What is left in the stomach: human anatomy, internal organs and possible diseases

A common reason people go to the doctor is pain in the left side of the abdominal region. The reasons for this ailment are many. This may be the intestine, left kidney, spleen, ureter - infectious diseases, congenital or acquired pathologies. After reading this article, you will find out what is on the left in the stomach and a symptom of which may be pain on this side of the body.

Anatomy of the left side of the human abdomen

To successfully diagnose the underlying disease and understand the causes of pain, you need to know what is on the person’s left lower abdomen. Any of the organs can provoke pain. Due to the work of the nervous system, mirroring of pain often occurs on the neighboring organ (this often happens with the kidneys). Such pain in medicine is called "reflected."

Medicine distinguishes the following bone formations and organs in the left peritoneal cavity:

  • abdominal wall and lower ribs;
  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • duodenum, small and large intestine;
  • left kidney and ureter;
  • vessels and nerves of the abdominal cavity.

Each of these areas of the human body can cause discomfort and pain. An exact diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician based on the results of tests and studies.

which organs are on the left in the peritoneum

Causes of pain in the left abdomen

Now you know what is on the left in the stomach. Painful sensations in this area can be caused by many diseases both in the chronic course and in acute. Most of the symptoms of pain are associated with damage to the pancreas, organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The following types of pain exist:

  • Organ pain, in which the presence of pathology of one or more organs is characteristic. It can be an inflammatory, infectious, ischemic process. At the same time, feelings change: they either fade away, then return with renewed vigor. The pain can be either acute or aching.
  • Parietal pains are characteristic of the abdominal wall and are most often associated with inflammatory processes or internal furunculosis.
  • Neurogenic pain occurs with problems with nerve fibers, which are transmitters of impulses between organs and the central nervous system.
  • Reflected or mirrored pains are found in patients quite often and are characterized by localization in a completely different place from the location of the affected organ. For example, due to cysts on the left ureter, the patient may feel pain in the right side of the lower back.

Abdominal wall

These are soft tissues that prevent damage to the internal organs that are located on the person’s left lower abdomen. Complaining about acute or pulling pain, patients most often point to the front left side of the abdominal wall. It consists of several layers:

  • skin and subcutaneous fat - this layer is characterized by inflammation of the hair follicles, which in some cases can cause painful rashes;
  • the internal organs that are on the left side of the abdomen protect the muscle layer from the abdominal cavity from damage (this is the rectus abdominis and oblique abs);
  • fascia - dense sheets of connective tissue that separate the muscles.

The back and side walls of the abdominal cavity are much thicker, since powerful back muscles are located there.

Pain in the peritoneum can occur due to peritonitis, pelvic peritonitis, acute or chronic mesadenitis.

what hurts in the left stomach

Lower left ribs

On the front left side of the rib completely cover the area of ​​the spleen and partially on the left side of the stomach. In case of splenomegaly, the spleen falls out from under the lower rib and is easily palpated (palpated).

There are twelve pairs of ribs in total. The upper seven pairs (the so-called true ribs) are attached to the sternum in front and to the spinal column at the back. The three lower pairs of ribs (called "false ribs") fuse together, thereby forming a costal arch. Even lower are two pairs of ribs ("floating") - they are not attached to either the sternum or the spinal column. End in the muscle layer on the side. In some people, a thirteenth pair of ribs can occasionally occur - this is a physiological feature.

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The spleen and its role in the body

The spleen is an unpaired organ located above and to the left in the abdominal cavity. Under normal physiology, the ribs completely cover it, protecting it from injuries and bumps.

It is in the spleen that a number of blood cells are formed, blood filtration and accumulation proceed, and red blood cells cease to function. Organ tissue consists of red and white pulp. The spleen is adjacent to the stomach, diaphragm, part of the large intestine, pancreas.

Painful sensations of aching or acute nature occur in the spleen with the following diseases:

  • splenomegaly;
  • perisplenitis;
  • rupture or heart attack of the spleen;
  • vascular thrombosis.

