Acne Boric Acid: reviews. Method of application, effect.

Skin problems today occur in different people. In addition to adolescence, acne can often occur in adulthood. Of course, everyone feels great discomfort. Successfully copes with this problem, boric acid from acne. Reviews about this drug confirm this result. In the article we will study this tool, the features of the application and the opinions of people who have tested it.

acne boric acid reviews

Alternative to expensive drugs

Today, many cosmetics are sold from well-known manufacturers that are aimed at combating acne. Many of them are expensive. However, giving a significant amount for the advertised funds, we often see that they do not help from the problem in question.

We have to look again on the Internet or in stores and pharmacies for new effective means and spend a lot of money on it. Meanwhile, there is a method, which at present can be called almost free. It was successfully used by our mothers and fathers, and maybe even grandparents. This is boric acid from acne. Reviews about her leave almost enthusiastic.


Let us consider in more detail this problem, as well as the cause of its occurrence.

With blockage of the sebaceous glands and inflammation of the hair follicles, a disease called acne or acne occurs. Doctors name a variety of reasons for their appearance. The main elements of the disease are comedones, acne, cystic cavities and the formation of nodes.

Acne is directly related to the general condition of the whole organism. In addition to the traditional rash during puberty, the causes can be hidden in infections, disorders of the immune or endocrine systems, at the genetic level, in the digestive tract or can be caused by mental disorders.

acne boric acid reviews and photos

They appear both in infancy and in old age. Of course, most often this problem concerns boys and girls. Among the most common causes are the following:

  • hormonal changes in adolescence;
  • rashes before menstruation;
  • non-disappearing acne after adolescence (which indicates violations associated with the reproductive system);
  • thickening of the stratum corneum;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • individual microflora;
  • stressful conditions;
  • immunity disorders;
  • use of unsuitable cosmetics;
  • hot climate with high humidity;
  • sun and ultraviolet rays;
  • contact with toxic substances;
  • extrusion;
  • taking medications;
  • washing the skin too often.

Whatever the boric acid from acne reviews, who have tested the remedy, the treatment, of course, should be comprehensive.

Treatment methods

Therapy should solve such problems as the prevention of the appearance of new comedones, the removal of existing ones, the reduction of secreted fat, and the removal of inflammation.

In this case, usually prescribed procedures in a beauty salon, prescribe funds for home use (this, including acne boric acid, reviews of which will also be discussed below). If acne was caused by chronic diseases of the internal organs, then their treatment must be carried out. Otherwise, even if it is possible to get rid of acne, they will soon arise again, since the cause that caused them will continue to negatively affect the body.

In most cases, you should review your diet and switch to healthy foods.

facial acne boric acid reviews

Acne Boric Acid

Reviews about this drug are left separately or together with another drug. First, we consider it exclusively to understand the effect on the skin.

Boric acid is available in the form of an ointment, powder and solution. In each of them, it is she who is the main substance. The auxiliary components are different:

  • 3% boric acid contains 70% ethyl alcohol, and the bottle is sold at 70 milliliters;
  • powder can be purchased at 2, 10 and 20 grams;
  • ointment has a 5% concentration and is prepared on petroleum jelly, it is packaged in containers of 25 grams.

Depending on the purpose, different forms are used. In relation to our topic, a solution of boric acid from acne is used. Reviews almost all of this confirm.

Boric acid is a powerful antiseptic. It is able to destroy various microorganisms by denaturation and coagulation. Thus, the tool actively fights viruses, ectoparasites, bacteria and fungi.

It is used exclusively for external use. After application to the skin, it begins to actively destroy infectious pathologies. The product is perfectly absorbed into the blood.

We are treated in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist

acne boric acid reviews effectiveness

Back in the 19th century, it was successfully used for various purposes, including boric acid from acne. Reviews before and after the 20th century, however, remain the same. Already in those distant days, they knew about its excellent ability to penetrate deeply into the skin and accumulate in organs and tissues. Due to this quality, boric acid was actively used as an antiseptic.

In addition to the disinfectant, it can well dry inflammation, including acne. Acne is not just an aesthetic problem. As mentioned above, not all drugs, even the most expensive ones, are effective in combating this phenomenon.

However, you cannot use the product uncontrollably. You need to go to the doctor and get a recommendation from him. Then boric acid from acne on the face will be effective. Reviews of people mention that it is used in strictly defined proportions by the doctor in combination with other drugs. Given the strong effect, do not use it without a doctor’s prescription. Otherwise, the skin may begin to peel off due to excessive dryness.

We treat the cause and consequences

If boric acid from acne on the face is correctly and regularly applied, reviews indicate that soon the amount of acne will decrease, red spots, if any, will disappear and the skin will get a healthy look.

The drug should not be used if there is almost no problem. In addition, dermatologists, first of all, recommend finding out the cause of the appearance of acne, and only then choose the means to get rid of it.

