Business communication and management communication. General principles

At present, various styles of business communication penetrate deeper and deeper into all spheres of public life: both private individuals and enterprises of all forms of ownership enter into business and commercial relations. Any area of ​​economic or social life is associated with competence in the field of business communication: the industry may owe its success or failure in science, production, trade or art to the level of business communication in it. Business communication and management communication for people employed in the field of management is an essential part of their professional image.

Business communication and management communication are processes of interaction and interconnection, as a result of which there is an exchange of activities, information, experience, which involves achieving a specific result, or solving a problem, or realizing a goal.

Styles of business communication in nature and content can be formal (or business) and informal.

In general, formal communication differs from informal in that it sets itself specific goals and tasks that need to be addressed.

The structure of business communication is a complex of components: content, means, purpose, form, sides of communication. The content of business communication is determined by any socially significant subject or problem from any sphere of life (spiritual, material, regulatory) and can be directly related to the consumption or production of various kinds of services: educational, informational, marketing, financial, managerial, etc.

Business communication and management communication is conventionally divided into direct and indirect, while direct communication is the most effective compared to indirect, and has a greater power of emotional suggestion and impact.

Business communication and managerial communication of the head with subordinates or officials is divided into three subspecies of communication: providing officials with administrative information, receiving feedback from them, and issuing the so-called assessment information.

To improve mutual understanding between management and subordinates, there are two laws of managerial communication.

The first law states that if a subordinate does not comply with the instructions of the head due to disagreement with him, certain arguments must be brought in order to show the subordinate that the actions expected from him will comply with his principles and will contribute to the mandatory satisfaction of his needs.

The second law says that people are much easier to take the position of a person to whom they experience positive emotions. And to achieve this goal, the methods “proper name”, “mirror of relations”, “golden words” are used.

The “proper name” technique is based on repeatedly speaking out loud the name of your interlocutor. An appeal to a person by name demonstrates attention to his personality, and this is almost always accompanied by positive emotions that a person may not be aware of. Therefore, in order to win over a person, you need to pay attention to the form of appeal to him.

Reception "a mirror of relations" requires the presence on the face of the leader of a pleasant expression, a slight smile, which help to win over interlocutors.

The reception of “golden words” obliges you to give compliments to a person - words containing some exaggeration of the positive properties of a person’s character or his abilities.

For the effective use of psychological management methods, some methods (methods) of influence on people that are allowed by law are often applied. These include: persuasion, suggestion, involvement, motivation, imitation, condemnation, prohibition, demand, placebo, command, censure, cheated expectation, Socrates method, compliment, hint, request, praise, advice.

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