Non-surgical rhinoplasty: reviews, photos. Non-surgical nose rhinoplasty

After plastic surgery turned into an easily accessible service, and the prices for it became quite acceptable, the rules of the struggle for an attractive appearance became more complicated: hundreds of people decided not to be themselves and set themselves the goal of turning their body into a standard of beauty using a surgeon's scalpel.

The first place in demand was taken by nose surgery . But if a person is not ready to lie down under the surgeon's scalpel, can he be offered any alternative? Is rhinoplasty non-surgical possible? Let's try to figure this out.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty: the essence of the procedure

Fortunately, external defects of the nose can be corrected without radical surgical interventions. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a completely real method that thousands of people have already used to try to improve their appearance.

non-surgical rhinoplasty

An alternative to the surgeon's scalpel was the injection of special substances that can be safely compared to implants. Fillers are introduced directly into the area of โ€‹โ€‹the face that needs correction, and in the surgeon's skilled hands can not only smooth wrinkles and tighten the skin, but also adjust the shape of the nose.

As a result, a person gets a lasting result, but, unfortunately, not a long-term one. That is, non-surgical rhinoplasty is a procedure that should be performed regularly if you want to enjoy the beauty of your facial features constantly.

The injection process itself does not take more than 30 minutes.

The benefits of non-surgical nose correction

non-surgical rhinoplasty reviews
As mentioned above, non-surgical rhinoplasty takes only 30 minutes, and the rehabilitation period - no more than a day.

Non-surgical nose correction is a reversible process, unlike surgery. If the result does not satisfy you, you can turn to another specialist a little later and try to achieve more successful results. If you donโ€™t like the procedure, you can never inject yourself again, and nothing bad will happen.

In addition, you do not need to be afraid of those serious complications that can occur after surgery. After filler injections , there are also negative consequences, but they are reversible, while surgical errors are much more difficult to fix.

And, of course, the price cannot but please. Filler injection will cost much less than a real operation.

Cons of the procedure

non-surgical rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose

You can not say anything about the disadvantages of this kind of rhinoplasty.

  1. Firstly, non-surgical rhinoplasty, reviews of which are mostly positive, is not able to fix serious defects in appearance. Fillers are able to smooth out only minor flaws, but they are not able to radically change the shape of the nose.
  2. Secondly, the result after the injection is short-lived: on average, the filler continues to maintain the given shape for 8 months. And only in rare cases, the result can please its owner or mistress for three years.
  3. Thirdly, there is a certain list of contraindications to the procedure. Failure to comply with these conditions can lead to sad consequences.

Indications for non-surgical rhinoplasty

non-surgical rhinoplasty with diprospan
Many minor defects can be eliminated by non-surgical rhinoplasty - photos of thousands of patients who have had successful injections confirm this. First of all, with the help of fillers you can get rid of:

  • humps;
  • troughs;
  • asymmetry;
  • defects of the nasal tip;
  • sharp corners;
  • sagging;
  • sagging.

Also, they resort to injections after surgical rhinoplasty, which ended in failure. Fillers act in this case as a lifeline, which allows you to at least somehow hide flaws.

The injection procedure takes place under local anesthesia, so you first need to get advice from an anesthetist. And you also need to pass a couple of tests to make sure that the person does not belong to the category of people who are absolutely not allowed to make injections.


non-surgical rhinoplasty fillers
If there is a harmless method to correct your appearance - then this is non-surgical rhinoplasty. Before and after the procedure, the person who injected himself should still monitor his health condition, because there are some contraindications.

For example, it is strictly forbidden to give injections to patients with diabetes mellitus and people who have abnormalities in the endocrine system. To abandon this method of nose correction will also have to suffer from hemophilia, malignant tumors, autoimmune diseases and bleeding disorders.

You should make sure that you are not allergic to those substances that will be introduced under the skin. And in advance, discuss with the beautician the likelihood of keloid scar formation.

Temporary contraindications are periods of pregnancy, lactation and menstruation. Also, you can not do non-surgical rhinoplasty after resurfacing the face and during the period when a person is being treated for ARVI.

Types of non-surgical rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty fillers is divided into several types. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, but the main difference is in the type of fillers.

Gel fillers

Gel fillers are biodegradable, that is, they do not resolve over time. This is a plus, since the effect of the procedure can last up to 5 years.

non-surgical rhinoplasty before and after

Gel preparations are usually used to mask the hump. During the procedure, several injections are made along the nasal bridge - thus, non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed. Reviews of many customers are positive - the hump really manages to significantly smooth out.

