2. Plastic is cheaper, it is better formed. The product will be lighter in weight, has an aesthetic appearance and goes well with sticky markings. In the manufacture of vacuum equipment is used, which can work with polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride. The production process is simplified, since it is not necessary to perform soaking, settling and cleaning, as is required with waste paper. Thermoforming devices create containers for eggs and other products.

do-it-yourself quail egg packaging

Which is better? In both packages, the products are protected from damage. But if an egg breaks in a plastic product, then it spreads and dries. In a paper container, the product is absorbed and serves as a favorable environment for the propagation of microorganisms.

Do it yourself

You can make packaging for quail eggs with your own hands. This will require thick cardboard, for example, from the box, as well as scissors, scotch tape. From paper you need to create a box with a lid, gluing the seams with adhesive tape. To prevent eggs from breaking inside, create cells using cardboard strips. In such a container, the product will be protected from mechanical stress.

From the manufacturer

Packaging for quail eggs in Moscow is ordered in different companies. Typically, products are needed to transport products to stores and supermarkets. Production is based on the wishes of customers. Products may vary in color, size, shape, and materials.

quail eggs packaging

Since quail eggs are considered a specific product that needs a special container, special packaging should be purchased for it. With its help, proper transportation and storage is ensured. Packaging preserves the freshness and appearance of the product.

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