Today, one of the most popular methods of weight loss is the Valley diet. The reviews and results of the girls who tried it on themselves are really impressive. How much can you lose weight and for how long? What is the diet based on? The valley? You will find reviews and results, photos and other materials in the article.
Features of losing weight
Larisa Dolina looks younger than her years. And all thanks to the fact that she takes care of herself and supports the figure. However, even 5-6 years ago, the Russian pop star had magnificent forms. At some point, the singer realized that being overweight was preventing her from living.
The kefir diet of Larisa Dolina, the reviews and results of which we are considering today, was developed by a doctor Dmitry Saykov. There are several options for this power system. It is based on a combination of carbohydrates and proteins. Salt and fats are completely eliminated.
Does the Valley diet suit everyone? Reviews and results indicate that women of any age can achieve weight loss. The main thing is willpower and diet. The best results are achieved by those who have more than 10 kg of excess weight.
Do not turn the Valley diet into a lifestyle. This diet does not include fat. But abandoning them for a long time is fraught with health problems.
We cannot but tell about one unpleasant moment. Every day you need to make yourself enemas. For 2 liters of water we take 2 tbsp. l juice squeezed from lemon (or apple cider vinegar). For people suffering from diseases of the colon, enemas are contraindicated. Therefore, they do not fit the diet from the Valley, reviews and results which we will consider later.
The main product is kefir
In just a few months, the singer was able to lose more than 20 kg. Kefir helped her to achieve such amazing results. It is on this basis that the diet from the Valley is based. Are you interested in menus, results, reviews? We are ready to share the necessary information.
We go to the store for yogurt. The diet involves the use of a 1% product. It has a lot of benefits and a minimum of calories. When choosing kefir, you need to pay attention to the manufacturing company. If you buy a cheap product of dubious quality, you can get problems with a chair. And the diet is already a strong stress for the body.
Kefir eliminates the accumulated toxins, improves the digestive tract and charges with energy for the whole day. And it also has a rejuvenating effect.
Daily regime
Before you try the kefir diet on yourself, you need to prepare your body. An ideal option would be a fasting day on unsweetened fruits and green tea.
We think over the regimen of the day. The diet includes 3-4 meals. Between them should be a break of 2 hours. After 18:00 you canβt eat. Before eating, drink ΒΌ cup of herbal infusion (calendula, St. John's wort and chamomile).
Consider allowed products:
- cottage cheese and sour cream (with a low percentage of fat content);
- fruits and vegetables (except grapes and bananas);
- chicken meat (without skin);
- some dried fruits.
No sugar, salt or alcohol. All this inhibits the process of losing weight. The daily water norm is 1.5-2 liters.
Menu compilation
Diet Valley, whose reviews and results are of interest to many, is designed for a week. Below is a menu that will help you reduce volume and reduce weight.
Option number 1
- Monday. Boil 5 potatoes in their skins. We distribute them in 2-3 doses. During the day we drink 0.5 liters of kefir and 1.5-2 liters of water.
- Tuesday. The daily diet consists of products such as sour cream (200 g) and kefir (0.5 l). Plus water.
- Wednesday. It is allowed to eat 200 g of cottage cheese and drink 0.5 l of kefir. This number of products is divided into 3-4 doses. Do not forget about water.
- Thursday. Boil 500 g of chicken breast. We divide into 2-3 doses. During the day you can drink 0.5 liters of kefir.
- Friday. We eat vegetables (no more than 500 g). Beetroot is desirable. You can replace vegetables with apples (1 kg). Of the drinks we use 0.5 liters of kefir.
- Saturday and Sunday. We drink 1 liter of kefir. No products are provided these days.
Option number 2
- Monday. We drink 0.5 liters of kefir. Bake potatoes in the oven (400 g).
- Tuesday. For the whole day, 0.5 liters of kefir and 500 g of cottage cheese.
- Wednesday. In 2-3 doses, eat 400 g of dried fruit. We drink 0.5 liters of kefir.
- Thursday. Boil chicken skin without skin (no more than 400 g). We use 500 ml of kefir.
- Friday. For the whole day: 400 g of dried fruits, 500 ml of kefir.
- Saturday. It is allowed to drink only water (not more than 1, 5 l).
- Sunday. We distribute dried fruits (400 g) for 2-3 doses. We drink 0.5 liters of kefir.
As we can see, the diet is not diverse. The daily rate may seem small. But it will be hard only the first 1-2 days. Then the stomach will begin to shrink and become accustomed to a small amount of food.
A bit of sport
To improve the results of mono-diet, you need to add physical activity. You can enroll in the pool, go jogging or do exercises at home.
Way out of diet
Have you managed to lose a few pounds in a week? Well, you can be congratulated. But this does not mean that now you will eat as before. The intake of sweet and fatty foods, as well as starchy foods, in principle, should be limited. Gradually increase the calorie intake. The best option is 200 kcal every week. Then the lost weight will not come back. After a month, repeat the kefir diet. We observe it no more than 7 days. This is a very important point.
Diet from Valley: Results
Despite the uniformity and rigidity of the diet, this food system is very popular in our country. And there is nothing to be surprised at. Indeed, for a week of kefir diet, you can part with 5-6 kg. In overweight people, this figure is even higher. There were times when girls dropped 10 kg per week. They combined the proposed diet with exercise.
Pros and Cons of Diet
Let's start with the good points. Firstly, a product such as kefir helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Secondly, the diet is very effective. In just a week, you can reduce your weight by 5-10 kg. Thirdly, the diet is based on fractional nutrition.
Now we will dwell on the minuses in more detail. Here are some of them:
1. During weight loss according to the method of Larisa Dolina, one may feel worse (headaches, low blood pressure, nausea, and so on). This is due to a shortage of products containing protein and fiber.
2. Such a diet is absolutely not suitable for people who have problems with the immune system and the digestive tract.
3. Not every woman can withstand severe food restrictions.
Diet from the Valley: reviews
Is it worth it to spend time and try this technique on yourself? To understand this will help the reviews of girls who have lost weight on kefir, as well as the opinions of experts.
What do nutritionists say? Many of them pay attention to the fact that the presented diet is not balanced. A small amount of animal protein can adversely affect your health. However, this can be argued. A prime example is vegetarians. For many years, they refuse to eat animal products and do not experience any discomfort.
Different opinions are expressed by experts about enemas to cleanse the body. Some doctors talk about the benefits of this procedure, while others do not recommend getting involved in it.
Reviews of people who lost weight on a kefir diet, for the most part, were positive. Girls noted its low cost (in terms of money) and effectiveness. The average weight that they managed to lose in a week was 3-4 kg.
Some young women were disappointed with the system of losing weight Larisa Dolina. They did not get the result that they expected. This is understandable. Most likely, the girls themselves violated the proposed diet or neglected physical exercises.
Larisa Dolina is a good example of how willpower and strict adherence to diet help to put the figure in order. She spent several months to bring her weight to normal.
We talked about what constitutes the Valley diet. Reviews, the results of such nutrition are now also known to you. In the absence of contraindications, you can start putting your figure in order already tomorrow. Good luck in the fight for harmony!