Almost all women and men who are overweight think about how to fulfill their dream: to lose weight on food without sports. Moreover, almost every obese person is not able to adhere to a strict diet, which leads to food breakdowns. It is rare for a girl to lose weight without sports. Men in this regard are easier: in most cases they have more muscle mass, the maintenance of which requires more kilocalories. Therefore, they can afford to lose weight, only a little cut calorie daily diet. It is more difficult for women to achieve a dream figure without strict dietary restrictions.
"I eat 1000 kcal per day and do not lose weight"
Nutritionists often hear similar complaints from their wards. Both men and women in their attempts to achieve a slim figure exhaust themselves with diets, the principles of which run counter to the elementary rules of healthy eating.
With a prolonged and sudden restriction in nutrition, the body of the losing weight is in a state of shock. Sudden deficiency of proteins and fats adversely affects the quality of the body. The skin sags and becomes flabby. Losing weight is constantly irritated, feels weak. Efficiency decreases - a person begins to make banal errors by inattention.
Metabolism inexorably slows down. the body thinks that it has fallen into hunger (in fact it is), and begins to stock up on fats even from foods that are not intended for this. To avoid this, it is important to calculate your individual calorie rate and balance of BZHU.
Drawing up a daily balance of BZhU
BJU are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Three main nutrients, each of which performs certain functions after splitting and entering the bloodstream.
Depending on physical activity and daily mental activity, the balance of BZHU and daily calorie content will vary. The more sedentary a person leads, the less energy is needed. Accordingly, you can adhere to fairly strict diets. If a person is physically active - often stands, walks, moves and is forced to process daily large amounts of information on work - he needs more calories.
The optimal proportion of BZHU - 30:20:50.
Making a food diary
To write everything eaten are lazy almost all losing weight. But it is necessary to do this in order to control the volume of food. If a girl lost weight without sports, then she paid special attention to her diet. The optimal weight loss rate is 4-5 kg per month. You should not increase this pace, it can lead to exhaustion.
If a girl claims that she lost weight without diets and sports - this is cunning. It is impossible to achieve weight loss without adjusting nutrition. Keeping a diary avoids compulsive snacks. After all, even harmless nuts or packaging crackers between main meals - this is a direct path to a set of body fat. In order to find a dream figure, you will have to keep yourself in the rein. And in this case, the food diary is a great helper.
The role of protein in the daily diet
Protein food, from which the nutrient is fully absorbed, is:
- meat;
- offal;
- dairy products;
- Fish and seafood;
- chicken and quail eggs.
The most valuable protein from dietary products is chicken, egg white, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese with a low fat content. These products must be present in the diet of every losing weight person. Without protein, it is almost impossible to lose weight. It is a building material for skin, hair, organ tissues and every cell of the human body.
How to lose weight without sports? Have to lean on protein foods and to a minimum limit the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
How to lose weight in a week without sports?
There is a tough but effective method. If the amount of extra pounds is small, it will help. This is the so-called Ducan diet, its first stage.
It implies eating only protein food. You can’t go hungry categorically: you can eat as much protein food as you need to achieve satiety.
You can eat the following foods in any quantity:
- fiber in the form of a powder (ensures the absence of constipation in protein nutrition);
- skim cheese;
- Fish and seafood;
- kefir and milk with a low percentage of fat content;
- coffee and tea without added sugar;
- any meat fried in a small amount of oil or boiled in salted water;
- boiled chicken eggs or steam omelet;
- adding a small amount of low carb sauce is acceptable.
Simple Carbohydrates: Prohibited Food List
If a guy or girl lost weight without sports, then it is likely that they completely refused to eat simple carbohydrates. These substances in the products are the enemies of a slim figure. they are guilty of the so-called abdominal type of obesity, in which the abdomen grows and the sides appear.
How to lose weight at home without sports? The following products should be discarded completely:
- bakery products;
- sugar and any dishes with its addition;
- any bakery products;
- chocolate;
- caramel, nougat and any other sweets;
- cakes, pastries, ice cream.
Fruits with a high glycemic index should also be excluded from the diet. These are grapes, persimmons, sweet apples, peaches. If a girl lost weight without sports, she must have strictly watched her diet and did not abuse sweets.
