Athletics regulations - from school to big sport and the army

Standards for athletics are different: they depend not only on the level of training of the athlete, but also on the age category. For example, the regulations on athletics are known for schoolchildren, for students, for professional athletes, and so on. Naturally, for athletes, the bar far exceeds the performance of ordinary students. There are tables of standards, according to which it is possible to determine the level of readiness of a particular subject. In addition, there are bit standards for athletics. Students of sports schools pay attention to them when they prepare for major competitions, where they can officially confirm their qualifications. After all, having a certain sports rank is not only prestigious, but also promising. In sports universities take only arresters, which a priori makes athletes strive to improve their performance.

athletics regulations

Current Athletics Standards

If we consider the current standards in athletics, then for some indicators they significantly exceed those that existed several years ago. Take, for example, the 800-meter run: today, to get the first adult rank, an athlete must run a distance of 2.02.0. For receiving the CCM - for 2.00.0. If you look closely at the standards for athletics, you can find that to achieve results, you must either exercise, tearing the body, or use anabolics. It is unlikely that modern training methods - with a regime of 4-5 workouts per week - are able to significantly improve the condition. By the way, in order to fulfill the standards for athletics, a considerable number of athletes go, if not all, then a lot. Now you will not surprise anyone with the fact that young athletes add all kinds of powders to food, and between workouts they are not shy about taking pills or something more serious. Of course, this did not take mass distribution, but the fact remains. In just five to seven years, young children turn into semi-disabled people, unsuitable for further sports careers. But in their pocket there is an IDC or arrester certificate. Just what to do with it?

Athletics benchmarks

If we consider the control standards in athletics for students of secondary schools, then they more or less correspond to modern reality. However, given the situation with the deterioration in the overall health of our students, it is easy to predict that the standards will be reduced in the coming years. Otherwise, students simply will not receive positive grades. Indeed, in the magazines of the level of physical readiness, most of the children have a preparatory group.

Army Standards

track and field standards
The army has its own standards for athletics. It is important to note that most of them are surrendered by servicemen in boots or berets. Naturally, the travel time (mileage) of the distance is significantly increased due to special uniforms. Be that as it may, but the army standards are quite serious, and not every high school student-excellence will be able to pass them on the top five. In general, the army is a special topic for reflection. For example, to pass the standards for obtaining a โ€œmaroon beretโ€, it is important to run at a speed: the priority here is completely different - to save strength for other actions (fight with an opponent, passing an obstacle course, and so on). Agree, not every professional athlete will run ten to fifteen kilometers, fully laying out on rough terrain and at the same time save his strength for a fight and other actions that require maximum stress.

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