In diseases of the spleen, the patient is characterized by weakness, asthenia, poor mood, and low working capacity. What is on the left side of the abdomen, except for the spleen, and causes the patient discomfort, you will learn a little lower.

Stomach as a source of pain on the left side of the body

This organ is located in the center of the abdominal cavity, but most of it is located on the left. This is the second organ of the gastrointestinal tract after the esophagus. At the entrance to the stomach is an annular muscular sphincter. A similar, but smaller is on the output. The stomach is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is a "battlefield" of enzymes and acids produced by the pancreas, gall bladder and liver. In diseases of the stomach, as in the "domino effect", all vital activity and human health collapse.

Often patients ask themselves which organ is located on the lower left abdomen, while the stomach is the source of discomfort. Pain with an ulcer can be given through the nerve fibers to the upper and lower parts of the abdominal cavity. The pain with gastritis is easy to distinguish, since it is most often associated with food intake - exacerbated by hunger and overeating. Erosion of the lower part of the esophagus and mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach can also cause serious discomfort in the patient.

Polyps of the stomach are also a common cause of patient questions about what is left in the stomach and hurts. Polyps of the stomach are benign tumor formations. Most often, they develop gradually, over the course of many years due to the growth of a portion of the mucous membrane, which is characterized by an inflammatory process. If the polyps are not large, for many years they have not manifested themselves. When proliferating, causing pain in both the left and right sides of the abdomen.

pain in the left abdomen in women

The duodenum and its diseases

The part of the intestine that connects the stomach with the small intestine is called the duodenum. Part of it is located on the left side of the peritoneum. It has many bends, some of which also go into the right territory.

The duodenum performs the following functions:

  • partial re-splitting of food;
  • maintaining an alkaline environment;
  • promotes the development of pancreatic enzymes;
  • It is in this section of the intestine that the main emulsification of fats occurs .

The most common ailment of this organ that provokes pain is a duodenal ulcer. With this disease, aching, painful pains are characteristic. They can occur both day and night, periodically disappearing and appearing again. What is left on the side of the abdomen and causes discomfort? This is likely a manifestation of ailments of the duodenum, pancreas, or kidney problems.


Which organ is located on the left abdomen, produces enzymes, insulin and is sensitive to alcohol and malnutrition? Of course, this is the pancreas. A small organ is of great importance in the general well-being and life of a person. It is divided into left and right sides, between which is located the "body" of the pancreas. It is located retroperitoneally in the body, that is, it does not directly contact the muscle wall of the abdominal cavity. Adjacent to the posterior wall of the stomach, duodenum and spleen.

The functioning of the pancreas is important not only in digestion, but also in the endocrine system. It is she who produces the most important hormone insulin, with a lack of which diabetes mellitus and other endocrine and hormonal disorders develop.

With improper diet and frequent drinking of alcohol, pancreatitis occurs. This disease is an inflammation of the pancreas and becomes a source of severe, severe pain. If this condition is not treated, pancreatic necrosis develops, which almost always ends in death. The pain with pancreatitis is always associated with meals and worsens after a fatty meal (barbecue, fast food, pizza, chips, fatty meat) and alcoholic libations.

If the patient thinks what is on the left near the abdomen, while experiencing sharp pain in this area, it is worthwhile to urgently consult a doctor. Probably this is pancreatitis.

which organs are located on the left

Small and large intestine

The longest part of the gastrointestinal tract is the small intestine. it is here that food is completely broken down. Here, almost all nutrients are absorbed into the blood - amino acids, vitamins, minerals. Food debris and fiber continue to move through the intestines. Loops of the small intestine occupy the posterior lower part of the abdominal cavity, mainly the left side. Part of the small intestine is located on the right side. In this section of the intestine, smooth muscles are perfectly developed, which contract and push the masses forward. This is the process called intestinal motility.

The diameter of the colon is much larger than that of the small one. The main function of this site is the formation of feces. A lot depends on the microflora of the colon.

