A. Blok at the very beginning of the revolution was imbued with the ideas of overthrowing the autocracy. He enthusiastically went to rallies and strongly supported the revolutionaries. And it was in such a social and revolutionary orientation that Alexander Blok's poem "Factory" was written, an analysis of which is presented below.
History of creation
The analysis of the "Factory" of the Bloc should begin with the fact that it was written in 1903, later it was included in the cycle "Crossroads". And immediately the year of creation can say a lot - it was a time when revolutionary ideas were already floating in society. People were waiting for changes, and not only peasants and workers, but also nobles who wanted to change the social order.
Later, the Civil War and other consequences of the revolution caused the poet aversion and aversion. But then his "Factory" became a kind of personification of the situation in the country that existed at that time. It showed the plight of the peasants and workers. And the compositional features of this poem only strengthen its revolutionary orientation.
Idea of the work
In the analysis of Blok’s verse “Factory”, it is necessary to single out the main idea in the work. It is very simple - it is the desire to show what unjust orders existed at that time. A clear division into classes, a privileged position of some and a lower position of others.
Workers and peasants exist near rich people, but do not intersect with them. The prosperous pretend that they do not notice the plight of the latter. The workers cannot resist the will of their masters, and therefore they are forced to work very hard, so that they just have enough for the necessities.
But these poor people do not even realize that a negligible fraction falls to them. That they deserve much more. But at the same time, the elite understands that the work of workers must be evaluated much more. And they are only glad that they manage to deceive them so deftly. A. Blok understood all the poverty of the position of the lower classes. But at the same time, he realized that while the peasants meekly endure, they will not be able to change the established order.
Features of the composition
The poem is written in such a way that strengthens its social orientation. Therefore, the next point in the analysis of the "Factory" of the Block is composition. There are no main characters in this work, but only images - workers and elites, which are not described in any way.
The verse is built on the contrast that the reader notices from the first lines. There is a contrast of black and yellow. And black is the color of workers, the color of fear, hopelessness. Yellow is a symbol of money, the color of warmth and satiety, of security.
Factory, workers - all this is in darkness, somewhere below. And the elite is somewhere in the tall houses, hiding behind the cheerful yellow windows. And if the factory blows cold, then light and heat come from the yellow windows. And with this contrast, the poet sought to show all the injustice of society.
Poet's position
In the analysis of the "Factory" of the Block, it should be noted that the author took the position of an outside observer. He does not consider himself to be either a worker or an elite — he is above all these class divisions. But at the same time, the poet sympathizes with representatives of the lower classes.
Why did the poet take such an “exalted” position? At that time, Block perfectly understood the whole situation. He understood that without vigorous action on the part of the peasants and workers it would not be possible to change the current state of things. Its role is to tell all people about how the society is unfairly arranged, and to show to the oppressed that their future depends on them themselves.
Expressive means and literary trails
The next point in the analysis of the "Factory" of the Bloc is the determination of what means of expression the poet used. In this poem, the author practically did not resort to literary paths. There are no any complicated literary devices.
But this only helps to create the image of a simple people that does not have exalted goals. Because at that time, the workers and peasants had one concern - to earn as much as possible in order to feed their families. The vast majority did not know the basics of literacy. Therefore, the "poverty" in the use of literary paths is understandable.
At this point in the analysis of the "Factory" of the Block, it should be noted that the epithets used have a sad, gloomy hue. And the “copper voice” allows you to create the image of a cold and arrogant owner of this enterprise. The scarcity of expressive means underlines the situation of workers and peasants.
Size and method of rhyming
The next paragraph in the analysis of the verse of the "Factory" Block is the determination of the poetic size. It is written in four-legged iamba, which creates the feeling of marching stride, the march of workers going to work. The rhyming method is cross. Female rhyme on odd lines, and male rhyme, respectively, on even lines. This allows you to create an image of a large crowd of people who live on a specific schedule. And who have no lofty goals other than work.
Analysis of the block poem "Factory" according to the plan will allow you to see all the reasonableness of this work. All the components are interconnected and make it possible to realize the social situation of the country at that moment. This poem sounded like a call to action. No, the poet in him did not speak about active actions, but showing all the contrast between the workers and the elite, he wanted to reach out to the peasants. After all, only from their active actions could something change for the better. Blok wanted people to rethink their way of life and to have more elevated aspirations.