Heath Ledger biography: films, personal life, cause of death

The biography of Heath Ledger still causes lively interest among the audience, although the talented actor passed away in 2008. "The Dark Knight", "Patriot", "Brokeback Mountain", "10 reasons for my hatred" - it is difficult to list all the successful projects in which he managed to appear. The filmography of the star is extremely interesting to study, since Ledger was famous for his exactingness to roles. What is known about him besides the above?

Actor Heath Ledger: biography of the star

The future actor was born in Australia, it happened in April 1979. The boy's family was far from the world of cinema, his father worked as a mining engineer, his mother taught schoolchildren French. Biography of Heath Ledger says that he received his name in honor of one of the key characters in Wuthering Heights - Heathcliff, this work was liked by his parents.

biography of the hit ledger

Heath’s childhood was not cloudless, he was only ten when his mother and father decided to break up. The boy and his sister Katherine remained with their mother, but this did not practically affect the relationship of the children with their father, since dad always found time to communicate with them. The biography of Heath Ledger suggests that in his teenage years he tried many classes. The hobbies of the young man were constantly changing - cooking, dancing, sports. Towards the end of school, he became seriously interested in drama, began to play in amateur theater productions. Of course, this could not but affect his choice of his life path.

First successes

Biography of Heath Ledger suggests that he decided to move to Sydney at the age of 17. Then the future actor was already dreaming about how he would become a star of screens. Sydney seemed to him a city in which his dreams would come true. Heath preferred not to waste time on continuing his education; instead, he began to actively attend various auditions.

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"Pot" - a television project that saw the light in 1996, which became the debut for a novice actor. Hit received in this series the role of a homosexual cyclist, which attracted the interest of directors to the young talent. Then the filmography of the young man acquired the picture "Black Rock", which, unfortunately, failed at the box office.

“Paws” is the next film in which the beginning actor Heath Ledger got a small role. In this film project, he embodied the image of a student who was passionate about the works of Shakespeare. The young man played episodic roles in the television projects "Ship to the pier", "Home and on the way."

Relocation to the USA

Already at the age of 18, the young man enjoyed a certain fame not only in Australia, but also abroad. It is not surprising that he received a proposal that had a great influence on his future life. Ledger was invited to the American television series Roar, inviting him to play the brave warrior Conor. Heath accepted this offer, immediately deciding to move to the United States.

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Of course, American directors were in no hurry to offer starring roles to the young Australian actor. That is why he agreed to play one of the key characters in the comedy “10 Reasons for My Hate,” Heath Ledger, whose films and series are discussed in this article. The actor does not deny that the status of the teen idol, which he acquired after the release of this comedy, did not at all become a source of pride for him. Heath promised himself that in the future it will become more demanding of roles.

Finest hour

Ledger is among the lucky actors who became stars at a young age. The actor was a little over 20 years old when he starred in the sensational drama "Patriot". The role in this film went to Heath is not easy, he had to get around about two hundred candidates. The young man embodied the image of the rebel son, the father of his character was played by Mel Gibson.

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It was after the release of the Patriot that Heath Ledger gained star status. The roles of the actor have since been closely studied by the press and a growing army of fans.

Famous roles

Great success for Ledger was the tape "Brokeback Mountain", in which he starred in 2005. In this picture, the actor very convincingly played a homosexual cowboy. This role gave him an Oscar nomination, unfortunately, then another applicant received the award.

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Casanova’s comedy drama was also successful, in which he embodied the image of a key character. Ledger played the famous ladies man who meets with a woman whom he does not manage to seduce. The audience liked the picture “Candy”, in which Heath embodied the image of drug addict Dan, in whom the young artist Candy fell in love.

We cannot but mention the film “The Dark Knight”, which starred shortly before the death of Heath Ledger, whose films and biography are discussed in this article. It is known that the actor was preparing for a long time to play the Joker, tried to understand the psychology of the character, even for some time kept a diary on his behalf. It is not surprising that the role gave the Manager an Oscar, unfortunately, the actor did not have time to find out about it.

Personal life

The actor never tried to hide his numerous novels from journalists, girls often changed at the star. It is known that for about two years Heath met with a colleague Naomi Watts, this novel flared up on the set of the picture "Kelly's Gang". In 2004, Ledger fell in love with actress Michelle Williams, who starred with him in Brokeback Mountain. The young people lived together for about three years, the reasons for their separation in 2007 are still a mystery even to friends. It is known that after this the actor fell into a prolonged depression.

The last girl of the Joker was the model Gemma Ward. The actor has a daughter Matilda, who was born in 2005.


How Heath Ledger died - a question of interest to all fans of the star. It is known that the stars died in January 2008. His body was found in an apartment in Manhattan, owned by him, the actor was discovered by an au pair. Doctors say that the cause of death was acute intoxication associated with an overdose of antidepressants. He began to get involved in antidepressants, trying to cope with longing after breaking up with actress Williams, then began to use them to combat constant fatigue.

The above describes how Heath Ledger died, where did the Hollywood movie star get buried? The body of the actor was transported to his homeland, to Australia, and then cremated. The farewell ceremony took place on February 9, 2008, and was attended by over 500 people.

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