The series "Letters on Glass": a summary of all series

The melodrama “Letters on Glass” first appeared on Russian television screens in 2014 and quickly gained viewer love. The series is especially popular with the female part of viewers.

“Letters on Glass” (Season 1): Summary

letters on glass summary of all series

The first season started on August 25, 2014 on the Rossiya channel. A total of 16 episodes were shot and shown. Due to the success of the first episodes, it was decided to continue shooting. Despite the short season, he is very eventful.

1-2 series. Acquaintance

The series “Letters on Glass” begins with the introduction of the main characters. The summary provides an opportunity to outline how this happened. Alina, a nurse at the hospital, meets Max, who is visiting his aunt here. It turns out that another nurse, Rita, is familiar with Maxim - they once met. Alina lives with her grandmother Marta and her mother. The girl manages to enter St. Petersburg honey. institute. Inga, the granddaughter of a local businessman, is going there.

The next morning Alina finds a message written on glass from Max. They begin to meet, but Rita is not happy with this - she still loves Maxim. But Max himself says that it's all over between them. Inga accidentally knocks down her boyfriend Roman, and then takes him to the hospital.

3-4 series. Parting

The film "Letters on Glass" (a brief summary of the series conveys the overall emotionality of the series) tells about the life of several people. So, Inga is included in the story, which is reported in the hospital that Roman remained disabled for life. Inga's mother Veronika is going to marry Gleb. The daughter decides to upset the wedding and shows the mother a photo of her groom with another woman. Veronica asks her father to find information about this woman.

Because of the words of Rita, Alina breaks up with Max. Gleb goes on a business trip, but has an accident, and he is taken to the hospital with a concussion. Here he meets Alina and begins to look after her.

film writing on glass series summary

5-6 series. Fire

The intensity of the events of the film "Letters on Glass" is growing (a summary of all series can be found in this article). Suddenly a fire occurs. Alina’s mom is seriously injured. Barely alive Maxim is taken to a St. Petersburg clinic. Alina takes care of her mother, but Max is not on the list of survivors. However, the girl does not believe that he died. Alina asks Rita to help with the search.

Alina is crushed by what happened, she does not want to live anymore and is going to commit suicide. But then she becomes unwell - she realizes that she is pregnant. Alina believes that she has a child from Maxim. Having learned about pregnancy, Martha demands to get rid of the baby. At this time, her German friend comes to grandmother. Martha has the intention to marry him.

7-8 series. Transfer to Gleb

Gleb offers Alina to stay with him. He arranges the girl in the country, and he goes home. Inga tells Veronica that Gleb is constantly disappearing somewhere and it is not clear where he is spending money. At the same time, Inga quarrels with Gleb and promises that she will not let her mother be hurt and bring him to clean water. The girl begins to monitor her future stepfather.

Maxim in the hospital, he lost his memory, but gradually he begins to remember. Recognizes Rita, recalls the fire. Later she recalls Alina, but she still cannot understand who she is. Rita is inextricably next to Max and is trying to hide from him their relationship with Alina. Inga examines Alina’s home. But at the time of the search, the girl returns.

9-10 series. Imprisonment

The series "Letters on Glass", a brief summary of which we are considering, talks about what is happening with Max. The memory to the guy is completely back. He asks to be told about Alina. In response, he hears only that the girl left him. Max decides to figure it out himself and sets off in search of Alina. He goes to Martha’s apartment, but finds no one. A neighbor says that Alina left with some man in St. Petersburg. Max continues to search, but to no avail.

Alina is sent to prison on false charges. Maxim hears all the time that he survived only thanks to Rita, and Alina turned away from him. In the end, he decides to make an offer to Rita.

Alina has to adapt to life in the zone. After the death of her mother, Inga suddenly realizes that she likes Gleb. She confesses her feelings to him, but is refused.

summary of letter series on glass 2

11-12 series. Gleb's offer

A brief summary of the series "Letters on Glass" gives an idea of ​​the hardships that sometimes fall on the lot of an innocent person. In the colony, Alina gives birth to a child, a girl whom she calls Nastya. The daughter is sent to the child’s house, allowing the mother to see her. Gleb visits Alina.

