Developing tasks for a child of 5 years: we develop speech, memory and logic

Senior preschool age (5-7 years) is the period in which a child develops the knowledge and skills that he will later need at school and in life. At this time, the period of “pochumuchki” passes in children, and the children begin to become interested in more global issues. A preschooler should already be able to read, count to 10, know the names of the main geometric figures on the plane and in volume. Very important in this period is the formation of concepts: "good and bad." At 5 years old, the child can already concentrate well on a specific task and complete it without being distracted. That is why at this age it is necessary to develop a child in all directions. Assignments for a child of 5 years will help him to prepare for school activities as much as possible.

tasks for a child of 5 years

The development of speech in a preschooler

As a rule, at this age, children already speak well. They know a lot of words, they can build complex sentences, and also describe events and objects, using synonyms and antonyms. Children aged 4-5 years listen very carefully as adults say, and copy their communication style. It is very important that a five-year-old child learns to pronounce each sound and word correctly. In order for the child’s speech to be clear and clear, it is necessary to carry out exercises for the development of speech with him.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy exercises for children 5 years old are divided into several categories: finger exercises, articulatory gymnastics and tongue twisters. Tasks using fingers greatly contribute to the development of speech, articulatory gymnastics allows you to properly open your mouth and put your tongue during the pronunciation of sounds, tongue twisters, in turn, consolidate the knowledge gained. Consider each of the categories individually.

Finger gymnastics

An example of a task for a child of 5 years to develop fine motor skills: "Flower"

developmental tasks for children 5 years old

Hands folded so that they form a flower bud. Reading the poem, in the words "blooms" to open the flower, and on the word "lies" to close.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulatory (facial) gymnastics is an exercise in developing the muscles of the tongue and lips. If these parts of the child’s body are not sufficiently developed, then he will not be able to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly. It is recommended to complete tasks for a 5 year old child to develop articulation near a mirror.

  1. Have the baby show the language. Let him imagine that the tongue is a swing, and shake it at the expense of time - to the upper teeth, at the expense of two - to the lower ones.
  2. Exercises with lips: on the count of times - pull your lips into the tube, on the count of two - smile broadly. You can also try brushing your upper and lower lip with your teeth.

speech therapy tasks for children 5 years old

Tongue Twisters

There are a huge number of tongue twisters for every sound. All of them help to develop the child’s speech: to make it more clear and expressive.

Educational tasks for children of 5 years in the form of tongue twisters:

Tongue Twisters

Such tongue twisters teach to pronounce the sounds [t] [d] [h]. Children really like reading and learning such funny rhymes.

Developing memory

The memory of the child must begin to be developed in preschool age. At 5 years old, children perceive and remember new information very well, and in order to keep such results in the future, some efforts must be made. So what developmental tasks for children of 5 years help to train memory?

  1. Memorizing items. Lay out 4 different objects in front of the baby (for example: a typewriter, pen, phone and keys). Ask your child to look at them and look away. Remove objects from view. Now that the child is turning, ask him to name what he saw before. If this is not difficult for him, complicate the exercise - ask for the color of the objects, shape, purpose.
  2. Memorizing words (objects and actions). Say 4 different words in a row (objects - a table, a cup, a house, a flower, or 4 different actions - sit, read, play, laugh) ask the child to repeat them. If such tasks for a child of 5 years will be easy, feel free to use 5-7 words.
  3. To train memory, help the pictures "find the difference", as well as reading and analysis of books read. For example, start a child to read a long tale. Read half and leave the rest the next day. Before reading the next part, ask the child what he remembered from the previous one, analyze together the characters and events of this story.

math assignments for children 5 years old

Developing logic tasks

Logic is a very important ability that needs to be developed. The thinking of a child at the age of 5 is very peculiar. Surely many mothers noticed that at this age children are sometimes smarter than adults. It is very important not to miss this period and help the child develop.

Before studying logical tasks for children of 5 years, it is necessary to determine what types of thinking a child at this age is already operating on. As a rule, at 5 years old children are able to compare, analyze, classify and synthesize objects and actions.

Exercise Dorisuy

The bottom line is that the child needs to finish part of the subject.

logic tasks for children 5 years old

Children's puzzles help develop logic. Collecting puzzles with the whole family is a very fun and useful activity. In addition, tasks in mathematics for children of 5 years help to develop thinking. For example, put 8 coins on the table and give the child matches. Ask him to put as many matches as coins on the table.

logic tasks for children 5 years old

Take at least 30 minutes of activity with your child every day. However, you should not overwork and force the baby, be sure to take breaks for gymnastics. The process of studying with a child should look like an exciting game for him, and then he will learn and remember everything well.

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