A workplace is the primary link in the production and technical structure of any enterprise, necessary for the implementation of the management, maintenance and production process. It is in this zone that all these elements are combined and the ultimate goal of labor is achieved - finished products are produced, services are provided, etc. The correct organization of the workplace must be carried out at any enterprise. This will allow the most efficient use of labor, as well as tools and means of production. All this will ultimately affect the cost of finished products, their quality, as well as many other economic indicators.
A workplace is a zone that is assigned to each individual staffing unit of an enterprise. It can also be a certain territory of the production building, on which hoisting-and-transport, technological or auxiliary equipment is installed. Most often, such zones are assigned to a group of workers.
Any part of the production process is carried out here. Each workplace has certain features. This is due to the specifics of the production process, as well as to the variety of forms that a particular labor has. But the fact that the state of workplaces in the enterprise is, speaks of the level of organization of labor.
Primary requirements
A workplace is that area of ββan enterprise in which one or more performers carry out labor activities using the technical equipment installed right there. In such areas, the main goal of the entire production is achieved. It consists in the implementation of established technological standards, as well as in the timely, high-quality and economical manufacture of the final product. To achieve this goal, certain requirements must be met already when the workplace of the employee is organized. This will allow the most rational use of human and material resources. Among the existing requirements are:
- organizational;
- technical;
- ergonomic;
- economic.
As for organizational requirements, for their implementation each workplace must be rationally located in the zone of the technological process. This factor affects the efficiency of the contractor. In addition, the employer must find the most acceptable option, in which rational maintenance of the workplace will be carried out . This will allow uninterruptedly supplying the artist with materials and raw materials, parts and blanks, as well as tools. Fulfillment of organizational requirements will make it possible to repair tooling and equipment as quickly as possible, to clean up waste, and will also provide harmless and safe conditions for humans.
From a technical point of view, the installation of advanced equipment is necessary at the workplace. Here should be all the instrumentation, tools and hoisting vehicles that the process needs.
Ergonomic requirements must be met at the design stage of the equipment, as well as during the planning of the workplace. This will reduce the fatigue of the performer during a long and monotonous repetition of a certain type of movement.
In addition to all of the above, there is a need for optimal employment of the contractor. And for this, when organizing a workplace, all economic requirements must be taken into account. This will affect the level of labor productivity, as well as the quality of the final product.
A personβs workplace is a diverse, often specific and unique zone. That is why there are no unified requirements for its planning, equipment, and also maintenance. It all depends on the specific production, as well as on the industry to which it belongs. Jobs can only be roughly classified according to the main distinguishing features. This will apply the general requirements and rules that exist within each group.
One of the most basic classification features is the level of automation and mechanization of work performed. According to it, the zones where the performers fulfill the duties assigned to them are divided into five groups. Let's consider them in more detail.
Jobs using manual labor
In these production areas, the final product is the result of the energy costs of the employee. The contractor performs labor operations using a hand tool. An example is the assembly of mechanisms and assemblies without the use of devices, the development of soil with a shovel or kyle, etc. Everything that is performed at such workplaces has a high complexity and low productivity. Of course, this is not beneficial for the enterprise. However, it is impossible to completely exclude manual labor and, accordingly, such jobs from the technological process. In them, for example, there is a need for the repair of equipment installed on this site.
Jobs for machine and manual labor
At these production sites, the final product is obtained using various mechanisms. However, here, in addition to machines, it is impossible to do without the participation of a person who gives away part of his energy consumption. An example of such a production is planing an electric planer or sawing wood using a circular saw.
Jobs for mechanized labor
They are created in the case when all stages of the technological process are carried out using mechanisms and machines. The role of man in this is to manage these means of labor, control over the quality of products.
This group of jobs differs from the previous two in that the performer, in the course of performing labor duties, spends his own energy only on auxiliary movements. An example of this is driving a vehicle, a sewing machine, etc.
Automated production
If all technological operations are carried out by automatic machines or mechanisms, then the role of man is reduced only to their launch, as well as to stop and control the production. In this case, an automated workstation is created. This can be a fairly large area for a single operator to serve several automatic mechanisms.
Hardware Workplace
This zone is different from those that exist in mechanized and automated production. Here is a special equipment (apparatus), which to obtain the final product converts thermal, electrical or chemical energy. In this case, a person, like in automated production, remains to observe the operation of equipment, controlling the readings of devices.
Other classification
The allocation of jobs by groups may be carried out depending on:
- Type of production and process repeatability. These jobs are created in single and serial, mass and large-scale production.
- Degrees of specialization.
- Constancy of location. At the same time, a mobile and stable (stationary) workplace is distinguished. This will also affect their organization of work. A stable zone is needed, for example, in mechanical engineering when servicing machines. What equipment is used to create a stationary workplace? These are heavy, bulky and complex units. When creating mobile workplaces, the use of a portable lightweight tool, as well as tools designed to move it, is provided. At the same time, a permanent workplace can be distinguished. This is the area where the contractor is continuously more than two hours of his working day or more than 50% of this time. The workplace may be unstable. Here, the contractor is, respectively, less than two consecutive hours or less than 50% of his working time.
- The number of performers. At the same time, collective (brigade) and individual jobs are distinguished.
- The number of serviced units of technological equipment. For example, there are multi-station and single-station jobs.
- The functions of the performer. So, there are jobs of specialists and employees, managers, security, etc.
- Profession performer. For example, the workplace of a doctor or accountant, driver or joiner.
- Location (indoor or outdoor).
