How to clean clogged pores at home?

Clogged pores cause acne and blackheads, and they themselves look unaesthetic. Most often, black dots appear on the nose or chin, especially with combination and oily skin. To get rid of clogged pores, you must not forget about the regular and comprehensive care of your skin. Only then will she remain pure and beautiful for a long time.

Clogged pores on the nose: causes

Usually, several provoking factors that act simultaneously cause the problem skin. With combination or oily skin, the glands produce too much fat. With insufficient or improper care for such an epidermis or improper lifestyle, the pores will be clogged. In addition, in the absence of regular cleansing of cosmetic residues, dust and dirt, the pores are clogged. Subcutaneous fat adds to the dirt from the inside. As a result, acne, acne, rashes and black spots appear on the face.

clean clogged pores at home

Pollution can not be avoided when applying cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type. The abundance of decorative cosmetics and its daily use also does not bring anything good, because a mask constantly appears on the face that is harmful to the epidermis. The production of sebum is activated by eating a large number of smoked meats, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, sweets, sauces, and especially mayonnaise, spicy seasonings, marinades, chips and crackers.

Main symptoms

Clogged pores are usually not the only thing women complain about. Usually they become visible when the remnants of cosmetics and dirt accumulated in the skin begin to rot. The relief of the skin changes: if earlier it was more or less smooth, now it is all in small tubercles. There are inflammations, acne and acne, comedones, that is, black dots, can form on the nose and chin. The complexion usually becomes reddish-blue, and the natural blush disappears. In addition, enlarged pores can be clearly seen when viewed in the mirror.

If you think that all these unpleasant manifestations are a reaction to a certain cosmetic product, then conduct an experiment. Discard this remedy for a while. If all the symptoms begin to gradually disappear, then everything is really so. But just throwing away the cream or the wrong powder is not the solution. You will begin to use another tool that will clog pores in the same way. Therefore, you need to start regular cleaning of the epidermis.

Pore โ€‹โ€‹Cleansing Methods

How to clean clogged pores? The best way to eliminate this cosmetic defect is to clean the skin, which can be carried out both in the beauty salon by a cosmetologist, and independently at home. The procedure needs to be performed regularly, so it will not be superfluous to learn to do everything yourself. In addition, problematic skin itself needs special care.

how to clean your skin from clogged pores

Face cleaning in a beauty salon

If you find clogged pores on your face, how to get rid of them efficiently and for a long time? Make an appointment with a beautician to clean your face. Inside, they do manual cleaning, mechanical, vacuum, ultrasonic or laser.

Manual and mechanical

Manual cleaning is one of the most effective ways to get rid of clogged pores on the face, although cosmetology devices are gradually replacing this method. First, the master steams the skin with a bath on herbs or special cosmetics. In this case, the pores open as much as possible. Then the beautician manually removes acne, blackheads and blackheads. After a soothing mask is applied to the face, which will make the complexion even and natural, effectively relieve irritation.

The procedure is a bit painful and traumatic. The recovery period takes from several hours (at least five) to several days. At this time, the skin may become very red and peel. Therefore, such a cleaning is best done not immediately before any important event, but in a week and a half.

Mechanical cleaning is no less effective, but also painful and traumatic. The only difference is that acne and acne are not removed with your hands, but with a special spatula-strainer. Vacuum cleaning eliminates clogged pores using hardware methods. Black dots, dust and dirt, dead exfoliated cells are drawn by air through a special nozzle. Cleaning is painless but not deep enough.

clogged pores on the face how to get rid

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic face cleansing is quite popular today, because it will allow you to clean the deep layers of the epidermis. Depending on the depth of contamination, the master can adjust the wavelength. Ultrasound evens out the skin texture, narrows the pores and activates the synthesis of new cells. The laser also penetrates to a sufficient depth, and even such an effect is completely safe and painless.

Home Cleansing

How to clean your skin from clogged pores? At home, the beauty of the skin depends on the regularity of the procedures. Problem skin for a normal appearance needs daily cleansing in the morning and evening in the form of washing with various foams, milk, serums and gels.

Once or twice a week you need to do a steam bath on herbs. Usually used universal celandine, chamomile or calendula. After steaming, the face (especially problem areas) must be treated with a scrub.

Sensitive skin additionally requires gommage. This procedure involves the application of a special composition that dissolves impurities and dead cells. The dried film rolls off the skin along with adhering particles of keratinized tissue and dirt. This is a very gentle peeling.

The field of scrub with clogged pores is recommended to use a mask-film. All means to maintain beauty can be purchased at a cosmetic store or pharmacy chain, or can be made independently.

