The best films with Chernyshov in the title role. Brief biography of the actor

Andrei Chernyshov is a real superhero of Russian cinema. He is known and loved by many viewers. The owner of a bright, brutal appearance broke hundreds of women's hearts. Andrew is an unusually gifted actor. Over the years of his career in theater and cinema, he played a huge number of roles. Men are easily given images of good heroes and charming villains. The article will provide an overview of the best films with Chernyshov in the title role.

handsome actor

short biography

Andrew was born on one of the winter days in 1973 in the capital of Ukraine - Kiev. Soon the family moved to Russia. His parents worked all his life at school. Dad was the director, and mom taught the children math. The son was constantly under strict parental control. The teachers immediately informed their father about the slightest misconduct of Andrei. No wonder the boy hated school. The only outlet for Andrei was the school theater. The boy simply loved rehearsals and stage performances. It was then that Chernyshov realized that he wanted to become a famous actor. After graduating from school, he went to Moscow to enter the theater.

Unfortunately, health problems prevented Andrei from successfully passing entrance exams. The young man moved to Kiev, where he got a job as a worker in the popular Lesya Ukrainka Theater. After all, he could not live without a theatrical atmosphere. Two years later, Andrei again tried his luck, and this time he entered the Moscow Theater School named after Shchepkin.

Studying was easy for a talented young man, and teachers often praised him. This time Chernyshov always remembers with a slight nostalgia. After the institute, Andrei was invited to the troupe of the Lenkom Theater. Here he played in a huge number of performances. For 12 years, viewers came to enjoy the amazing game of Andrei. His career in the cinema world began with a beer ad. After the release of the video, they began to recognize him on the streets. Many people remember such films with Chernyshov in the title role as “Free Woman”, “Lost in Chechnya”, “Gemini”. The latter brought him the honorary award "Golden Autumn".

winter sleep

"Winter Dream" - a film with Andrei Chernyshov in the title role

Masha works in a wedding salon. The girl dreams of leaving to live in Paris with her boss, with whom she has long and deeply in love. But Vadim does not pay subordinate attention. He is more interested in business. For the sake of money, he is going to marry a rich heiress. Masha is in despair. Doesn’t she have a chance to be with her loved one? And dreams will never come true? Meanwhile, New Year's Eve is approaching. But this is the most magical time of the year when the most cherished desires come true.

We advise you to see the picture for all lovers of New Year's love melodramas. After watching, you begin to believe that miracles happen. A great film starring Chernyshov.

bitch for the champion

"Bitch for the champion"

American Jenny is distinguished by an eccentric character and excessive straightforwardness. One day she learns that a Russian uncle bequeathed to her a professional boxing club. Jenny also got a prestigious fight contract with the International Boxing Association. The girl happily flies to Russia, because she loves all sorts of adventurous adventures. Here she will have to assert her right to a contract. The main competitor - Vadim Khorkin, the owner of another boxing club, lures all athletes from the girl. But Jenny is not one who is used to giving up. She begins the search for talented boxers and soon gets acquainted with Topazov. Jenny sees huge potential in him and hopes that he will win the decisive battle.

One of the best films with Chernyshov in the title role.


This war film was shot specifically for the tanker’s day for the military of the Taman and Kantemirov divisions. "Indestructible" keeps in suspense from the first, to the last minute. We recommend that you watch this movie with Chernyshov in the lead role to all fans of the actor’s creativity.

The plot focuses on the heroic feat of Russian tankers. In the area of ​​the Rostov region are fierce battles. The command of the Soviet tank KV-1 destroys many tanks and military vehicles of the enemy. Experienced Semyon Konovalov leads the battle of young guys. The film is about a military feat, friendship and love for the motherland.

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