How to make an enema with a pear: types, preparation for the procedure, procedure, preparation of an enema composition, indications and contraindications

Not every Esmarch mug can be found in every home, but almost everyone has a rubber bulb, which is especially pleasing in the presence of constipation. But to have this device is far from the main thing. The most important thing is to know how to make an enema a pear.

I have a stomachache


Before you figure out how to make an enema at home, a pear, you should study a number of contraindications for performing this procedure:

  • internal bleeding localized in the stomach or intestines;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • acute forms of inflammation in the anus and colon;
  • the recovery phase after surgery associated with the digestive tract;
  • risk of rectal prolapse;
  • hemorrhoids of the bleeding type;
  • acute form of appendicitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • rectal oncology;
  • heart and vascular diseases.
sorted pear

Production inventory

Before making an enema with a pear, you should prepare a number of necessary items:

  • rubber bulb;
  • small basin;
  • dry cloth;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide (necessary if a pear equipped with a hard tip is used);
  • petroleum jelly;
  • a special solution for filling an enema (prescribed by a doctor);
  • disposable gloves.

If a cleansing enema is performed, the balloon-type pear, the tip of which is ten to fifteen centimeters in length, is an ideal option. And given the fact that it is necessary to completely empty the intestines, it is recommended to take a pear with a volume of at least 450 ml. In the case of an enema of the emulsion type, a tool with a volume of 100-200 milliliters is enough.

abdominal pain

Preparation for the procedure

In addition, before making an enema with a pear, the inventory should be carefully prepared. For this, the syringe is boiled for 10-15 minutes. In the presence of a hard-type tip, it is removed and left for 15 minutes in 3% hydrogen peroxide, after which it is fixed back.

Enema using a pear is performed in a lying position on its side. After the procedure, the patient needs to stay in this position for another ten minutes. That is why, before understanding how to properly make an enema with a pear, you should prepare your workspace. Preparation consists in placing an oilcloth on the bed so that one of its ends hangs from the bed - a basin is placed under it. The oilcloth is covered with a diaper. Prepare a solution for the procedure, which is placed so that it is convenient to use during the enema.

black pear

Execution technology

How to make an enema pear adult? This process consists of certain steps:

  1. Put on disposable gloves.
  2. The tip of the pear, as well as the anus, is lubricated with petroleum jelly.
  3. The patient lies on his left side, tightens his legs and pulls them to his stomach. If you are interested in how to make an enema yourself a pear, then here you will have to try to push the buttocks with one hand, at the same time hold a napkin near the anus, and introduce the pear with the other hand.
  4. The introduction of the tip into the back hole should occur to a depth of 10-12 cm. This should be done carefully, using rotational type movements.
  5. Slow pressure is applied to the syringe and the solution present in it is poured. It is forbidden to press sharply on the device, since excessive pressure of the liquid can lead to damage to the intestine. If a person feels strong pressure or there is an acute pain, the procedure must be stopped immediately and an ambulance called.
  6. Excretion of the pear from the rectum should be extremely accurate.
  7. Using a napkin, wipe the skin from the perineum to the anus.
  8. Buttocks tightly close and gently pull out an oilcloth with a diaper.

After entering the pear, it is required to lie down on the left side for 10 minutes, after which the patient turns over to the right side. Breathing should be done by the stomach, this will ensure the movement of water through the intestines.

pink pear

Scheme of the frequency of the procedure

If there is a crack in the anus, the procedure must be performed very carefully. You need to do this as many times a day as there is a urge to defecate.

To completely cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, the following enema regimen is recommended at home:

  • 1st day - 500 ml of liquid before bedtime;
  • 2nd day - a liter of solution;
  • 4th - 1.5 liters of liquid;
  • 7th - establish a 2-liter enema.

