Exercises with an expander for the back: varieties, technique

Spring-type expanders and products in the form of an elastic band (fitness gum) are convenient to use, universal simulators. The devices are great for organizing effective classes in a comfortable home environment. The regular use of power expanders ensures active burning of the subcutaneous fat. Devices are great for classes aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, the fight against vertebral osteochondrosis. In our publication, we will consider an effective set of exercises with spring expanders and latex tapes.

What is an expander?

exercises with an expander for the back

The basis of the design is elastic material of increased elasticity - a spring or a looped latex strip. The efforts are determined by the degree of tension of the product. Spring models are equipped with handles that provide ease of use of the tool for organizing training. Classes with expanders provide a relief of the feeling of muscle stiffness. Providing moderate back loads helps prevent osteochondrosis, strengthens local muscles.

Warm up

To minimize the likelihood of injury, classes with a spring expander or fitness rubber should start with a warm-up. Initially, all muscle groups are warmed up qualitatively. Finish preparing for increased physical activity with light cardio training.

Warm up is performed according to such a plan:

  1. Take a vertical stand. The legs are shoulder width apart. The upper limbs are freely lowered. They begin to gently bow their heads to the left and right, back and forth. Slowly rotate the neck in a circle. During the exercise, it is important not to throw your head too far back. Otherwise, there is a risk of harming the vertebrae.
  2. The next action is the rotation of the shoulders. Remaining in the same stance, perform circular movements back and forth. You need to feel how each vertebra is involved in the work.
  3. The palms are located in the pelvic area. Rotate the body in one direction and the other. Perform smooth, slow tilts back and forth.

After warming up the muscles, you should turn to moderate loads on the heart muscle. You can stop at any convenient version of the warm-up, whether it is jumping rope, aerobics to music or running on the spot. The main task is to increase the heart rate. In general, the whole complex of warm-up exercises should take at least 10 minutes. Having completed the task, you should proceed to exercises with an expander for the back.

Arm distributions in the horizontal plane

exercises for the back with an expander for women

Breeding of the upper limbs is an effective exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back with a spring type expander. Training is performed according to such a scheme:

  • capture the handle of the device;
  • the expander is located at chest level;
  • hands are widely spread apart, pulling the spring in a position parallel to the floor surface;
  • palms should look opposite each other;
  • the expander gently stretch to the limit;
  • qualitatively open the chest;
  • reach the contact of the blades with each other;
  • at the end point they are delayed for a couple of seconds;
  • slowly returning to the starting position, relaxing the limbs.

During one training session, they make about 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. In addition to creating a high-quality load for the back, an exercise with an expander in the spring format makes it possible to properly pump the rear deltas.

Shift hands with a shift down

expander exercises

Reliably grabbing the handles of the spring expander with your palms, the straightened upper limbs raise above the head. Hands spread apart on the sides in a horizontal plane. Then one limb is wound behind the back and bent down. The middle part of the expander spring should be in the back of the head. Then they return to the starting position and tilt the second hand down. Perform a dozen repetitions over 3-4 sets.


power expander

To complete the exercise, you need a latex expander. In a vertical stance, legs are bred shoulder width apart. Stops step on the middle of the looped gum. The flat back is tilted in the frontal direction at an angle close to 45 °. The palms on outstretched hands grab the ends of the expander. A good strain on the muscles in the lumbar region. The gaze is fixed in front of you.

After exhaling, slowly unbend the back, returning to the vertical stance. The work includes the muscles of the back and lower extremities. Performing deadlift using an elastic tape makes it possible to load muscles in the middle and upper back, as well as to bring increased muscle tone of the lower back.


sets of exercises with spring expanders

The following back exercise with an expander for women and men is suitable. The main thing is to use an elastic tape, the level of resistance of which corresponds to physical fitness.

Perform the inclination of the upper part of the body forward, keeping the back straight. The legs are spread shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. Feet lead inside the latex expander ring. The opposite edge is thrown around the neck. In the chest, the gum is grabbed by the palms.

On exhalation, the body is moved to a vertical position, overcoming the load from stretching the expander due to the muscles of the back. Having reached the end point, they slowly return to the inclined position. Throughout the workout, the back is held evenly, avoiding jerking and rounding the spine. Performing hyperextension using latex tape helps to create moderate loads on the muscles of the lumbar region and the muscles responsible for extension of the back.

Seated inclinations

exercises with an expander to strengthen the muscles of the back

Let's consider another effective exercise for the back with an expander in the form of a latex tape. First, they take a sitting position with legs straightened and brought together. The ends of the looped gum are held by the palms. The middle part of the device is turned on by the feet.

Keeping the back in an even position, on the exhale, the body is smoothly deflected back. Overcome the effort that occurs as a result of stretching the latex expander. The arms are bent at the elbows, pulling the palms to the side of the body. At the end point they freeze for a couple of seconds. Slowly return to their original position, bringing the body forward and taking a deep breath. Training allows you to use the broadest muscles of the back, delta and triceps.

Extension of the back lying

The middle part of the expander is hooked, supported, any other fixture on the ceiling. The endings of the device are held by the palms. They lie on the floor, bending their knees. Feet and pelvis reliably abut against a plane. Slowly move to a sitting position. Then, a backward movement is performed due to tension of the lumbar muscles. During the approach, the chest and shoulder girdle are opened qualitatively.

Overcoming the tension of the expander, reach the light touch with the shoulder blades of the floor. They are momentarily held still. Taking a deep breath, return to their original position. Performing an exercise with an expander for the back according to the specified scheme provides pumping of the long muscles and muscles of the lower back.

Standing rods

latex expander

The middle part of the expander is securely fixed closer to the floor, pressed down with a heavy load or wrapped around the bottom of the vertical support. Palms capture the ends of the product. Legs are slightly bent at the knees. Torso lean forward. Hands left straight. The back remains in position according to natural bends. Open chest and shoulder girdle. The gaze is fixed in front of you. Take several steps in the direction from the fixation point of the expander, achieving increased tension of the device.

Filling the lungs with air, slowly feed the body back. Resistance is overcome due to muscular tension of the back. The balance is maintained thanks to the support on spread legs. After holding a couple of seconds at the end point, they smoothly return to their original stance.

Traction hulls are mastered with a minimum load at a leisurely pace. The resistance level of the expander is increased when the exercise becomes too easy. Regular training in accordance with this principle ensures the creation of a load on the long muscles of the back, which are responsible for the deviation of the spine in the back direction.


A set of exercises with an expander should be adopted by persons who need to create feasible loads on the muscles of the back and want to unhook the clamped spine. Compliance with the correct technique during training makes it possible to bring weak muscles to an increased tone without the risk of injury. Due to the variety of movements and the use of expanders of a separate level of rigidity, it is possible to make classes useful and exciting.

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