Have you decided to start doing exercises with dumbbells on a bench on your back or chest? Then you have come to the address! In our article you will find a whole range of similar training sessions with a detailed description and recommendations from professionals. All you need is a pair of dumbbells with the ability to change weight, as well as a bench that can transform into an inclined plane. Well and, of course, motivation in order to build muscle.
Dumbbell Bench Press (Incline)
Exercise is ideal for a person who wants to pump biceps in the shortest possible time. It is immediately worth noting that lifting dumbbells will be quite difficult, so you should take a small weight. As for the rest of the nuances, just follow the algorithm of actions described just below.
- We build a bench at an angle of 45 degrees.
- We take a comfortable position, tightly pressing his back to the plane.
- We take dumbbells in our hands for a regular bench press (pancakes to the bench).
- At each breath, we raise the iron, turning it 90 degrees to ourselves.
- The forearms should be parallel to the floor.
- Palms should look at the athlete's face.
- Slowly unbend your arm, lowering the dumbbells (without dropping them).
This exercise is strongly recommended to start with a large number of repetitions at low weight. After several approaches (from 3 to 5), you can add some pancakes to the iron and start making fewer repetitions. Most importantly, do the exercise as accurately as possible, as written above.
French bench press
Looking for triceps exercises with dumbbells on a bench? Then how about trying out French bench press technology? This technique will allow you to strengthen or increase muscle mass in a matter of days, but it can only be very difficult to perform, especially if you have never built triceps before. Although if the athlete follows the technology described below exactly, then no problems should arise.
- We put the bench in a horizontal position.
- We lay down on a plane, after picking up the dumbbells.
- We place our hands at an angle of about 100 degrees to the body.
- We direct the palms inward, without extending the elbows.
- At the exit, you need to fix the shoulders and elbows for a few seconds.
- We lower the shells almost to the ears.
- After this, it remains only to return to its original position.
The whole snag is that the exercise must be performed exclusively with triceps. If you use your biceps or back, the result will not be so noticeable. This is especially true in situations where the athlete decided to immediately begin to carry out the exercise with a lot of weight. With the right technology, it will not be difficult to achieve muscle growth, but if you make mistakes with a large load, triceps will not grow quickly.
Dumbbell Chest Press
Also, this effective workout is included in the set of exercises with dumbbells on the bench. The correct implementation of the following actions will allow you to significantly gain in the chest after two weeks after the first bench press. Itโs only recommended that you take a small load (especially if you recently started to exercise your body). Otherwise, the athlete runs the risk of making a lot of mistakes that can lead not only to a zero result, but also to various injuries.
- We sit on the edge of the bench and put a couple of dumbbells on our hips.
- We lie down on your back, after lifting your knees with iron.
- We move the dumbbells to the side, bending the elbows at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Raise your hands, keeping the starting position.
- We connect dumbbells together and hold the body.
- After this, it remains only to slowly take your hands to their original position.
So that during the performance of this exercise, it is the chest muscles that are involved, it is necessary to precisely perform the described algorithm of actions. However, if you want to pump up your hands, you can reduce the angle of inclination. Thus, you will be able to achieve an increase in shoulders and biceps. However, be aware of safety precautions to avoid stretching. This is especially true when an athlete performs exercises with a heavy load.
Bulgarian split squat for legs
Another exercise on a bench with dumbbells (the photo is presented a little below), which is focused on calves. For its implementation, you will need to lower the bench to a horizontal position and take a really large load. The whole feature of training is that the more efforts an athlete makes to stand up, the sooner he will be able to build muscle. So 4-5 squats will be very effective.
- We pick up two dumbbells with the maximum load.
- We put one foot on the bench, and the other put a little forward.
- We perform leg squats so that the knee touches the floor
- We get up with a sharp movement and repeat the action until tired.
The main difficulty is keeping your back straight. Most beginner athletes begin to tilt the entire body forward, as a result of which the main burden falls on the back, and not on the leg. To prevent this, try asking someone from your comrades for insurance. Over time, you will learn to maintain a level position. Well, or you can practice a little with a little weight, but muscle growth in this case will be very slow.
Dumbbell Bench Rises
What exercise with a bench and dumbbells is the most popular among beginners and professional athletes? Right. Lifts with a small load, which allow you to pump up calves and hips. The execution procedure is not particularly difficult, however, it is better to follow a certain algorithm of actions so as not to commit errors in the process and achieve maximum results:
- We become 10-15 centimeters from the bench with dumbbells.
- We put on her left foot, and then raise the right.
- We rise to the bench and raise the last at the level of the belt.
- Lower the right foot down and put the left foot to it.
- We interchange the limbs and repeat the exercise.
The third point deserves special mention. If this is possible, try not to put your right foot on the bench, but immediately raise it at the level of the belt. That is, if you swing the left limb, then the right should not come in contact with a horizontal surface. Also, before changing legs, you can make a back lunge to pay attention to the hips.
Hyperextension on the buttocks and back
This exercise with dumbbells on a bench (inclined) will allow you to pump up the buttocks. No, this is not about banal squats, but static muscle tension. In addition, if you move the load on your back, you can pump it. The most important thing is to take a bigger load. In addition, as an alternative to a bench, you can use a Roman chair (in fact, it will fit even better).