Inga lives with her grandfather, who forces her to study and tries to imprison her. But Inga does not give up and continues to invent stories to sneak out of the house.

Gleb tells Alina that he can prove her innocence. Instead, she asks Alina to give him a daughter. After much deliberation, the heroine agrees.

Rita and Max buy an apartment in a newly built residential complex. They hardly manage to raise money for a down payment.

13-14 series. freedom

In the series “Letters on Glass” (a brief summary is described in detail in our article) there are many dramatic episodes. So, after her release, Alina goes to Martha, but other people live in her grandmother’s apartment. No one knows where she moved. Then Alina takes advantage of the offer of her friend Shadrina and settles with her sister for a while.

letters on glass season 2 summary

During the absence of Alina, Nastya grew up. Gleb took care of her, devoted a lot of time. Alina manages to find the phone number of Gleb, she calls him and asks for a meeting with her daughter. But the man replies that Alina will never see her daughter again. And if she seeks meetings with her, she will be thrown into jail.

Rita learns that she will not be able to have children. First she talks about this to Luba, and then to Max. Maxim is trying to calm her down.

Alina rents a room in a communal apartment and finds a job as an office administrator. Her company is located in the same building as the company of Gleb. Alina tries to avoid meeting a man. And then he asks the neighbor for a car and decides to follow Gleb.

15-16 series. Daughter

There is a fire in Gleb’s house. Nastya gets to the hospital, Alina takes care of her. Seeing this, Gleb offers Alina to live with Nastya in his apartment. Time passes. Gleb decides to make an offer to Alina. At the same time, it turns out that the new secretary, Gleb, works for his main rival, Nadezhda Tregubova. Hope offers to unite the companies, Gleb agrees.

“Letters on Glass” (Season 2): Summary

letters on glass summary

The second season of the series was released in 2015. It also consisted of 16 episodes. Season 2 continues the life story of Alina. Many fans were waiting for the continuation, so the quick release of the next series was very pleasing to them.

1-2 series. New driver

Alina and Gleb get married. Gleb hires a driver for his wife, it turns out to be Max. Seeing him, Alina faints. Now they are seen daily. Maxim manages to speak with Alina in a few days. A woman asks not to tell Gleb that they are familiar. Alina also says that it was Rita who told her about the death of Max. Maxim’s relationship with his wife is getting worse.

At the restaurant where Gleb and Alina dined, Gleb's car exploded. Nadia later admits that she ordered her to blow up the car. She says she did it for public relations - now everyone will start talking about him. The mayor of Kurgan is suspected of attempting Gleb.

3-4 series. Abduction

The audience loved the series "Letters on Glass 2". A brief summary of this season shows how dramatic the film becomes. Gleb is running for mayoral election. Alina goes to her new friend Lera, but at the gas station they are both abducted. The kidnappers call Gleb and demand that he withdraw his candidacy. Gleb is ready to agree, but Nadia persuades to wait and connects to the search for a acquaintance of the former FSB officer Oleg. Gleb has 2 days to make a choice - the mayor’s chair or his wife.

Oleg manages to find a clue - Lera is not the one she pretended to be. Riot police frees Alina, Leroux is arrested.

Rita threatens Max to tell Gleb about his relationship with Alina. But Maxim is not listening.

Relations between Gleb and Alina deteriorate, a woman is not happy with her husband’s victory in the elections. After all, the mayor’s chair turned out to be more expensive for him than his wife. Kurganov promises to take revenge on Gleb.

5-6 series. Attempt

The furious Kurgan decides to kill Gleb and hires a killer. The mercenary shoots at the moment when the new mayor takes the oath. Gleb with a serious wound is taken to the hospital. Alina does not depart from her husband. Nadia submits an application for Kurganov to the prosecutor's office, but there is no evidence.

