Many women face problems such as acne and black spots. But not everyone has the means and time to visit a beautician. Acne cleansing can be done at home. Popular methods are presented in the article.
Why is this required?
Comedones are called the manifestation of acne. As a rule, they appear due to hormonal failure, improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Due to increased secretion of sebum occurs:
- Violation of keratinization of the epithelium.
- Decreasing the mouth of the follicles, they close.
- Stretching the walls of the follicles with fat.
In addition to sebum, dead skin cells of the epidermis and particles of cosmetics accumulate in the follicles. Clogging of pores occurs with them. Oxygen oxidizes the top layer of the cork, it turns black.
Cleansing healthy skin occurs on its own. But due to stress, hormonal disruptions, unbalanced nutrition, various ailments, an increase in sebum production and a slowdown in cellular renewal are observed. Comedones are located deep. Local remedies do not always remove them. Cleansing your face from acne can make your skin smooth.
Preparatory work
Before this procedure, skin preparation is required. Delicate cleansing is needed for dry epidermis. Oily skin needs more intensive treatment. Manipulations must be performed on a cleansed cover. Hands must be thoroughly treated with medical alcohol, otherwise an infection may be introduced.
Acne can not be cleaned for inflammation, unripe acne, non-healing wounds, as the situation may worsen. It is necessary to wait until acne and open wounds heal. When squeezing acne, the condition only worsens. They are dried with salicylic acid and other means. When they disappear, you need to regularly clean your face from acne.
Mechanical cleaning
Home facial cleansing for acne is carried out in the following steps:
- Cleansing. The skin must be rid of dust, fat, cosmetics. For oily epidermis, gel is suitable; for dry, milk for washing. Apply and tonic, which eliminates traces of cosmetics.
- Steaming. With the help of this procedure, the opening of pores occurs, facilitating cleansing. Enough 10 minutes to breathe over a pot of hot water under a towel. In the water you need to add chamomile, a series (about 3-4 tbsp. L. For 2 liters).
- Deep cleaning. For this, a scrub is applied, the skin is massaged, and then washed off with warm water. Particles should not be large, otherwise soft skin is injured. Scrub can be purchased or performed independently. To prepare, you need ground coffee (2 tbsp. L.), Which is mixed with milk. Sea salt is also suitable.
- Removal. You need to wash your hands and treat with alcohol, and then you should rid the skin of comedones. If there are acne and inflammation, they must first be cured. For this, a special Uno spoon, Vidal needle and sterile wipes are suitable.
- Disinfection. Emerging wounds need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide 3% to prevent infection of the skin.
- Pore ββclosure. A mask is used that tightens the pores.
- The skin is treated with a moisturizer.
Mechanical cleaning can be painful, especially if the pores are closed. If the skin is heavily contaminated, the procedure is divided into several sessions.
Facial acne cleansing at home is not performed when:
- Hypersensitivity and dry skin.
- Bronchial asthma, hypertension, herpes.
Approximately 2-3 days after mechanical treatment, cosmetics should not be applied to the skin. An exception is alcohol lotion. Do not sunbathe, go to the solarium. You can not use a scrub for inflammation and wounds. On day 4, a moisturizer may be used.
Ultrasonic cleaning
How to cleanse your face from acne in this way? First you need to buy a special device. This procedure allows you to cleanse the skin without injuring it. It is ideal for all types of epidermis. Thanks to ultrasound, it will be possible to restore metabolism, reduce the amount of sebum.
Under the influence of high-frequency vibrations, a skin massage is performed. The face acquires a healthy color, matte surface. Ultrasonic cleaning cannot be carried out with:
- Eczema, burns.
- Cancer
- High sensitivity skin.
- Herpes.
- Inflammation.
- After operations on the jaw.
- After chemical peels.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
If the skin is normal and combination, ultrasound can be applied twice a month. Even less often, this procedure is performed with dry epidermis.
Salt and soda
Facial acne and blackheads are cleaned with salt and soda. Products have a cleansing property. In contact with the skin, they violate the integrity of the upper cells, penetrating deep into them. With them there is a restoration of cells, an increase in protective functions. There are some tips for cleaning with salt and soda:
- It is necessary to apply a scrub or mask with your fingers.
- Procedures take 10 minutes. If the skin is sensitive, the exposure time is reduced.