3rd, 5th and 6th days are breaks. They are necessary in order to prevent violation of intestinal motility.

orange rubber pear


strong pain

Having figured out how to properly make an enema with a pear yourself, you need to understand that this procedure should be carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician, which is directly related to the following factors:

  1. With frequent enemas, the intestines will refuse to fulfill their direct responsibilities. The formation of a "lazy gut" is not excluded - this is a disease that appears as a result of weak intestinal motility.
  2. During the setting of the enema, not only feces and gases are removed from the body, but also the beneficial microflora, which is required for high-quality digestion and assimilation of food. In addition, the absence of beneficial microflora in the intestine can cause the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Incorrect administration can cause damage to the rectum. If you are lucky, then a small wound will form on the mucous membrane; if not, a rupture will occur, and the entire intestinal contents are transported to the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis will occur and then without surgery just can not do.
  4. Lack of normal bowel movements can cause intoxication, as harmful components dissolve and begin to be absorbed.
  5. The introduction of excessive amounts of fluid is the cause of the extension of the intestinal wall. In the inner part of the lumen, pressure increases. This provokes irritation and complication of pathologies.


Having figured out how to make an enema at home with a pear, you also need to study the advantages of this method:

  • effective bowel cleansing;
  • convenient for self-setting an enema;
  • during the use of a bulb-type pear, injection of fluid into the intestine is carried out, due to strong pressure all feces are washed out;
  • helps to remove gases from the body;
  • effective in the treatment of atonic constipation, since it causes additional irritation, thereby enhancing peristalsis.


When figuring out how to make an enema with a pear, you need to take into account the fact that this procedure has several disadvantages:

  • prolonged use can provoke a worsening of intestinal motility or cause an absolute loss of bowel movements;
  • balloon pears have a maximum volume of 500 ml, and in some situations it is required to inject 1.5 l of solution; in this case, you have to install an enema several times;
  • there are a number of diseases in which the enema using a rubber bulb can cause serious complications - rupture of adhesions, stretching of the intestinal wall;
  • leads to leaching of beneficial microflora;
  • irritates the mucous membrane, which provokes an increase in the inflammatory process, the formation of intestinal cramps and increased pain.

Saline solution

The effect of performing an enema with a pear directly depends on the solution that was introduced into it. Salt is very popular because it provides the excretion of a large amount of fluid from the body, softens feces, provokes the release of loose stools and leads to increased peristalsis.

For setting an enema, you need about a hundred milliliters of a solution, heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees. After the introduction of the liquid, it is required to lie for another 20 minutes.

It is worth noting that such a solution is forbidden to use in case of cracks in the anus, ulcers, acute inflammation in the lower part of the large intestine, edema.

Soda solution

Another question that is worth considering is how to make an enema a pear for a child and an adult with the use of soda solution. It is usually prescribed for use with excessive acidity of feces. It helps to get rid of painful sensations provoked by irritation of the intestinal mucosa with masses of feces. It is characterized by a high level of effectiveness in the presence of helminthiasis or acetonemia.

To prepare it, you need to combine 1.5 liters of water and 50 grams of soda. The solution should be heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees.

Herbal solutions

The following herbal decoctions are very popular when performing an enema with a pear in a home environment:

  1. Tincture of lemon balm. To prepare the product, pour 200 ml of boiling water over three grams of finely chopped young shoots of the plant and insist for 20-30 minutes. The product is filtered and heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees. This solution helps relieve spasm.
  2. Chamomile broth. 6 tablespoons of chamomile flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water. The tool is installed in a water bath and boiled for 15 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and the remaining raw material is squeezed. Boiled water is added to the prepared mass to obtain a volume of 500 ml. Add 2 tablespoons of honey. What will result in cleansing the intestines, and is also characterized by the presence of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to make an enema at home with a pear? This will not be absolutely any work, the main thing is to follow the technology indicated above and perform all actions slowly and confidently. Pear is an ideal helper if you need emergency cleaning of the intestines from feces and gases, but do not forget that the frequent use of enemas can only harm the body.

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