The norm of folic acid in the blood, the reasons for the increase or decrease in the indicator

Folic acid, or water-soluble vitamin B9, is essential in the body for the immune and circulatory system. This healthy vitamin enters the human body with food or water, as well as consumed vitamins. The norm of folic acid in human blood per day should be 200 mcg.

blood test

Why Vitamin B9 is Needed

Very often, folic acid is prescribed to women who are preparing to become mothers. Her intake begins 3 months before the conception of the baby, since the acid does not accumulate well in the woman's body and is excreted in the urine, and therefore it must be taken in advance. Vitamin B9 plays a huge role in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus. Also, this vitamin subsequently contributes to the formation and normal growth of all future tissues and organs. Therefore, she is very important for the future mother and her child. The usual dosage during this period is from 400 to 800 mcg per day.

blood tubes

Benefits of Folic Acid

No need to think that this drug should be used only by expectant mothers, it is also useful for other women. Its useful properties are:

  • In increasing immunity.
  • It is a prophylactic against viral diseases.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Helps reduce the occurrence of migraines.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Helps with stomach problems.
  • Increases the body's resistance to stress.

This tool has a positive effect on the skin, helps reduce the number of age spots. This acid is also useful for nails, due to its content in the blood, nails are less stratified and broken. Helps strengthen the hair follicle, in connection with which the hair falls out less and does not split, and they also get an extra shine. In cases where a woman is not going to become a mother, the daily norm of folic acid in the blood is 0.2 mg.

doctor blood test

Excess Vitamin B9

Although it is primarily a water-soluble vitamin and is excreted from the body of a woman with urine, it can nevertheless accumulate and cause harm. Its level is above the norm can only be if the drug was taken for a very long time and not for the purpose of a specialist. Also, the indicator may be higher due to the fact that a woman takes different vitamins that contain this acid, and she does not have time to be excreted. Elevated levels of B9 in the blood can lead to upset stomach or anemia. Also, a high level of this vitamin can cause stool and sleep disorders.

What to do, and what are the causes of increased folic acid in the blood? First of all, you need to take a blood test for folic acid. Such an analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach. Further, the doctor will notify the norm of folic acid in the blood and advise to temporarily reduce the amount of vitamins consumed, as well as reduce the number of products that contain this vitamin.

folic acid analysis doctor

Lack of folic acid in the body

If a lack of vitamin occurs in the human body, this can cause serious consequences and diseases. So, for example, the content below the norm of folic acid in the blood in the body of a woman and a man leads to such consequences as:

  • Frequent dyspnea.
  • Defects of the limbs when one arm is shorter or longer.
  • The skin turns yellow, hair falls out, and nails constantly flake or break.
  • Cleft lip.
  • Disturbed neural tube formation.
  • There is irritability and poor perception of stressful situations.

It is important to understand that you need to constantly take care of your body and not bring it to a critical situation, as well as keep normal folic acid in the blood of women and men.

doctor blood

How to understand that the body lacks vitamin B9

There are a number of symptoms that can help determine the lack of a given acid:

  1. frequent distraction;
  2. stomatitis;
  3. sudden weight loss;
  4. hair loss;
  5. mouth ulcers;
  6. apathy;
  7. stunted growth in a child;
  8. the appearance of early gray hair;
  9. insomnia;
  10. diarrhea;
  11. aggressive behavior;
  12. digestive disorders;
  13. there are problems with memory.

If you notice such symptoms in yourself, then you need to see a doctor and take an analysis of the norm of folic acid in the blood. Also, an analysis is prescribed if the doctor suspects a patient of such diseases as:

  • tongue inflammation;
  • esophagitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus:
  • avitaminosis;
  • gastritis - and atrophic, in which the number of gastric glands is reduced;
  • enteritis is a chronic inflammation of the small intestine.

Studies if folic acid is higher than normal in the blood can also be carried out if the person has undergone surgery on the intestine or has undergone chemotherapy.

In addition, the doctor can detect various disorders. For example, a lack of folic acid leads to such problems:

  • Liver disease.
  • Anorexia.
  • Crohn's disease
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Poor blood circulation.
  • The onset of cancer.
  • In children there is an increased activity of the thyroid gland.
  • Sepsis.

It is necessary to regularly check the level of folic acid and other acids of the body, so that then you will not be treated for a long time. A healthy lifestyle and the right selection of vitamins will help to avoid health problems.

test tube blood and syringe

Blood sampling procedure

Like many tests, it is better to donate blood to check folic acid in the morning on an empty stomach. The day before the analysis, you need to refuse fatty or spicy foods. In the morning you can drink water, but not soda. Also, before taking the test, give up physical activity and alcohol, as they will affect the result. By the way, alcohol destroys folic acid faster than it is excreted with water. If a woman takes antibiotics or hormonal drugs, then a week before the test, it is better to refrain from them. In this case, if a person can not interrupt the course of any drugs, he must inform the doctor about it, and also say what dosage he takes and what period of time.

The analysis is not carried out in cases where a person has recently undergone such procedures:

  • Ultrasound
  • physiotherapy;
  • roentgenography;
  • fluorography;
  • rectal examination.

Before donating blood, you need to calm down and sit quietly for 15-20 minutes. If the patient smokes, then it is better to donate blood 30 minutes after a smoked cigarette.

blood donation

Folic acid for women over 30

Vitamin B9 is indispensable for older women. Let's not forget: the older a person becomes, the weaker his reproductive functions. If folic acid is higher than normal in the blood, the cause may be either age or hormone levels. In women, hormonal restructuring also begins, hormones are produced less, and its beauty fades. In these cases, the vitamin helps them maintain skin elasticity and good hair condition.

Also, during menopause, a woman becomes extremely irritable, or she shows signs of apathy. Plus, such a rearrangement affects the mental state of a woman. Digestive upsets and restless sleep are not uncommon. Vitamin B9 helps older women cope with this problem and stay beautiful at any age. Also, let's not forget that folic acid has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, allowing you to cope with many stressful situations.

Products that contain B9

Folic acid is higher than normal in the blood. What to do? To do this, it is necessary to reduce the amount of plant food, since B9 is contained not only in the complex of vitamins, but also in the simple food products on each table. Basically, this acid is found in greens: spinach, onions, dill, parsley, and in vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, beets, and beans.

Vegetation is a common cause of increased folic acid in the blood, when a woman, without thinking, consumes a large amount of plant foods and drinks a small amount of liquid.

In addition to plant foods, this acid may also be found in other foods. Most of it is in the liver, milk, eggs, as well as in cheese and beef.

In this case, the expectant mother may not have enough of the amount of folic acid that she consumes with food, so the doctor prescribes this vitamin separately.

How to take

For expectant mothers, the doctor himself prescribes the dosage of this vitamin, and also says which foods are best to consume. If for a woman who does not plan to become a mother, or for a man, the usual norm is about 400 mcg, then for a future mother she is much higher.

Before using any vitamins or drugs, it is best to consult a doctor or carefully study the instructions.

For children, folic acid intake is minimal, it will depend on the weight and age of the child, but for children, pediatricians are more likely to recommend foods containing folic acid than tablets.

It is also recommended to drink this vitamin with food, washed down with boiled water or water without gas.

Side effects

Although vitamin B9 is well excreted by the body, it is also not addictive and has a positive effect on a woman’s health, it still has side effects. It can cause allergies, and it can go in a mild form, or maybe in a severe one.

The rash and itchy skin are mild, and the severe form is high fever. If a woman did not have any problems while taking folic acid, then she can safely drink these vitamins, and if there are unpleasant sensations, then it is better to consult a doctor right away. Especially need to be careful for pregnant women.

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