Bench press bar: description and implementation technique

The bench press is a variety of basic exercises that can effectively strengthen the shoulder girdle. The movement is multi-articular, which additionally loads the muscles with stabilizers and auxiliary.

Simple in technology and equipment, it will become available in almost any room. Even a novice athlete can master the correct method.

A distinctive feature of the bench press

Compared with the bench press and army bench press, this variation completely excludes pressure on the spine, which will allow people with back injuries or a person who does not want to put themselves in extra danger.

Bench press

The only negative is the lower weight in the approaches, which will not allow the body to be so heavily loaded to produce more anabolism.

In the embodiment "behind the head" there is no strong pressure on the elbows. It is also simpler due to a sitting position. No need to maintain balance.

What muscles does the exercise involve?

The main load falls on the middle and front bundle of deltoid muscles. When performing "in front of you" the upper chest is loaded. Since the exercise is multi-joint, ligaments of the forearms and elbows are connected to maintain weight. Triceps are worked out pretty well.

bench press

When bench presses are sitting from behind the head, the middle beam of deltas is more accentuated. The load from the elbows is almost removed.

In addition to the deltas, the upper beam of trapezium is actively working, which turns the scapula to the outside. The rhomboid muscle lifts the entire shoulder girdle. To maintain balance, the muscles of the cortex and lower back are included.

Bench press sitting in front of you

With this design, the movement is longer, which will allow you to stretch the muscles and cause better hypertrophy. Also, the upper chest will receive additional training.

  1. The bench should not be installed strictly at an angle of 90 °, but the slider should be moved a little lower. This will not catch the chin when lifting.
  2. Holders are fixed at chest level for convenient removal of the projectile.
  3. Hands with palms down are placed on the bar slightly wider than shoulders.
  4. The shot is fixed on the chest and exhale rises up.
  5. With a delay of one second, on inhalation, it gradually descends and stops at the level of the clavicle.

It should be remembered that the movement is smooth, without sudden jerks. At the top point, do not extend your elbows to the end, this will save the joints from additional stress. Elbows do not bend strictly to the sides, but slightly forward.

Bench press sitting behind the head

A more isolated version that more accurately hits the middle beam.

  1. The corner of the bench is similar to the bench press in front.
  2. If a person trains alone, the holders are fixed at the height of their raised hands. When a partner helps, it is better to remove the bar, sitting down under it, and then sit down with the shell. The first repetition “from the shoulders” must be carried out with the help of the insurer, in order to avoid a traumatic situation.
  3. The grip width is similar to the "in front of you" option.
  4. On inspiration, a downward movement occurs. It is necessary to lower the neck just below the ears, until the elbows are bent at 90 °.
  5. On exhalation, a shell rises smoothly.
bench press

The shoulder blades must be reduced and form a small deflection in the lower back. The elbows are bent strictly to the sides. All movements are performed smoothly.

Doing Exercise in Smith Simulator

Given that the movement itself is multi-articular, loads several muscle groups, the bench press sitting in the Smith simulator is partly insulating. The movement uses the same sections of the muscle, but the bar is fixed and moves in a strictly vertical direction, which allows the stabilizers not to participate in the work.

Bench Press

When training with free weights, the abs and back muscles are connected to maintain balance. Here, the load falls pointwise on the shoulders. You can perform both in front of you and from behind the head.

The technique of exercise is the same as in the previous versions. Due to its simplicity, it is well suited for beginners or experienced athletes in repetitive training. Also, to finally “finish off” the shoulders, Smith's simulator is indispensable.

An absolute plus is security. Even without an insured person, the neck will not fall on the athlete, since at any time it can be fixed using special hooks. The absence of the threat of a fall will allow you to fully focus on the study. The only minus of Smith - not in all gyms you can find this simulator.

What you need for maximum study

Anatomically, the human shoulder is divided into 3 beams: front, middle and rear. The front serves to push forward, the middle presses up, and the rear starts to work only with traction.

In order to build shoulders in the highest quality possible, training should be enriched with a draft of the bar in a slope, a T-bar and breeding of dumbbells while lying on the bench with your chest. Only then will the shoulder be symmetrically developed and comprehensively strong.

General tips and tricks

As in other exercises, sitting in a bench press is the first thing to concentrate on. No need to chase large weights, exposing yourself to the risk of injury. Shoulders and elbows are the most traumatic place. One dislocation or tear of the ligaments will completely deprive full training.

The main postulate of training is the progression of loads. This is reasonable only after understanding all aspects of the motion technique, which should be smooth, without jerking and cheating. Do not bend, helping other muscles.

bench press

You always need to follow the approach with the insurance person. No need to twist the brushes. At the upper point, excessive straightening of the elbows will transfer the load to the triceps and can provoke a loss of balance by knocking the bar back.

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