- You need to clean every week.
- After that, a moisturizer is required.
- Do not choose coarse salt, as it injures the skin.
- It is advisable to take sea salt.
It is necessary to mix salt (1 tsp), soda and olive oil. This mixture perfectly cleanses the skin, eliminates flaws. Only the procedure should not be performed with allergies, dry skin, the presence of wounds, inflammation, diseases of the circulatory system.
Use of aspirin
Acne and blackheads are cleansed with aspirin, which restores fat balance, reduces inflammation, moisturizes the skin, removes blackheads and cleanses the face. Acid tablets cause blood flow, restoring the sebaceous glands.
To prepare the scrub, you will need 4 tablets of crushed aspirin, which are mixed with water (1 spoon). Then honey, burdock oil is added. After mixing, a slurry should turn out. It must be applied to the face, washed off after 10 minutes.
Procedures should be performed on clean skin without makeup. Aspirin is combined with citrus oils, aloe juice, dairy products, honey. Such cleaning can not be performed in the presence of wounds on the face, after wax depilation, with rosacea and skin sensitivity.
Activated Carbon, Milk, Gelatin
Means based on these components can effectively cleanse the skin. Activated carbon protects against the appearance of sebaceous plugs, eliminates black spots, smoothes the relief of the skin. Gelatin makes the epidermis firm, young, has a tonic effect. And milk softens the effect of gelatin and coal, as well as rejuvenates.
Products must be taken fresh. The treatment will be 6 weeks. The tablets must be crushed into powder, mixed with gelatin (1 tsp.). Then cold milk is added. The composition is heated in the microwave for 15 seconds. It is necessary to apply a mask with a brush in 1 layer, and then the second. The film must be removed after drying.
With clay
After cleansing the face, acne usually disappears. Cosmetic clay is used to combat comedones. The product eliminates inflammation, restores cells, eliminates peeling. Masks are ideal for all skin types. But if the skin is peeling and dry, then you need to add nutrients and moisturizers. But because of the additives, the cleansing effect of clay may be impaired. Contraindication is considered hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
The following types of clay are used to cleanse the face:
- White. Includes zinc and magnesium. Promotes cleansing and whitening of the skin. Pores are narrowed with it, pigmentation is eliminated.
- Black. It serves as a restoration of blood circulation in the cells, improving the complexion. Toxins are removed with it, traces of blackheads and black spots are eliminated.
- Blue With it, the wounds heal after mechanical cleaning, acne is eliminated, the skin of the face tones.
- Green The product restores the secretion of sebum, serves to narrow the pores, cleanses the skin.
- Yellow. Saturates cells with oxygen, cleanses, tightens pores.
- Red and pink. They act gently and are ideal for sensitive skin.
Clay masks are prepared in glass, plastic, and ceramic containers. With metal, the product enters a chemical reaction. It will take 2 tbsp. l means that are diluted with water until a slurry forms, which will be easily applied to the face. After 20 minutes, you need to wash off the mask. If you have a feeling of tightness, you will need a moisturizer. With dry skin, the duration of the procedure should be reduced to 5-7 minutes, so as not to overdry it. Cleaning is performed no more than 2 times a week.
Dry Cleaning
For these procedures, agents with acids are used: glycolic, lactic, grape. With them, the upper and middle layers of the skin are cleaned. Fruit acid peeling is more gentle.
After applying the mask, the skin becomes red and peeling. After a few days, it passes, redness and comedones disappear forever. Fruit acid based products are sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies.
Calcium chloride
At home, you can clean with calcium chloride. The product is ideal for different skin types, but first you need to check if there is an allergy. You need to buy a solution of calcium chloride 10%, baby soap and cotton pads. After this peeling, skin cleansing occurs, comedones will be eliminated.
The product should not be applied near the eyes, on wounds after squeezing acne, as well as on scratches. It takes an ampoule of calcium chloride 5-10%, moisten a cotton pad with a solution and can be applied to the skin. Do this before the end of the ampoule.
A cotton pad should be soaped with baby soap, massage your face along massage lines. Rinse off the product with warm water, and then rinse the skin with a decoction of chamomile. At the end, a moisturizer is applied. Perform the procedure 1-2 times a month.
There are many other ways to cleanse your face. It is only necessary to use a method suitable for your skin. Then we can expect positive results.