Folk beauty recipes

How to clean your skin from clogged pores? The simplest and most popular remedy is oat scrub. Oatmeal should be grinded in a coffee maker and diluted with water. You can add cane sugar to the scrub (two grams of sugar will be needed for two tablespoons of cereal), liquid honey (12 ml for the same amount of oatmeal). To moisturize, an oat scrub with soda is suitable. You need to take one tablespoon of oatmeal and baking soda, mix and let it brew for five minutes.

clogged pores on the nose

Clay masks will help to clean clogged pores at home. This is a cheap cosmetic product that is sold in any store. The powder should be simply diluted in warm water to the desired consistency and applied to the face for twenty minutes.

Black gelatin mask is very effective. Two tablets of coal need to be crushed into powder and mixed with two teaspoons of gelatin. Add four tablespoons of milk or the same amount of plain water. The mixture needs to be well mixed and kneaded. The mask is applied for ten minutes, then removed with a film.

clogged pores on the face

If the pores are clogged, what should I do? Argan oil will help to cope with the problem. With this cosmetic oil you need to lubricate the skin an hour before bedtime. Before you go to bed, you need to remove the remaining funds with a cotton sponge. The above funds will even out the skin texture and complexion, but after the very first results you canโ€™t stop taking care, because the problem will quickly return in this case.

Oils that do not clog pores

Most often, the culprits of clogged pores are cosmetic oils that are used by many women. Castor, sunflower, mineral and hemp oils, shea butter, safflower, rose hips, lanolin and high-quality waxes do not cause the appearance of black spots, acne and blackheads. These products can be used to prepare face masks on a regular basis.

The following oils do not clog pores with proper skin care, but if applied too actively, they can negatively manifest themselves. You need to be more careful with cotton, soy, corn, sandalwood, nut, apricot, grape seed, camphor, almond, sesame, peanut, olive oils, beeswax. Such oils must be tested before use. They may not suit your skin type. Flaxseed, coconut oil, wheat germ and cocoa accurately clogs the pores.

clogged pores

Care Tips

How to clean the skin from clogged pores? Only regular procedures and proper cleansing will help. To achieve a lasting effect, all stages of the procedure must be performed in a certain sequence. First, makeup is removed using a special tool, then you need to open the pores. Compresses or steam baths will contribute to this. You can soak a hot towel in a hot broth of chamomile or calendula and put it on your face. In total, you need to keep it for about five minutes, and for dry three minutes is enough.

Then you need to remove the dirt. At this stage, homemade masks and scrubs will be used. The procedure should be carried out twice a week with combination and oily skin. Dry and normal once a week. After it is recommended to wash with cool water. Instead of narrowing the pores of a purchased tonic, you can use lemon juice or aloe, green tea. The final stage is intensive hydration. But it is undesirable to use oil or cream with an active nutritional effect.

To maintain the result, you need to exclude cosmetics, which contain fat and oil. It is necessary to limit the use of oily-based creams, and instead of the usual means, it is better to take a fluid on an easy basis. If you follow all the recommendations, the skin will quickly become clean and healthy. But in the event that after a month of proper care with deep cleansing, the pores still remain clogged, consult a cosmetologist. Perhaps this is a consequence of improper functioning of the glands or other disorders in the body.

clogged pores photo

Comprehensive skin care

Clogged pores (the photo presented at the beginning of the article is a direct confirmation of this) look completely unaesthetic, which proves the need for thorough skin care. You need to regularly clean the dermis. Here are three complex options for home remedies so that the uniform compositions do not get bored after the second procedure, and the skin receives all the necessary nutrients:

  1. Wash with cool soap and water first to rinse off most makeup. For a more thorough facial cleansing, use a cooled infusion of chamomile with the addition of a few drops of high-quality sunflower oil. Now the skin needs to be steamed, moistened with a terry towel in the broth of calendula and applied for several minutes. For the next step, prepare an activated carbon gelatin mask. Wash with cool water without soap and rub your skin with a cotton sponge dipped in lemon juice. After a few minutes, apply a little castor oil to your face.
  2. The first stage is the same - washing with clean water and soap. Cleanse your skin thoroughly with natural yogurt. A small amount of yogurt should be applied to the face, left for ten minutes, and then removed with a cotton pad. Make a steam bath with a decoction of calendula. Now apply oat scrub to your face. Wash again and apply cucumber juice to your face. In conclusion, it remains only to lubricate the skin with a little shea butter.
  3. After washing, cleanse the skin with warm milk. Steam the skin over the steam bath with St. John's wort broth. Then apply a mask with clay. After washing, treat your skin with green tea. Now it remains only to apply a moisturizer. It can be ordinary high-quality sunflower oil.

Alternate these simple ways to maintain beauty so that your pores remain narrowed and your skin looks healthy and blooming.

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