Processing bees "Bipin" in the fall: instructions and dosage

Care for bees is necessary if you have your apiary. Important attention should be given to the prevention and treatment of pests and diseases. To do this, autumn processing of bees "Bipin". The rules for its application will be discussed later in the article.

basic information

Processing insects from varroatosis is an important process in modern beekeeping. The life of bee colonies in winter and their development throughout the season depends on this.

The tick of Varroa not only does great harm to insects, but is also a carrier of viruses and diseases, for example, acute or viral paralysis.

processing bees with bipin in the fall

This pest appeared in the USSR about 50 years ago. He began to develop rapidly, causing much harm to beekeeping. But after some time, a way was found to cope with this scourge. But since beekeepers failed to completely get rid of the tick, they constantly prevented the spread of the disease.

Signs of ailment

The tick of Varroa causes a brood defeat. In a bee family with many parasites, during the inspection you can find many damaged insects. Often there are autumn gatherings of bee colonies. As can be seen from the statistics, the main reason for this is this tick and viral ailments.

bee treatment with bipin in autumn dosage

Therefore, it is advisable to carry out prophylaxis several times a year. When the insects begin their autumn gathering, it will be too late to do this, since the tick covers the seeding, and individuals preparing for wintering will weaken and become infected. Therefore, the processing of bees "Bipin" in the fall.

Tick ​​Treatment Methods

Currently, 3 methods are used to treat bees from ticks:

  1. Biological. This method allows insects that fight parasites to get rid of them faster. For this, oxalic or formic acid is used.
  2. Chemical. Used by those who eliminated parasites in other ways, but they were ineffective.
  3. Physical. This method includes heat treatment.

If you use chemical or biological methods, then you need to buy aromatic powders, chemicals, drugs, spray. In this case, processing is performed outside the hive in special cassettes. After treatment, ticks showered from the bees and die due to air deficiency.


As already mentioned, the treatment of this disease is performed by the drug "Bipin". They were engaged in its creation in the USSR, so there is no doubt as a drug.

The instructions for it indicate the dosage of processing the bees "Bipin" in the fall and the fact that the active ingredient is 12.5 amitrase. The product is packaged in 0.5 or 1 ml ampoules and is a yellow or colorless liquid. The drug has a persistent specific odor similar to naphthalene.

smoke gun

For 1 individual, you should spend no more than 10 μg of the substance. It is important to observe the dosage of processing bees "Bipin" in the fall. Only then can we expect excellent results without side effects, otherwise there is a huge risk of causing great harm to insects, since the drug is considered toxic.

The properties

Processing of bees with “Bipin” in the autumn eliminates pests, which are helped by the distinctive properties of the described drug:

  1. It reduces the risk of varroatosis.
  2. Not harmful to bee colonies when used properly.
  3. The result appears after about 3 hours.
  4. Effective in the treatment at different stages of infection.
  5. Use does not affect the quality of honey products.
  6. Processing is easy and no extra tools are needed. It is applied with heat treatment of beehives.

Due to this effect, the drug is in demand among beekeepers. They regularly perform processing, which helps to prevent many problems.


Bipin processing of bees in the fall can be carried out not only for treatment, but also for prevention. It often happens that drones bring into the hive some kind of disease that is not so easy to cure.

bipin instruction

Experts believe that this tool is one of the best in this area. It is safe and easy to use. In addition, the treatment will be effective. Processing is simple, it is only necessary, following the instructions to "Bipin, to properly breed the drug and irrigate the bees.

Instruction manual

There are some processing rules. So, dosage is the main nuance that must be observed. This will allow you to safely perform the procedure. The instructions to the "Bipin" will help to properly process:

  1. The solution must be taken with a syringe. Each bee needs a certain amount of medicine, but the entire bee colony should be treated.
  2. Before you breed "Bipin" for processing bees, pay attention to the proportions. 0.5 ml of the drug should be mixed in 1 liter of water. Processing is performed once a year. And autumn is the most favorable time for this. Rarely is spring chosen for this.
  3. Remember, spending autumn processing of bees with Bipin, at what temperature it can be carried out. The thermometer column should not fall below +5 ° C. You should never perform the procedure in the cold, as insects quickly become sick and die.