- Shifts (1-, 2-, 3- and 4-shift).
- Duration of use (temporary or permanent).
Job Organization
Before the start of any production process, it is necessary to carry out a system of measures aimed at equipping the area where the contractor performs his labor duties with objects and means of labor. In other words, workplace preparation must be completed. This will ensure the optimal functioning of a rather complex system, which includes a person, a machine and the environment. Only if the conditions for the consistency of these parameters are met, the labor process will have reliability and high efficiency.
To create a comfortable working posture, as well as optimal loads on all human muscles, it will be necessary to apply knowledge of anthropological characteristics. At the same time, an ergonomic survey of workplaces is performed, where physiological characteristics of performers are taken into account and their movements are evaluated.
In addition, all objects located in this zone should have such shapes, colors, sizes that would correspond to the auditory, tactile, visual, and other mental and physiological characteristics of a person. Illumination and humidity, noise and temperature, dust emission and vibration - all this should also be taken into account at the time when a mobile or permanent workstation is just being designed. This will allow you to comply with all sanitary and hygienic requirements that are developed by applicable law in order to ensure safe and healthy working conditions.
Organization of quota jobs
Employment and employment are key elements of the social integration and economic independence of those people whose capabilities are limited. For those who are particularly in need of social protection and experiencing difficulties in taking up available vacancies at enterprises, a certain quota is established by law. It denotes the minimum number of jobs that the employer must provide for such a group of citizens. Moreover, the employment of such people is the responsibility of any enterprise, regardless of its legal form.
Quoted workplace is an additional guarantee of employment of citizens. Its creation protects against unemployment those who have low competitiveness in the labor market.
An organization with more than a hundred employees must have more than one quota of jobs. This is the responsibility of the employer. It is enshrined in the law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation." What should be the quota of jobs? This is established after the calculation (from 2 to 4 percent of the average staff).
Workplace layout
The area in which the performer is located should be expediently placed in space. At the same time, it is important that it be functionally interconnected with equipment, means of production, objects of labor, and everything necessary for carrying out the labor process. When planning a workplace, it is necessary to arrange objects and tools in such a way that the performer does not have to make unnecessary movements. This will reduce its fatigue and increase labor efficiency.
The layout of the workplace should be made taking into account ergonomic requirements. They provide for the rational formation of labor zones, as well as the choice of such an option for the placement of tools and materials that would provide the worker with the necessary operational space and at the same time save production space.
Job analysis
In personnel management at any enterprise, certain stages can be distinguished. The very first of these includes job analysis. This is necessary to design these zones and improve the quality of working life.
Analysis is the differentiation of the workplace. In the process of its implementation, those tasks that are solved by the contractor, as well as the basic requirements for education, responsibility and experience, necessary for the implementation of labor in this place, are studied.
To collect the necessary information, one of four methods can be applied:
- interview (interview);
- observation;
- questioning;
- drawing up a list of employee responsibilities.
Applying one of these methods, first of all, it is necessary to collect data on the area where the contractor performs his duties, and then study the production process itself.
Certification of jobs
The labor legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the obligation of the employer to conduct a periodic assessment of working conditions in those areas where the performers fulfill their duties. Certification of jobs - these are measures in the course of which harmful and dangerous factors that threaten human health are identified.
The procedure for conducting such an assessment and recording its results is enshrined in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, issued on April 26, 2011. According to this document, a workplace is subject to certification, where:
- machines, equipment, installations, mechanisms, apparatuses and vehicles are operated, and they are also being adjusted, repaired and tested;
- there are sources of hazards that have a harmful effect on humans;
- materials and raw materials are stored, moved and used;
- used manual, mechanized or electrified tools.
Certification of jobs - these are activities that can be:
- primary;
- repeated;
- unscheduled.
5S system
There is a certain technique that allows you to correctly and efficiently organize the space of the work zone. It is called the β5S job system.β This technique aims to create optimal conditions that allow you to maintain order and cleanliness, maintain accuracy, and save energy and time. 5S is a lean manufacturing tool developed by Toyota in the post-war years. The introduction of this methodology at the enterprise is an important step towards improving the competitiveness of its products. Indeed, only in an orderly and clean environment is it possible to produce high-quality items that would meet all the requirements of customers. The 5S technique creates real prerequisites for this. It consists of five consecutive steps.
On the first of them sorting is carried out with the subsequent removal of all unnecessary, located at the workplace. This will undoubtedly affect the improvement of labor safety and culture. All employees should be involved in sorting and determining unnecessary items for the implementation of the technological process. Further, excess items are disposed of or transferred to storage.
The second step of the methodology is to maintain order and self-organization. In this case, each thing must be found its place. All items are placed in an accessible area for each user. To quickly find the right tool or other thing, you should mark them.
The third step of the methodology involves the systematic cleaning of the workplace and maintaining cleanliness. A specific system is created where nothing else is polluted. Frequent and regular cleaning is carried out in each of the working areas. Moreover, all tools are in good condition and in those places where they can be easily found. Periodic cleaning of the equipment provided for by this technique allows you to prevent possible malfunctions in the operation of mechanisms.
The fourth step is to standardize the process. It is a written consolidation of the most effective solutions that are found in the implementation of the first three stages. In this case, the technique will become clear and easy to remember. Also, at the fourth stage, standards are developed for safety procedures and equipment maintenance. All of them are recorded in documents issued at the enterprise.
The fifth step is to improve discipline. , , .
5S . , . , . , . , - .