The most commonly used drugs are Artefill, Artekoll, Perline, etc. Especially pleased with the results after the use of "Artifill." Firstly, the company Artes Medical conducted five-year experiments and found that their drug does not cause poor health in patients. Secondly, they were able to improve the filler formula, and now it also stimulates the production of collagen by the tissues.

After using Artifill, the effect lasts from six months to five years, which also pleases.

Hormonal fillers

Hormonal fillers are biodegradable, that is, over time they enter into chemical interaction with tissues and dissolve. This category includes well-known collagen, fillers based on hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, based on calcium hydroxyapatite. But nevertheless, greater preference is given to such drugs as Diprospan, as well as Kenolog.

non-surgical rhinoplasty photo

Non-surgical rhinoplasty "Diprospanom" allows you to get rid of excess soft tissue. In a word, Diprospan makes the nose smoother and gives it clear contours. However, injections with Diprospan should be done very carefully so as not to remove excess tissue, as well as asymmetric areas, swelling and so on.

In order for the result to please, several injection sessions are needed. The cosmetologist introduces the substance gradually, over a period of 2-3 weeks, and monitors how it is distributed over the desired area of โ€‹โ€‹the nose, constantly adjusting the result.

Basically, hormonal preparations are used to correct the wings of the nose, as well as its tip to give them "aristocratic" sophistication. And basically this procedure is successful. There is only one drawback: hormonal drugs do not give a long-term effect. The maximum period for which you can count is 9-12 months.

Aptos Threads

Non-surgical rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose, as well as its wings, is also possible using Aptos threads. This procedure literally allows you to run the threads through the problem areas of the nose and pull them, giving the desired shape. Correction of the nose with Aptos threads lasts 2-3 days, during which the cosmetologist achieves the desired results, and then only cuts the ends of the threads. Only then will it be possible to admire your new appearance.

Negative effects of non-surgical rhinoplasty

Although it was mentioned above that non-surgical rhinoplasty is a completely harmless method of correcting appearance, nevertheless, by injection, substances foreign to the body are introduced under the skin, sometimes leading to complications.

All the consequences that non-surgical rhinoplasty of the nose can cause are conditionally divided into short-term and long-term.

Short-term complications go away on their own in 2-3 days and do not require treatment. These include redness and pain at the injection site, swelling, and bruising. Short-term complications occur in almost everyone who has undergone the procedure of non-surgical rhinoplasty, and is a predictable reaction of the body to the injection.

Long-term complications, which just require the intervention of a doctor, are much more dangerous. For example, a blockage of blood vessels by foreign particles of the drug - or, in other words, embolism, can become a serious complication. Also, under the influence of gravity, the introduced filler can fall or move to other parts of the face where no injections were made. Allergic reactions to drugs and cases of infection with the herpes virus cannot be ruled out.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Before the injection procedure, a person must visit not only a cosmetologist and a plastic surgeon who will determine the volume and cost of the work, but also an endocrinologist, allergist and other doctors who will confirm that the person has no contraindications to the procedure.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty requires local anesthesia. The area of โ€‹โ€‹the skin on which the manipulations will be performed is necessarily treated with an antiseptic. The rhinoplasty procedure itself takes only 30 - 45 minutes.

After injections, ice is applied to the areas where the needle was inserted, which helps to avoid the formation of hematomas. To avoid further complications, cosmetologists often advise a person to sign up for a special massage the next day, which will help the filler to evenly distribute under the skin. It is possible that you will have to vilify for some time a special tongue, which will protect against injuries and complete the stage of giving the nose the necessary shape.

Within 2-3 weeks it is necessary to refrain from sunbathing, not to go to baths and saunas, and also to completely abandon alcohol.


A sufficiently effective procedure is non-surgical rhinoplasty - photos before and after patients of different sexes and ages confirm this. Without surgery, the risk of spoiling your appearance is minimized. And even if the filler does not take root, is deformed, or another force majeure situation occurs, a person can always adjust the results with an additional injection. At worst, after some time, the filler will resolve anyway, leaving no trace of an unpleasant incident, which cannot be said about the rhinoplasty made by the surgeon's scalpel.

After surgical interventions, patients are rehabilitated within 3 months, immediately clients of beauty salons note the convenience of non-surgical rhinoplasty, after which all edema, redness disappears during the day, and the final result is visible.

Moreover, high-quality fillers practically do not affect the state of human health and hold the necessary forms for a sufficiently long time, so the costs of the procedures will not be so fabulous.

The only thing that upsets is that fillers are not a panacea for all problems associated with appearance. Some defects in the shape of the nose cannot be corrected with fillers alone. And then every person faces an important question: whether to accept oneself as they are, or to take unjustified risks, lying under the surgeonโ€™s knife? After all, any operation is like a lottery: no doctor can guarantee absolute success.

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