Complex carbohydrates are a source of energy
In the process of getting rid of extra pounds, in no case can you refuse complex carbohydrates. You can lose weight without sports on proper nutrition only by regularly adhering to the same daily calorie content and observing the balance of BJU.
Complex carbohydrates are what a person feels weak without. Reduced performance and motivation for action. The mood is getting worse. Complex carbohydrates do not provoke jumps in insulin in the blood, making them ideal as food for getting rid of obesity.
List of complex carbohydrates:
- buckwheat porridge;
- oatmeal;
- any vegetables;
- greens;
- durum wheat pasta.
How to lose weight quickly without sports if you are hungry all the time? You should get used to the lack of simple carbohydrates: this usually takes about two weeks. After the body gets used to scooping up energy only from complex carbohydrates, the feeling of painful constant hunger will go away.
Varieties of fats in the diet
The following fats are:
- Trans fats are the most dangerous to health, almost guaranteed to be deposited on the sides, hips and stomach in the form of fat folds. They are found in margarines, sweets, pastries.
- Saturated Fat: Lauric, Stearic, and Palminic Acids. Until recently, it was believed that these fats provoke high levels of cholesterol in the blood. True, today scientists have changed their minds. According to recent studies, stearic acid in milk and chocolate and palmic acid present in meat do not affect the level of “bad” cholesterol.
- Polyunsaturated fats: alpha-linoleic, docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenic - Omega-3, as well as linoleic and arachidonic - Omega-6. These are another healthy fats for our body, which are increasingly mentioned in the context of a healthy lifestyle.
Why can not completely give up fats?
If a person thinks how to lose weight quickly without diets and sports, he should not give up fats. After all, omega-3 and omega-6 are the most valuable nutrients. It is they who keep the skin in a fit state after rapid weight loss. With a deficiency of fats, the skin becomes dry, wrinkles form, and hair begins to fall out. Be sure to add natural cold-pressed oils to salads and first courses, so that when losing weight, the appearance remains "at the level".
Fats can also be taken in capsule form. For example, Omega-3-6-9 or Fish Oil. The optimal amount of fat in the diet is 2 grams per kilogram of weight of a losing weight person.
What drinks are allowed in the process of losing weight
If a person wants to know how to lose weight without sports, he will have to carefully monitor not only the consumed food, but also the drinks. List of allowed:
- low fat kefir and milk;
- tea and coffee without sugar;
- fruit and berry compotes without added sugar;
- milk serum.
Strongly forbidden drinks list
If a person wants to get rid of excess fat, he will have to forget about alcoholic beverages once and for all. Beer, wine, brandy and cocktails - all this is the right way to gain weight. Ethyl alcohol, which is part of any alcoholic beverage, is a simple carbohydrate that most often contributes to puffiness, weight gain and the retention of excess fluid in the body.
Sweet carbonated drinks are also prohibited. Few people read Coca-Cola labels and similar sweet drinks. Meanwhile, the caloric content of such drinks is about 60 kcal per 100 ml.
Skin condition after losing weight
In order for the skin not to sag after losing extra pounds, it is necessary to take care of it:
- regularly massage using anti-cellulite creams;
- take baths with salt;
- arrange a contrast shower;
- Use nourishing and moisturizing creams for skin care.
The regular implementation of these simple tips will help to keep the skin after losing weight in an elastic state, making it silky and well-groomed in appearance.
The most common mistakes when losing weight
Why can't people get rid of obesity? Most people find this too easy.
in fact, it is a difficult and daily work. Fat people are used to seizing up stress and bad mood, rewarding themselves with food for any trifle. To lose weight, you have to rebuild your habits and make new ones. Proper nutrition is hard work that may not immediately bring results. But if a person does everything right, sooner or later the weight will begin to decline even without sports loads.
The most common mistakes:
- strict diets and hunger strikes, after which a person pours on food with tripled strength;
- sugar and sweets;
- the use of strong alcoholic beverages;
- restriction or complete rejection of meat products;
- insufficient use of plain clean water;
- regular drinking beer and sweet cocktails;
- adding even a small amount of sugar to tea and coffee.
If a person is accustomed to sweet drinks in the morning and it is difficult for him to refuse it, you can use a sweetener at the first time switching to proper nutrition. Erythritol is inexpensive and has 0 kcal in it, while it tastes like regular sugar.