To help the student: how to compose a sequin correctly?

Many schoolchildren are wondering how to compose a sequin. In the lessons they are often given such an assignment. But what is it? Sinkwine is a way to retell any material with a couple of phrases. This is a kind of poem (there is no rhyme in it) containing five lines. They contain abridged information taken from the topic covered.

This small poem allows you to convey the most important information from the material studied, and therefore teachers often resort to this technique.

how to make syncwine

Syncwine Functions

Syncwines perform two crucial functions: they help teachers test the knowledge of children and save time, which is never enough. Such a poem allows teachers to exercise control over children, because no one will be able to state the essence in a few lines if there was no familiarization with the necessary material.

How to compose a history sequin?

First you need to decide on the topic. Let it be, for example, a war. Next, you need to write a poem according to plan. An example of such a syncwine:


Merciless, bloody.

They kill, destroy, suffer.

War brings grief to every home.


how to compose a story sequin

The emergence of syncwine, the main task of this method

Sinkwane appeared in America at the dawn of the twentieth century due to the influence of Japanese culture. After some time, it began to be used for educational purposes as an effective way to improve figurative speech, which helps to achieve success in a short time. The objective of this method is to help students better understand the material.

Creating syncwines in a lesson

A phased description of this technique:

1. Familiarization with the requirements for the creation of syncwine.

2. Writing such a poem on a topic in compliance with all the rules.

3. Reading some syncwines (optional).

If the student does not want to share his poem with everyone, then you should not force him. The main thing is for the children to figure out how to compose a sequin. Everything else is secondary.

how to compose a cinquain in social studies

Pair work

Each child is given a few minutes to create a syncwine. Then he, along with a desk partner, puts two poems into one, which both would like. This allows you to critically evaluate this material. This technique requires that students listen to their comrades and take from thoughts of syncwines those thoughts that are consonant with their own. As a rule, this gives rise to a dispute, which, however, benefits the children.

Example from social science

How to compose a cinquain in social studies? There is nothing easier. You just need to understand the topic well, and then everything will work out. Consider an example.


Reasonable, unique.

Lives, breathes, works.

Society is made up of individuals.

Homo sapiens.

Syncwine Requirements

history sequin

Such a poem must be written in compliance with certain rules:

Line number 1 - the name of the syncwine - contains one word (as a rule, a pronoun or a noun). It should indicate the subject (or thing), which will be discussed.

Line number 2 - a couple of words (usually participles or adjectives). They should describe the qualities or signs of the subject put in the name of syncwane.

Line number 3 - contains three participles or verbs. They talk about typical actions of the subject. Children trying to figure out how to compose a syncwine often have difficulty at this point.

Line number 4 - any phrase. It should include the personal opinion of the creator of the syncwane about the thing or subject laid down in the title of the poem.

Line number 5 - a word with which to summarize or expand the content of the topic. Typically, this is a noun through which the student expresses his associations and feelings.

Sinkwain is a work that requires the transfer of material and information in concise phrases, so the child can briefly describe or repeat something.

How to write such a poem on biology?

Firstly, you need to carefully listen to the teacher in the lesson.

biology synquine
Secondly, you should read the entire paragraph from the textbook containing the necessary material. After that, everyone will be able to write a biology sequin. It could be something like this:


Beautiful, unhurried.

Graze, breed, sleep.

Artiodactyls feed on plants.



Recommendations for creating such a poem:

1. At the first stage, it is proposed to write a synquane on the issue in which students are well versed.

2. Initially, when creating this poem, a pair or group work is supposed, and after a while you can already begin to independently compose such a work.

3. Preference is given to synquains, which convey the most accurate information about some aspects of the topic. The student who composed this poem must be encouraged. It is especially difficult for children to receive a synquane in history, and this must be taken into account.

Why is it useful to write syncwines?

What results does the teacher achieve? First of all, the development of educational activities in children (cognitive, communicative, personal, as well as regulatory), the formation of teamwork abilities, and the acquisition of skills in educational and research work. Sinkwain helps to achieve all of these goals.

Initially, work can be carried out in groups, then in pairs, and finally, one by one. The guys learn new words and terms, practice writing phrases and creating sentences. At the same time, it becomes necessary to express one’s attitude to something, to express emotions, to form an opinion about a given topic.

One more example

Schoolchildren really like this kind of work, they begin to independently come up with topics that are simply unlimited. However, it all depends on what subject it is necessary to compose a synquine, what material is being studied. But most of all, students like to write such poems on free topics. Many want to make a Family sequin. How to write it? Yes, just think about your family, about relatives, and then get down to business. Consider an example.

sincwain family
A family.

Friendly, strong.

Live, support, help.

The family is a public unit.


Abilities a student must possess

The work of compiling such a poem is a good way to generalize concepts. The schoolchild should be well aware of the proposed topic, have creative thinking and personal opinion. In addition, he needs to be able to find the most important details in the training material and summarize.

Talent Development Assistance

Children can create syncwine at school or at home. This technique allows you to better understand the main points, rules and definitions from the topic covered. This is a creative rethinking of the material that helps some students develop their talents and abilities. Each teacher who does not want to lag behind time uses this technique in his lessons. Now you know how to compose a sequin. This is completely uncomplicated and accessible to everyone. In this matter, as elsewhere, practice is important. With each new syncway student, the compilation of such poems will be made easier. Many schoolchildren complain that this task is beyond their power, but these are empty words, indicating only that the child is lazy and does not want to delve into the topic. And in children it is necessary to cultivate industriousness and explain to them that you always need to believe in yourself, and then everything will surely work out.

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