Subjects of parental meetings. Subjects of school-wide parent-teacher meetings

The educational process in the school is based on the interaction of the teaching staff with a specific child and his parents. The result directly depends on the effectiveness of such work. The most representative form of communication between teachers and parents is the holding of meetings.

Common practice is to conduct school-wide events for parallel classes. Inside a specific team, it is possible to quickly solve a number of problems.

The need for extracurricular activities in the educational institution is directly determined by the summing up of the intermediate and final results of the year. The subjects of school-wide parent-teacher meetings usually involve consideration of issues that relate to the basic regulatory documents of the educational institution, the results of its activities for a certain period, as well as long-term plans.

Meetings for parents of students from parallel groups most often include discussion of issues related to graduation or the admission of children of 6 years of age. Subjects of school-wide parent-teacher meetings may also be associated with extra-curricular activities.

The range of issues addressed at parent-teacher meetings of a particular class is most often the most varied, which is due to more “moving” issues in each specific children's team.

topics of parent meetings

Confidence in relations between teacher and parents

The organization of the effective work of the children's team at school is the main task of the class teacher. Its implementation is possible only if a trusting atmosphere is created between the three sides of the educational process: teacher - student - parents. This indicates the high professionalism of the teacher, which, accordingly, in the future will allow to obtain the highest academic results.

The most important tool of the class teacher in creating a comfortable psychological climate is the organization of the teacher’s interaction with the parents of students through extra-curricular activities.

Preparing for a parent meeting

In preparation for the event, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the parent meeting, which involves choosing the topic, participants, form and time of its holding. This will ensure the effectiveness of communication between the parties.

The sample parent meeting plan should briefly reflect the issues that will be discussed, as well as the estimated time they will be considered. A prerequisite in preparing for the event is a preliminary notification of moms and dads about the date, time of the meeting, which is planned.

parent meeting plan

The relevance of the topic of parent-teacher meetings

One of the key points in this activity is the selection of topics for parental meetings, which should reflect the current problems of the children's team and contribute to their solution.

The activities of educators are based primarily on long-term planning. This applies to both educational and educational work. That is, as a rule, the topic of parent-teacher meetings should be considered by the class teacher ahead of time. The professionalism of the teacher is manifested in that in order to timely respond to the situation in the children's team and contribute to the resolution of problem situations in it.

The consideration of relevant topics at parent meetings is facilitated by close contact of the class teacher with the children and their parents. To help in choosing the relevant topics of the parent meeting may be a preliminary survey of moms and dads.

The teacher must consider the pressing problems of a particular class. Naturally, the basic questions remain academic performance, behavior, psychological climate in the team. But, in addition to the main issues, it is necessary to consider problems that are directly related to the individual characteristics of students, their specific behavioral models, etc.

topics of school-wide parent-teacher meetings

Parent Meeting Forms

The most acceptable form of holding meetings is dialogue. It is this type of communication that will allow us to establish partnerships between the teacher and parents. The work should be based on mutual respect, understanding the goals of the educational process. This will help strengthen the authority of the teacher and achieve positive results in teaching children.

It is also possible to use the form of a dispute, a round table, a lecture in the case of inviting additional specialists (psychologists, doctors). Attracting additional specialists will help in solving the narrow problems that parents face, but don’t know how to solve them due to lack of knowledge and relevant experience.

The above forms allow you to achieve positive results, create an atmosphere of trust and combine the efforts of parents and teachers.

Parent meeting time

As mentioned above, the basis of an effective educational process is a confidential atmosphere. When choosing the time of the meeting, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and possibilities of the parties. This will indicate that the teacher and parents are in a partnership.

topics of parent meetings for the year

Year Planning

Long-term planning of parent-teacher meetings for a year provides a comprehensive consideration of the problems of the educational process. And here, of course, it is necessary to plan the topics of school-wide parent-teacher meetings and classroom events. At the same time, it is worth considering the age of the students, providing for problems that may arise next year. Subjects of parent meetings for the year should be thought out in advance.

The main issues that can be considered in this context are: “The mode of schoolchildren’s day”, “Organization of educational activities of schoolchildren”, “The role of the family in shaping the personality of the child”, “Partnership of the school and parents in raising a child”, “Age and individual characteristics children ”,“ Healthy lifestyle ”,“ Aggression and children ”,“ Violence against children ”,“ Summing up (quarter, half year, year) ”. The subjects of these meetings are infinitely wide, but the child’s personality, its development and achievement of educational goals are in the center of attention.

topics of parent-teacher meetings at school

Parent meeting topics: Grade 2

Separately, it is necessary to say about the nuances of events for parents of elementary school students.

An important issue that should be discussed at the meeting is the grading system. This is due to the fact that in grade 2 children already have notes in the diary, which, in turn, have a psychological effect on both children and adults. Often, parents evaluate grades as a categorical encouragement or censure of the child. And this attitude of adults, of course, affects the psyche of students. It is important to understand that a negative assessment only signals the presence of any problem that needs to be solved together with the child. A positive score is just a step towards acquiring further knowledge.

topics of parental meetings class 2

Also, when planning parent-teacher meetings, you need to dwell on the problem of preparing homework. The fundamental component of today's school life is the self-organization of children, the ability to think logically.

Parent meeting topics: Grade 11

At an older age, the guys are already thinking about entering a university. This involves summing up school results. During the meeting, it is necessary to familiarize parents with the regulatory documents governing the rules for assessing children's knowledge, ways to appeal the results, and the procedure for obtaining a certificate of completion of a general educational institution.

topics of parental meetings grade 11

Attraction of narrow specialists

In general, the topic of parent-teacher meetings in the school should present the parents with the content, forms and principles of working with children in the educational institution, familiarize themselves with the best methods of the educational and educational processes, consider the features of the educational programs, involve them in extracurricular activities, inform about the availability of electives, circles.

A separate set of problems that can be solved during parental meetings involves the involvement of narrow specialists. This will allow teachers and parents to find mutual understanding with children and improve the psychological climate in the team.

Another aspect that is considered during parental meetings is a question that reflects the material and technical side of the learning process. Of course, without the help of parents, many financial issues at school are difficult to resolve.

It is important to remember that the main indicator of the effectiveness of parenting is the creation and existence of the triumvirate of the teacher - child - parents. Only in this way can everyone realize their expectations from the educational process.

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