Is Bonaqua bottled water potable?

Scientists have been shouting that tap water in some cases is better than that which is packaged in plastic bottles and flaunts on store shelves. As it turned out, some manufacturers label water using the term “mineral”, even if the mineral composition of this product does not reach the level of drinking water.

Scientists: Bonaqua is at risk!

water bonaqua
In the risk zone, according to experts who conducted a sanitary check (tests were carried out for permanganate oxidation and the content of ammonium ions) of brands of drinking water that were popular on the market, there was also Bonaqua water. According to information received, bottled water may contain substances such as pesticides, phenols, gasoline and kerosene.

People who use bottled water from such well-known brands as Bonaqua and Aquaminerale believe that they drink natural mineral water, which, according to independent researchers, is not true. A group of scientists believes that they are right, the fact that water is traditionally called mineral, which, being in natural conditions, already contains mineral components.

What you need to know about artificial minerals

Bonaqua mineral water
Few people know that Bonaqua mineral water is made from artificial minerals - chemical pure salts, the composition of which is considered to be similar to the composition of natural analogues. Nevertheless, in the opinion of some researchers, science has not yet succeeded in achieving absolute correspondence between natural and artificial mineral substances, therefore artificial mineral water can be safely used for bathing, but not for drinking.

The manufacture of artificial mineral water consists of two operations:

  • pumping out of a well (but more often - from a water supply system);
  • deep cleaning.

After careful filtration, water (Bonaqua is also blacklisted) is deprived of not only harmful, but also beneficial additives - salts and minerals. But in order to rightfully call it mineral, manufacturers saturate it with artificial mineral salts, although the final product is more suitable for the status of a saline solution (at worst - a non-alcoholic drink), but not for mineral drinking water, extracted in an ecologically clean place.

How many experts - so many opinions

drinking water bonaqua
Coca-Cola laboratory research reports indicate that Bonaqua water, like other food products produced by The Coca-Cola Company, complies with all established standards.

Whether it is worth consuming any foods, each person decides for himself, guided mainly by personal taste preferences. Although the concern of rebel researchers can be understood. After all, regularly consuming water, the mineral composition of which is far from ideal, the consumer does not become healthier.

As for bottled water: if it is not hard enough (due to the lack of calcium and magnesium), the body faces a predisposition to diseases of the circulatory system. In addition, the data that the manufacturer indicated on the label cannot be a confirmation of quality.

Bonaqua water: consumer reviews

water bonaqua reviews
It is difficult to call the reviews left by network users about drinking water of the first category life-affirming, since this “natural product” is packaged in plastic bottles and, according to the information on the label:

  • is air-conditioned (that is, artificially “brought to mind");
  • It is not physiologically complete (since it does not contain the necessary amount of macro- and microelements).

In addition, Bonaqua drinking water, which, according to the information on the label, is called a product of the highest category, that is, table water, according to some users, could be taken from any available source, including from a tap. By the way, many consumers who have left their feedback on Bonaqua water are concerned about its strange taste, which causes an association with water supply.

Numerous buyers, leaving feedback on a particular product, in most cases express confidence: food products, which, judging by the label, should belong to products of the highest category, are often not such.

But not everyone is so categorical. There are people who believe that Bonaqua water is acceptable for inward use, but there are a minority of such consumers.

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