Fitin peeling: advantages and features

Modern cosmetology offers many procedures that contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of the facial skin. At the same time, technology is constantly being improved. There are new effective techniques that can make the skin more attractive and healthier.

One of these innovative treatments is phytin peeling . How the presented technique is applied, its result and features - all this must be considered before going to the beauty salon.

general description

Professional face peelings are used by many beauty parlors. Such formulations are based on innovative technologies. Carrying out such procedures at home has a significantly lesser effect. Therefore, salon procedures do not lose their popularity.

Fitin Peeling

Peeling, which uses phytic acid to treat facial skin, has begun to be used relatively recently. This substance is obtained from processed grains of rice or wheat. This technique helps to cope with acne. Phytic acid is also known for its powerful whitening effect. It helps to get rid of age spots.

The presented procedure has a general tonic and anti-aging effect on the skin. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out. In this case, the procedure belongs to the category of sparing. It can be used for sensitive or dry skin.

Features of phytic acid

Peeling masks using phytic acid promote the regeneration of facial skin cells. The presented substance has various effects. This is a complex compound that has an ether base.

The acid is characterized by a mild exfoliating effect. It well cleans pores from various impurities. Also, the acid is involved in the inhibition of melanin synthesis in the subcutaneous layers. The substance also regulates the sebaceous glands.

Professional face peeling

Phytic acid is known for its lifting effect on the skin. As a result, she becomes fit. Mimic small wrinkles are smoothed out. This is made possible by accelerating the production of collagen and skin elastin under the influence of phytic acid.

Also, the presented substance kills pathogenic bacteria, visually reduces the pore size.

Features of the procedure

To carry out the presented procedure, various brands of peelings are used . They are distinguished by cost and efficiency. However, the principle of their action is similar. The presented compositions are necessary for surface correction of various skin defects.

Fitin peeling reviews

This technique has a surface effect. Compositions that are applied to the skin do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. The presented procedure is often called Hollywood peeling. This is due to its high popularity among the stars of cinema.

The composition of the funds that are used during the procedure may include other components that can improve the condition of the skin. This, for example, may be succinic, glycolic or tartaric acid. Such additives increase the protection of the skin from the penetration of various bacteria into it. They additionally moisturize the epidermis, give it youth and health.


Peeling with phytic acid is indicated for a number of deviations and pathologies of the skin of the face. This is a fairly effective tool. With regular use of phytic acid, a significant improvement in the state of the epidermis can be achieved.

Fitin peeling at home

The presented peeling is shown to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands for owners of oily, inflamed skin. The treatment will be quite effective with acne and hyperpigmentation.

If the horny top layer of the skin has increased on the skin due to certain reasons (adverse environmental conditions), treatment with phytic acid gives a positive result. Hyperkeratosis can be overcome quickly enough.

The procedure is also indicated for prophylaxis against age-related changes, expression wrinkles, elimination of small traces of scars, rosacea.

Features of the procedure

Fitin peeling at home is characterized by a much lower result. This is due to the features of professional skin treatment. A qualified master performs all the movements accurately and correctly. Thanks to this approach, the skin has the highest quality effect.

Peeling marks

Before starting the procedure, you will need to undergo some training. It is aimed at reducing the thickness of the stratum corneum. Within a week before visiting a beauty parlor, you will need to treat your face with formulations containing 15% glycolic and mandelic acid.

The peeling procedure is carried out in a course. It includes from 4 to 6 sessions. Each of them lasts for 50 minutes. This is a pleasant, relaxing procedure. During its implementation, the patient does not experience discomfort. The course must be completed within 1 month.

Stages of the procedure

A special sequence is characterized by a peeling procedure for the face. Professional techniques can apply a variety of tools. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to ask the cosmetologist what components are included in the peeling cream. Preference should only be given to quality, proven formulations.

First, the master prepares the patient's skin for processing. He removes makeup, cleanses the epidermis. Next, a weak solution of glycolic acid is applied to the face. This technique allows you to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

After this, the cosmetologist will apply a composition with a high content of phytic acid to the skin. After 15 minutes, the remnants of the peeling agent are gently washed off the face. Next, the stage of skin toning is carried out. The application of a regenerating mask completes the treatment.


Fitin peeling is a gentle procedure. However, there are a number of contraindications for its implementation. Peeling is prohibited if the skin has eczema or psoriasis. Also, herpes can cause the inability to treat the epidermis with phytic acid.

If there are fresh wounds or scratches on the face, this procedure will also have to be postponed until the damage is completely healed. Various oncological ailments and diabetes mellitus are also a contraindication to such peeling.

Pregnant and lactating mothers are not recommended to undergo a peeling procedure using phytic acid. In some cases, individual intolerance to the ingredients of the processing agents may be noted. When redness, discomfort, the master must carefully remove the composition from the skin. In this case, the use of phytic acid is prohibited.

Reviews about the procedure

Reviews about phytin peeling that visitors of various beauty salons leave are mostly positive. This is a fairly pleasant procedure. In the process of its implementation there is no burning sensation, pain. After the first session, a noticeable improvement in skin condition is observed. In this case, the result remains for a sufficiently long time (up to 5 months).

Peeling masks

Side effects are very rare. Some patients experience slight redness of the skin. It passes one hour after the completion of the procedure. If after the procedure the skin has become swollen, you must consult a doctor. He will prescribe antiallergic drugs. An exacerbation of herpes is also possible. In this case, it will be necessary to be treated with appropriate antiviral drugs. However, negative consequences are extremely rare.

The procedure can be performed at any time of the year. It is quite universal. Regardless of the type of skin, patients can expect a high result.

Cosmetical tools

Today, many different compositions are used for Hollywood peeling. Their cost is approximately the same. The processing procedure in a beauty salon costs about 2-3.5 thousand rubles. The entire course will cost about 11.5-15 thousand rubles. Renew (Israel), Skin Tech (Spain), Skin Medica (USA) are very popular foreign fitin peeling products. Medicontrol Peel Peeling Cream is also used.

Peeling with phytic acid

In beauty salons, pre-peeling skin preparations are also carried out. For this, special formulations are used. Such a procedure costs about 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

The presented compositions have established themselves as high-quality, reliable means. They almost never cause allergies, other side effects. Due to their high efficiency, the presented peeling products are used everywhere. They can be used at home. However, salon procedures are more effective. The skin looks well-groomed for a long time.

Recommendations of cosmetologists

Fitin peeling requires proper behavior after the procedure. The processing result and the duration of the positive effect depend on this. After treating the skin with phytic acid for the first few days, do not touch it with your hands or scratch it.

You can only clean your face with soft mousses and a foam. Such funds are quickly absorbed. With this approach, redness does not appear, and the skin remains beautiful for a long time. Cosmetics can be used only 4 days after treatment. It is also forbidden to apply any creams to the skin.

When 5 days have passed, you can protect your face from direct sunlight with the help of special creams. Before this, it is not recommended to sunbathe, visit the pool. Subsequently, you can moisturize the skin with high-quality compounds that will improve the process of tissue regeneration. It is recommended to use gels based on hyaluronic acid, the placenta. This will reduce the likelihood of negative consequences.

If you follow all the recommendations of a cosmetologist, you can expect high efficiency of the procedure. Repeat treatment should be done regularly. The duration of the peeling depends on this. You should give preference to beauty parlors with a good reputation. The final result largely depends on the skill and qualification of the master.

Having examined the features of phytin peeling, reviews, we can conclude that the procedure is highly effective.

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