FEMP classes in the senior group: features

The age of 5-6 years is an important stage in the life of any child. At this time, fantasy, logical thinking begin to actively develop, the arbitrariness of mental processes, self-esteem are formed. Children are very curious, they are interested in causal relationships (why? How? Why?). In kindergarten, systematic preparation for school begins, aimed at the development of cognitive activity. This goal is pursued by FEMP classes in the senior group.

FEMP Senior Group Lesson

Deciphering the concept

FEMP - abbreviation for the name. The full name of the discipline sounds like "the formation of elementary mathematical representations." The concept arose in the framework of preschool pedagogy. GEF indicates the importance of preparing children for the successful development of school mathematics, while emphasizing their full development.

According to modern standards, training should not resemble a drill, dumb coaching. A child should not only be able to count up to 10 there and back, but also analyze information, compare, classify various phenomena, identify common patterns, be smart, and reason his point of view. All this should be taken into account when organizing FEMP classes in the senior group. As a guide for educators, the program "From Birth to School" was developed.

Sample program according to GEF: senior group

FEMP classes for children 5-6 years old involve the study of the following sections:

  1. Quantity and counting (direct and counting within 10, ordinal numbers, the concepts of "less", "equal", "more", the ability to add and subtract the number "one", writing numbers, creating sets on different grounds).
  2. Size (comparing objects by length, height, thickness, width; the ability to divide the whole into parts and determine which is larger).
  3. Shape (repetition of famous geometric shapes, familiarity with the oval, the introduction of the concept of "quadrangle").
  4. Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper (fixing the concepts of “left-right”, “front-back”, “top-bottom”, “front-back”, prepositions of a place).
  5. Representations of time (part of a day, sequence of events: "yesterday, today, tomorrow", "earlier, later").

FEM classes senior group fgos

Class Requirements

Children get acquainted with mathematical concepts in everyday situations, when communicating with parents, during independent games with didactic material, at specially organized holidays. But the leading role belongs to the FEMP classes. In the older group, they are held once a week and last 25-30 minutes.

It is very important that the classes evoke positive emotions in the children, be accessible by presenting the material. To this end, educators resort to creating game situations. Exciting stories are introduced: travel, competition, treasure hunt, rescue of a character in distress. Widely used didactic games, all kinds of experiments and experiments. To maintain cognitive activity, the teacher uses riddles to ingenuity, creative tasks, creates problem situations that children must solve independently.

Didactic material

In the senior group, cards, pictures, calculating sticks, measurements, toys and other attributes help to understand the topic of FEMP classes in the senior group. The child must attach one strip to another to figure out which one is longer; divide the sheet into parts and conclude that the whole is always larger. Practical work is present at each lesson, so a variety of didactic material is used.

Femp classes in the senior group of Pomerania

It can be:

  • voluminous numbers and cards with their image;
  • tables with a different number of items;
  • small toys, barrels, sticks, geometric figures for counting;
  • strips of various lengths and widths;
  • Pictures depicting different seasons, parts of the day;
  • space orientation games: maps, labyrinths, layouts of rooms;
  • entertaining cubes, Dyenesh blocks, Kyuizener's sticks, Rubik's snakes;
  • numerical and geometric lotto, dominoes;
  • board games "Numeric houses", "Collect a picture", etc.


Work on the formation of mathematical representations in children is carried out during the school year, gradually becoming more complicated. First, material studied in the middle group is fixed, then new knowledge is given in portions. To the topics covered, they systematically return, improve the acquired skills. At the end of the school year, the turn of generalizing, verification classes begins.

Open class on FEMP in the senior group

The annual plan, which includes the distribution of program tasks by months, helps to manage the educational process. Educators pre-develop the goals and topics of FEMP classes in the senior group. Pomorie in collaboration with Pozina released a manual designed to help them in this. The structure of classes proposed by them successively solves all the tasks stipulated by the program, skillfully combining them.

FEMP in the senior group: class notes

Pomoraeva and Pozina developed game lesson plans, which include, in addition to educational tasks, a description of the necessary didactic material, as well as methodological instructions for the teacher with a detailed list of tasks, exercises and even physical education lessons. This is a useful cheat sheet for young professionals, on the basis of which they can draw up their plans, summaries.

The authors propose to abandon boring education. Interesting tasks for children are offered by Malvina, the wizard and other characters. In the classroom, a lot of visual and practical techniques are used, different sensory organs are involved. For example, a child must lay out on the table the number of objects corresponding to the blows in the drum; paint as many tumblers as you see circles in the picture.

FEMP topics in senior group

When planning classes you need to know the measure. Games should not turn into an end in itself. From a lot of fun, preschoolers get tired, there is no time to think about the problem, explain their point of view, a short conversation on the topic.

Integrated Lesson

Preschoolers perceive the world holistically. Any material is more firmly absorbed by them, if its study involves participation in communicative, game, artistic, motor or creative activities. That is why the GEF calls the principle of integration basic for preschool education.

Outdoor games with numbers, reading poetry, laying out numbers from mosaics - all this helps the child to feel abstract mathematical concepts. Such elements can be used occasionally by the teacher or form the basis of an integrated FEMP session in the senior group.

Most often, it is an interesting game with a consistently developing plot. At the end of the children, a happy ending awaits. For example, traveling to a winter forest, children learn about its inhabitants, remember words with the sound "z", solve problems about animals and at the end find a surprise from Santa Claus. A fabulous trip to the city will help to remember the rules of the road, as well as consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes. The choice of topic depends on the imagination of the teacher. Children are usually willing to participate in such games.

Femp in the senior group

Non-standard forms of occupation

The use of non-traditional forms of organization of educational activity helps to captivate children with mathematics. These include:

  • conversation classes in which the kids learn to exchange information, logically express their opinions and listen to the interlocutor, to prove the correctness of their solution to the problem;
  • quiz classes, competitions that develop ingenuity and teach teamwork;
  • lessons-travel, when children move from point to point, simultaneously completing tasks and fixing material;
  • classes involving work with cards, diagrams (treasure search);
  • staging classes, during which mathematical tales are played out.

A special form is also an open lesson on FEMP in the senior group. Kindergarten workers have to demonstrate their work to parents of children, colleagues, experts as part of a pedagogical competition or certification. The main goal of open classes is to show the experience accumulated by the teacher, the innovative application of various pedagogical methods. It is important that the children receive the same amount of knowledge and skills that they would receive in a regular lesson.

Integrated FEMP in Senior Group

Analysis of FEMP classes in the senior group

To understand whether the educational process meets the assigned tasks, control is needed. Classes can be analyzed by a methodologist, psychologist, kindergarten manager, colleagues, or the teacher himself in order to correct working moments. This allows you to identify problems in time, see which goals have not yet been achieved, in which direction more work is needed. The following points are taken into account:

  1. Lesson time, number of children present.
  2. Correspondence of the applied methods and techniques to the tasks set, as well as the age of the children.
  3. Clarity and completeness of instructions, explanations of the teacher.
  4. The interest of children, the degree of their activity during class.
  5. Carrying out work on the development of coherent speech of pupils, the ability to logically substantiate the answer.
  6. Organization of independent activities of children.
  7. The use of an individual approach, the use of differentiated tasks.
  8. Summarizing.

FEMP classes in the senior group should gradually introduce preschoolers into the beautiful world of mathematics. They not only prepare for training in the first grade, but also develop independent thinking, interest in everything new, and cognitive communication skills.

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