Drug action

If everything is done correctly, then the results will be visible after 3-4 hours. Usually, ticks are in poor condition at this time, and their females die first. As a prophylaxis, the drug is used twice a year. The main procedure is performed in the fall. Re-processing of bees with “Bipin” is possible in spring, which is necessary for additional protection.

processing bees with bipin in autumn at what temperature


Since the described drug is toxic, treatment must be performed carefully. The following rules are important:

  1. The procedure must be performed in special clothing (in a bathrobe, glasses, a mask, gloves) so that the drug does not get on the skin, especially on the face.
  2. Processing must be carried out against the wind, so it is important to ensure that the drug does not splatter clothing.
  3. After work, wash your hands with soap and water several times.

Although the drug is not considered very dangerous for people, it should be borne in mind that it is a substance of medium toxicity and still has some threat. Therefore, during operation it is necessary to use protective equipment. A respirator with chemical protective cartridges and gloves will do.

autumn processing of bees with bipin

Using an RPG respirator, it is advisable to use “B” cartridges from 4 classes, which are needed to protect against acids and poisons. It is undesirable to take products of the “petal” or U-2 type, since there is a risk of poisoning with it.

Cooking and storage

You can not use the solution in its original form, since it has a high concentration. Before starting work, it is diluted in warm water: 2 ml of water requires 1 ml of the drug. Water should be no more than 40 ° C. If you follow the instructions, then the product is homogeneous, with a milky color.

It is necessary to pay attention to how the drug is sprayed. It is advisable to use a measuring mill and an automatic syringe, but you can use dishes with 1.5 liters and a needle from a dropper. The needle should be attached to one side of the container with a tube that is part of the dropper. Then pour the finished solution into the container. This method is considered the simplest.

To start processing the bees with Bipin, in the autumn you need to lift the lid of the hive, and then the pillows of the streets with which you must perform the procedure. If the ampoule is opened before the drug is used, it will not be effective. The solution can be used only once, immediately after opening the ampoule.

Pay attention to the production time, the drug should not be more than 3 years. Using expired funds, you should prepare for the fact that the effect of the procedure will be minimal.


In autumn, the bee family does not have a large brood, as in other seasons. Moreover, after the summer there are many ticks that not only weaken insects, but also destroy them. Therefore, it is not necessary to decide what is the best time for processing bees with Bipin. Perform treatment and prevention should be in the fall.

processing time for bees with bipin

Smoke gun use

As stated in the instructions, the drug is used for heat treatment of hives. For this, a special smoke gun is used, which every beekeeper has. Creating a solution for it does not differ from the usual procedure, but there are some nuances. To do everything right, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Create a spray solution.
  2. Collect all the smoke gun elements based on the instructions, fill with kerosene.
  3. Mix the mixture with a special tank.
  4. In each hive, 2-3 clubs of smoke should be released for complete treatment from the tick.

Using this device, it is important to protect the respiratory system. The tool can cause allergies, skin irritation, so you must use them necessarily. The treated beehive should be left until the smoke is completely weathered.

The effectiveness of the use of the drug is checked with a regular sheet of paper. To do this, before the procedure, it must be laid on the floor of the hive. 3 hours after applying a smoke gun with a solution or spraying in a standard way, dead mites will be visible on the sheet. Their number depends on the severity of the lesion.

It is advisable to burn the parasite remains, and perform the procedure if necessary, combining it with other preventive measures. These measures include spraying the hive with coniferous broth, using essential oils and extracts.

Other nuances

Do not use the drug for families in which the strength is less than 5 small streets. Remember that overdosing is dangerous.

The drug must be stored in a cool, dark place. Shelf life is 3 years.

You should not delay the treatment of bees from varratosis to preserve them. Only thanks to such measures you will receive tasty and healthy honey.

Does the product affect product quality?

Perform the procedure before the honey collection. Some beekeepers believe that this should not be done, as this may adversely affect product quality. But, as was confirmed by research, "Bipin" does not affect the state of honey.

Before processing the entire apiary, it is advisable to first process one bee family, 2 small streets and observe them during the day. In addition, it is advisable to carry out all this with the help of a veterinarian. After using the drug, about ¼ street may die in the apiary. If this happened, it means that the conditions for using the drug were not met or it was too cold.

So, "Bipin" is one of the best medicines now for the treatment and prevention of bee diseases. For an effective result, you only need to follow the instructions, and also remember the safety measures.

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