- We fix the legs between the crossbars at the lowest possible distance.
- We pick up the heaviest dumbbell and lift it to the chin.
- Slightly tilt the body down so that the back and buttocks are in tension.
- Try to keep level for as long as possible.
If you donโt like doing static exercises, you can start to lean forward (only possible if you use a Roman chair). This exercise on the back with dumbbells on the bench is one of the most effective, because it allows you to simultaneously swing several muscle groups at once. That's just the load will have to take less than for statics.
Variable bench press dumbbell
This classic exercise is well known to almost every bodybuilder and ordinary person who regularly practices fitness. However, few people realize that with its help you can not only warm up well, but also pump up the pectoral muscles and biceps. The most important thing is to strictly follow the algorithm of actions described below.
- We take a horizontal position on the bench.
- Take a medium weight dumbbell in each hand.
- Raise the dumbbells at shoulder level.
- We begin to alternately raise the inventory overhead.
A very pleasant bonus is the fact that this exercise also helps strengthen the muscles of the cortex, which are responsible for stabilizing the spine. However, the main load, of course, lies on the biceps, pectoral muscles and shoulders. Try to perform lifts at an accelerated pace to increase the efficiency of performing physical activity.
Dumbbell Wing Exercises
Another exercise with dumbbells lying on a bench, which will be especially useful for those people who want to pump up a jagged muscle. Since the main task of the athlete is the correct technique, you can take a relatively small weight. Remember that the "wings" will have to swing for a long time. But with proper execution, the result will be really clearly visible.
- We take a horizontal position on the bench, bending the legs at an angle of 90 ยฐ.
- We take the shell in two hands and put it over our heads on the arms retracted.
- We take our hands back, while straining our back muscles (โwingsโ).
- Slowly return the hands to their original position.
As a rule, a noticeable effect will appear only after 3-4 weeks of such exercises. Itโs best to choose a relatively light projectile and do as many reps as possible. But 4-5 approaches per training will be quite enough. In addition, such an exercise is very annoying for the press, so you will be able to kill two birds with one stone with one shot.
Mahi on deltas at a tilt of 45 degrees
For this exercise with dumbbells on the bench, you will need to use a projectile that can change the angle of inclination. But the effectiveness of such training will be noticeable almost immediately. Even professional bodybuilders often use them in order to pump this muscle group. The difficulty lies only in choosing the optimal weight of the projectile, because with too heavy dumbbells there is a chance to make several mistakes.
- We set the bench at an angle of 45 degrees.
- We lay flat on the chest and take dumbbells in our hands.
- We direct the palms inward, taking the starting position.
- Raise the limbs to the sides, without bending your elbows.
- We are slowly returning to the starting position.
The main mistake of beginner bodybuilders is that they bend their elbows, as a result of which a completely different muscle group is strained during the exercise. In most cases, this happens precisely because the athlete chose the wrong projectile weight. So do the exercises with those dumbbells that will allow you to perform it with the highest quality. Muscle tension in this case does not play too big a role.
Lifting the body with dumbbell
Have you been looking for exercise with dumbbells on a bench for a long time? Then you came to the address. With the help of a training, the execution algorithm of which is described below, you will be able to pump up the press without any problems. Moreover, this will not take too much time. The most important thing is to precisely perform all the described actions and gradually increase the load, adding weight and increasing the angle of inclination on the bench.
- We put the bench in a horizontal position.
- We pick up a heavy shell and place it near the chest.
- We begin to carry out the lifting of the body, as it does when the press is swinging.
As soon as you begin to feel that this exercise does not give a big load to your muscles, try increasing the angle of the bench by several tens of degrees. The steeper the surface, the more difficult it will be to lift the housing. And if, in parallel with this, the dumbbell mass is also increased, then this exercise will be even more difficult. Just do not overdo it, so that later you do not have to drink pain medication.
Spider Flexion - Biceps Exercise
One of the most effective training for biceps, because during its execution only this muscle group is involved. Why is the exercise called "spider"? The thing is that they were used by the famous actor Toby Maguire, when he needed to prepare to play the role of Peter Parker. A noticeable result from such training will appear in a couple of weeks, but it all depends on how correctly the lifts are performed.
- We put the bench at an angle of about 60 degrees.
- We lie down on the plane with our stomach and take dumbbells in our hands.
- We turn our palms in the direction where the eyes look.
- We begin to perform slow lifts without straining your back.
Try to perform this exercise as efficiently as possible so that the effect becomes immediately noticeable. To do this, you need to pick up such a projectile weight that you can lift 5 to 10 times in the normal state. In addition, the edge of the dumbbell should always touch the chin, and the rise of both hands should be approximately simultaneous. In order not to strain your back, you need to make a good stubborn leg. Reducing the degree of incline will not affect the quality of the exercise, since the bench is needed solely for the convenience of the athlete.
We hope you are now able to find the right exercise with dumbbells on the bench. Remember that the effectiveness of a particular training depends on how correctly the athlete will perform the described algorithm of actions. In addition, it is important to increase the weight of the projectile as the muscle mass grows. Otherwise, the athlete will reach a certain level, which he will not be able to step over. Well and most importantly - isolation. You should not help yourself with your back or chest when doing an exercise, such as biceps. Try to use only the muscle group that you want to bring in shape.