Rita's patient dies during childbirth. She writes a letter of resignation. Rita invites Max to adopt a child whose mother died in her arms. Maxim agrees and decides to quit, but Alina says she loves him. After that, Max decides to break with Rita.

Alina and Max begin to meet. Alina is blackmailed by her relationship with the driver.

letters on glass summary of the last series

7-8 series. Blackmail

Quite a long and eventful series “Letters on Glass”. A brief summary of all the series allows you to decide whether to watch the whole series or not to waste your time.

Aline continues to call the blackmailer. The heroine understands that this is a woman. She is convinced that only two can take revenge on her - Inga or Rita. But Alina is mistaken.

Eugene, the father of the child whom Rita wanted to adopt, takes him from the hospital. Rita gives him her phone. After some time, Eugene asks Rita to help him with the baby. Gradually, Zhenya and Rita get closer.

The blackmailer calls Gleb and talks about his wife's relationship with the driver. Alina manages to convince her husband that this is not true. But the next day, Gleb receives irrefutable evidence.

Gleb offers Max money for breaking up with Alina, but he refuses. Gleb finds out that he has a son. On the advice of Nadi, the new mayor hires the new security chief Fedor.

9-10 series. The escape

Gleb’s attitude towards Alina changes dramatically, which confirms the summary of the series (“Letters on Glass 2”). Gleb locks his wife at home and does not let her go anywhere. He writes to Maxim SMS that Alina is breaking up with him, but Max does not believe this.

Max manages to free Alina from captivity. In a rage, Gleb dismisses the guards and the nanny of his daughter. Fedor picks up new people. Max and Alina are renting an apartment. Gleb's guard continues to search for his wife. They manage to find Maxim, but he escapes from them.

11-12 series. Locked up again

New trials await the main character of the film “Letters on Glass” (a brief summary proves this). The new nanny Nastya helps the girl to meet her mother, and then to escape from the guard. Max takes them away. But Fedor manages to track down the runaways. He takes Nastya and Alina away, and orders Max to beat him. Gleb again locks his wife and says that Maxim will not survive after such beatings. The battered Max is found and taken to the hospital.

Gleb takes her daughter away and tells Alina that she will never see her if she tries to escape again. He complains to Nadia that he is surrounded by the wrong women. Nadia hints at a closer relationship.

letters on glass season 1 summary

13-14 series. Mental institution

Alina gets to the hospital, from where Rita helps her escape. But one of the nurses tells Fedor everything. Alina manages to transfer documents notifying her husband to a notary. Gleb realizes that Alina is threatening his well-being, and demands that Fedor deal with her. Alina is going to sue, but for this she needs a passport. Fedor puts Rita's phone on the wiretap. So he manages to calculate the whereabouts of Alina. Fedor takes the woman to a psychiatric hospital.

Max's father manages to find his son in the hospital, after which he takes him home. Maxim tries to talk with Gleb, and after a failure submits a complaint to the police. At this time, Alina begins active treatment in a mental hospital. She unsuccessfully tries to prove to the doctor that she is healthy.

15-16 series. Exemption

So, season 2 of the melodrama Letters on Glass is drawing to a close. The summary of the last series, however, suggests that the scriptwriters do not give the audience all the answers, and even, on the contrary, ask new questions.

Maxim manages to get Alina out of the mental hospital. Together they run away. But Fedor with his gang is already waiting for them at the gate. Alina and Max are taken out of town, but they manage to escape. The shootout begins. Maxim is injured. Alina takes him to the hospital. Nadia comes there and asks Max to take the statement, and in exchange promises freedom to Alina and Nastya. Maxim agrees.

But the trials of heroes do not end there.

Unfortunately, only at the end of 2016 will the new series of the series “Letters on Glass” be released. Season 3, a brief summary of which has not yet been disclosed, promises to be interesting and answer the questions posed in the first two. However, whether he will be the last is unknown.

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