The following sections of the large intestine are located on the left side of the peritoneum:

  • splenic angle;
  • descending colon;
  • sigmoid colon;
  • transverse colon.

What is on the left abdomen in men and women and can cause pulling pain and discomfort? Most likely, this large intestine makes itself felt. It can be colitis, proctitis, irritable bowel syndrome, left-side ulcerative colitis, spastic constipation. For an accurate diagnosis, you must consult a gastroenterologist.

stomach ache on the left

Left kidney and ureter

These organs are a common cause of pain. The left kidney is located below, just below the level of the lower back on the left side. The left ureter is localized near the anterior abdominal wall. This is a thin tube about twenty centimeters in length that runs from the gate of the kidney to the bladder.

What is in the lower abdomen on the left in men and is a source of pain? Most likely, this is a kidney. Pain can occur with nephroptosis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis.

Often patients ask the question: "What hurts and which organ is located on the lower left abdomen?" Depending on the nature and severity of pain, we can conclude that the cause is in the organs of the urinary system.

If a stone comes out, the pain will be sharp and unbearable. You must contact an ambulance. If the patient has a fever, he is feverish and nauseous, while his lower back is aching, most likely he has pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. In this case, it is also forbidden to let the disease drift. Without medical intervention, even a fatal outcome is possible.

What is located in the lower left abdomen and causes a throbbing pain that occurs from time to time? It probably passes sand through the ureter. 65% of men and women have a tendency to stone formation in the kidneys (this is also facilitated by the quality of drinking water). But most often, stones do not form and come out in the form of fine sand through the ureter. This process causes sharp passing pain in the lower left abdomen. If sand exits through the right ureter, sensations will be concentrated on the right.

severe pain on the left

Abdominal vessels and nerves

Blood supply to the peritoneal organs is a complex topic, deepening into which will take a lot of time. The main abdominal artery is a large vessel called the abdominal aorta. It is a continuation of the thoracic aorta. The abdominal aorta branches out to every organ, to every tissue.

The main branches of the abdominal aorta:

  • superior mesenteric artery;
  • inferior mesenteric artery;
  • lumbar and lower phrenic arteries;
  • ovarian arteries;
  • renal arteries;
  • adrenal arteries.

The main nerve plexuses located on the left side of the abdominal cavity:

  • abdominal aortic;
  • sunny;
  • diaphragmatic;
  • hepatic;
  • upper and lower gastric;
  • adrenal glands;
  • splenic.

What is left in the abdomen of a person and can cause pain of a sharp, sudden nature? Perhaps this is a disease of the vessels of the abdominal cavity. The most common ones are:

  • mesenteric thrombosis;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • atherosclerosis of mesenteric arteries;
  • thrombosis of the arteries of the abdominal cavity.

These are very complex diseases, and you cannot diagnose them yourself. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination with a phlebologist, angiologist, cardiologist, neurologist.

What is on the left abdomen in women and causes pain?

Here is an approximate list of causes of pain in the left half of the peritoneum among the fair sex:

  • urological ailments;
  • problems with gynecology;
  • gastroenterological diseases;
  • various injuries (the most rare reason, but do not forget about it).

What is in the lower left abdomen in women and causes pulling pains? Discomfort in the left abdomen can be caused by inflammatory, infectious, chronic or acute processes in the internal organs. Often, during the initial intake, pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, ulcer or erosion of the gastric mucosa, kidney stone discharge, ureter rupture, gynecological problems are diagnosed.

Gynecological pain is characteristic only of the lower abdomen, above the pubic bone. Gynecology is often confused with pain in the gastrointestinal tract. An accurate diagnosis is possible only after passing all the tests and examinations (ultrasound, MRI, CT, radiography).

Pain requiring medical supervision and hospitalization

If discomfort in the left side of the peritoneum is accompanied by bleeding during emptying, vomiting of bile masses, loss of consciousness, fever and fever, you must contact an ambulance. The doctors on duty will arrive and take the patient away, having issued him in a hospital. They will conduct a competent diagnosis and accurately determine the cause of the ailment.

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