After all, if it turns out that the cause of the appearance of acne lies in the disruption of the internal organs or the hormonal system, then without appropriate treatment boric acid from acne will be useless. Testimonials are often associated with the effectiveness of the method with this.

But if the problem is caused only by increased work of the sebaceous glands, then the tool will help without any additional treatment.

It should be borne in mind that the substance is toxic, and is excreted from the body for a long time.

acne boric acid reviews how to use


What do they say about in which cases boric acid helps against acne, reviews? Its use will help in different cases, for example, with:

  • psoriasis
  • neurodermatitis;
  • blackheads;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  • any acne.

The effectiveness of the product lies in deep cleansing of the skin, when a lasting result is guaranteed. If the new acne is dried, then they will no longer appear. At the same time, oily skin leaves, but addiction to the drug does not occur.


Boric acid from acne (reviews and photos see below) has a number of indisputable advantages.

  1. This is, first of all, cheapness. In any pharmacy, a drug is bought literally for a penny and without any prescription.
  2. At the same time, using the drug is very simple. They lubricate problem areas of the skin.
  3. And finally, boric acid is a very effective remedy. It has a gradual result, but lasting for a long time.


As with any drug, in addition to the pros, there are also disadvantages. So, the tool is able to have the following negative effect.

Cause itching, burning and dermatitis. Therefore, it must be used especially carefully with sensitive skin, since an allergic reaction may occur.

Dries the skin. Therefore, for those who have initially dry skin type, such a tool is not recommended.

Thus, if you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then it is better to choose another treatment for acne. In addition to boric acid itself, an allergy can also appear on other components that make up the drug. Before the first use, it is necessary to do a test, lubricating a small area of ​​the skin. If redness appears and itching begins, then it is better to abandon its use.

It should also be borne in mind that alcohol is included in boric acid. And he dries the skin. For this reason, it is not recommended for those with a dry type.

If the funds are applied too much or have been used for too long, an overdose may occur. Then an adverse reaction will appear in the form of a headache, nausea and vomiting. If such a reaction occurs, you must definitely consult a doctor.

acne boric acid reviews method


The substance is found in many cosmetic preparations intended for the treatment of skin. These are masks, and tonics, and creams, and lotions. You can also prepare home remedies, which include boric acid from acne. Reviews: "The method of preparation is the key to successful treatment." So many say. Different recipes with boric acid are suitable for different people. Let's consider some of them.

To prepare an acne mask, take 50 grams of glycerin and add 20 milliliters of boric acid solution to it. After mixing the ingredients, apply the mask to problem areas and leave for a quarter of an hour. This mask is good to do twice a week for oily skin.

To prepare the lotion, boric alcohol is mixed with chamomile tincture in equal proportions. They clean their clean face twice a day.

Acne Chloramphenicol and Boric Acid

Reviews show that the combination of levomethicin with our solution is a very effective tool. It’s easy to cook.

You can take in equal proportions 1% solution of chloramphenicol, 2% solution of salicylic acid and 3% solution of boric.

Another recipe consists of the following components:

  • camphor alcohol 80 milliliters;
  • chloramphenicol - 4 tablets;
  • streptocide - 10 tablets;
  • boric acid - 30 milliliters.

acne boric acid reviews application


Big talkers began to use talkers, which include boric acid from acne. Reviews: “The method of use remains the same for different recipes. Only problem areas need to be lubricated with talkers. ” So dermatologists and people who have tried different recipes recommend it. A talker can be prepared, for example, with zinc ointment or aspirin.

For the first recipe, you will need 40 milliliters of salicylic acid and 25 milliliters of boric solution. A teaspoon of zinc ointment is added to these ingredients, mixed and refrigerated. Use the drug twice a day.

To prepare another composition, take four aspirin tablets, grind them and mix with a bottle of boric alcohol. Such a tool is best used at night.

If during use the skin became too dry and began to peel off, then the whole face is no longer smeared, but limited only to problem areas. After the course prescribed by the doctor, the treatment can be repeated after three months.

What else is the use of boric acid?

Boric acid does not only help against acne. Reviews: “Its powder copes well with skin problems associated with infections (weeping eczema). The area is then covered with a thin layer twice a day. ” In addition, it is useful in the following cases:

  • with small cuts and burns, they treat the skin with it;
  • in a very diluted form, the eyes are washed;
  • diluted for vaginal showers.

It is widely used even as a top dressing for many crops. The plants then grow better and give more yield. They become more resistant to disease and adverse weather conditions. Experts estimate that due to top dressing containing boric acid, the yield increases from 20 to 25%. In it, seeds are soaked, added to the soil, leaves are sprayed and used as a ready-made fertilizer.

This versatile positive effect is boric acid. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a simple tool becomes so effective in the fight for healthy and beautiful skin.

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