How to relieve a hangover correctly and safely

A hangover is a condition that is caused by intoxication after the alcohol is decomposed and begins to affect the body's metabolites. The rate of occurrence of this syndrome depends on the rate at which the body of each individual person can cope with alcohol. However, in most cases, a hangover occurs the next morning after drinking an excessive dose of alcohol. Its main symptoms are nausea, headache, dry mouth, severe thirst, chills, followed by fever. Also, a drop or rise in blood pressure, dizziness, "interruptions" in the work of the heart are possible.

To combat such unpleasant sensations, people are sometimes ready to go to a variety of tricks. However, some of all existing methods are nothing more than a myth, and a small part of them may even be unsafe for the body. Below is a selection of the right, and most importantly, safe methods of dealing with a hangover.

How to relieve a hangover : pain medication

As Guy Ratcliffe, MD, director of the British Alcoholism Advisory Board, said: โ€œThe surest remedy for a hangover is time.โ€ But in your ability to ease a relentless headache with painkillers. Ideally, this is water soluble paracetamol. It perfectly contributes to the restoration of water balance in the body. Paracetamol, acting on the brain, blocks special enzymes in it, which are precisely responsible for the spread of pain. Moreover, this drug, unlike aspirin and ibuprofen, does not irritate the gastric mucosa.

How to remove a hangover: water

Due to the fact that alcoholic beverages have diuretic properties (diuretics), during a party or feast you get rid of a significant amount of liquid, which will be even larger than that which you take "on the chest." Therefore, it is so important to drink at least half a liter of plain water or orange juice before going to bed. This will help in the morning to significantly reduce the hangover. Since most of the symptoms inherent in a hangover are related to dehydration, then the day after a good evening, drink half a liter of water every hour, which will help you to "get in order" much faster.

How to relieve a hangover: B vitamins

Vitamins of this group play one of the main roles in the digestive system. But in view of the fact that they dissolve in water, their supply must be replenished every day. And after a fun time in the company of alcoholic beverages, your body needs to restore key minerals and vitamins in it more than ever. Eat (if, of course, you can eat) foods rich in B vitamins. You can also come to the aid of such a drug as Berocca, which contains such a quantity of minerals and vitamins that exceeds the daily requirement of the body for them.

How to remove a hangover: breakfast from omelet with vegetables and bacon

After an evening drink in the morning, blood sugar levels tend to decrease. Therefore, a hearty breakfast rich in carbohydrates and proteins is simply necessary for you in order to prevent hypoglycemia. Fatty bacon will cause the release of hormones that slow down the absorption of alcohol. And the eggs contain cysteine, which is used to produce glutathione, which removes such harmful free radicals. Well, tomatoes will be good both in omelette and in vegetable salad, as they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

How to relieve a hangover: a serving of alcohol

As one folk wisdom says, you need to eat a piece of dog hair, which dared to bite you in order to recover. It is also considered to be about a hangover, that by drinking a certain dose of alcohol-containing drink in the morning, you will alleviate unpleasant symptoms. The fact is that alcohol in the body is broken down into methanol, which, in turn, forms formic acid. Here she is the cause of the most unpleasant sensations associated with a hangover syndrome. By introducing a fresh dose of alcohol into this mixture, you can โ€œoutsmartโ€ your own body and make it switch to a new task, which will somewhat slow down the processing speed of the previous portion.

How to get away from a hangover: coffee

Caffeine in coffee helps increase sensitivity and mindfulness. So, having woken up with a fume and in a "half-dead" state, you can pour in yourself a cup of sweet coffee and go on your important business. However, it should be remembered that coffee, as well as alcohol itself, is a diuretic. To avoid accelerating the process of fluid loss through urine and dehydration, do not forget to drink plain water in sufficient quantities, well, do not abuse coffee (a cup - and nothing more).

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