A golden and even skin tone is the dream of every modern girl. How to get it? Go on vacation for a couple of weeks and ... voila! Taking with you a quality sunblock, and lying down under the scorching sun, you can achieve the desired result. However, which sunblock is better? What parameters should you pay attention to when buying it, so that the product not only helps to turn into a "chocolate bar", but also protects against harmful UV rays?
Important information
Sunblock: how to choose? Put a drop of the product on the inside of the elbow, leave for 30 minutes. If there is no redness or itching, then the cream is suitable for you. Liquid texture products do not leave a greasy shine, so it is recommended to buy them for owners of mixed and oily skin. Waterproof sunblock: how to choose and what you need to remember?
There are two types of markings on such funds: waterresistance and waterproof. The former have good stability, the latter practically do not wash off. However, both of them are removed at least halfway, so do not forget to apply them again after bathing. Creams perfectly moisturize and nourish, provide the necessary protection from ultraviolet radiation, but owners of problem skin should refuse them.
Sunblock oil cream : how to choose? A similar texture protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation much worse than other types. Therefore, such a tool is suitable for already tanned people or owners of
dark skin by nature. Sunblock for children, as well as for adults, must be applied one hour before going to the beach and then every 2 hours while in the sun. An interesting fact: a tan will surely lie flat if you drink tea with lemon or eat something salty before going to the beach.
Types of creams and other products
- Cream forming a protective film-filter, which weakens the action of sunlight, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
- Cream stimulator “accelerates” the tan. Means with the “tingle” effect improve blood circulation in the cells and the production of melanin. What is the result? The skin takes on a darker shade. You can not apply such a cream to the face, very pale skin and in case of frequent occurrence of allergic reactions.
- Oil is suitable for those who rarely “sunbathe” in the sun and quickly turn dark. This tool will help to find an even tan in the shortest possible time.
- Milk moisturizes and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. The main drawback is that it is quickly washed off. Therefore, if you want to bathe often, an agent with an oily texture is the best choice.
- Spray calms and moisturizes well. It may be an additional measure.
- It is recommended to use a lip protection product while in direct sunlight, as the skin there is very thin and sensitive. In the evening, enough hygienic lipstick.
- Children's products are usually designed for ages of three years. There are creams for newborns - on the package it says "0+", "suitable for the delicate skin of newborns." It is allowed to use “adult” cosmetics, if the mark “family” is present on the bottle.
Degree of protection
Sunblock: how to choose depending on the desired degree of protection? This parameter is on the package after the SPF mark and indicates the time spent in the sun. If redness appears on your skin after a half hour without a cream, then with SPF10 it will happen ten times slower (after five hours), with SPF15 - 15 times slower (after seven hours). The strongest degree of protection is SPF50 (holds 98% of ultraviolet light), the weakest is SPF2 (allows 50% of the sun to pass through).