Is debauchery a sin or a disease?

The topic of today's publication will examine the meaning of the word "profligacy", which, unfortunately, is quite common today. And today, dissolute behavior is found at almost every step. Should this be considered a deviation or taken for granted in the 21st century? We will try to answer this question. So what does debauchery mean in the life of a modern person?

The word debauchery

Meaning of the word, synonyms

Based on the interpretation of the explanatory dictionary, we note that the word "debauchery" refers to a dissolute or rampant way of life. In colloquial speech or in the text, this word is used to describe a contemptuous attitude to what is happening. Usually this word is used in combination with the word "to indulge", that is, "to indulge in debauchery." The word "debauchery" was defined by Pavel Floretsky, a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, a philosopher, a scientist, a poet.

This is a transition from one path to another, reeling along different paths, wandering along different roads, and not the only correct one.

This word has a number of synonyms, and it is worth noting that some of them refer to profanity. Let us cite synonyms for “profligacy” as an example, avoiding obscene terminology. These are: immorality, sinfulness, vice, immorality, gulba, fornication, lasciviousness, lust, licentiousness, unbridledness, depravity and voluptuousness.

Debauchery synonyms

Psychological reasons

People who lead such a lifestyle do not even suspect that they have a psychological deviation. After all, debauchery is far from the norm, and it should not be compared to the modern lifestyle. Experts in the field of psychology note that there can be several reasons for this lifestyle. Most often, this is a feeling of self-doubt generated by numerous complexes. Sometimes the cause may be a certain event that happened to a person in the past and caused stress, or it could have happened as a result of a rude attitude on the part of the first partner, or violence, incest. It is possible that for someone, debauchery is just entertainment, and some people increase the number of sexual relations solely in order to take revenge on their former or real partner. In this case, revenge is often limited to single contacts.

Debauchery meaning of the word

Two different concepts

In no case should one confuse two completely different concepts - “prostitution” and “profligacy”, since prostitution is a way of earning a living. Moreover, this "earnings" received the unofficial status of "the most ancient profession." It is worth noting that this is rather a necessary necessity, the path of which has to be taken due to various reasons and circumstances. The purpose of describing the concept of “prostitution” is neither in the form of condemnation, nor in the form of compassion, it is only “bare” specifics. And debauchery is a deviation on the path of which a person becomes on his own, but under the pressure of certain factors.

Today, even approximate, but very impressive figures of the “victories” of Don Juan have been preserved, there are more than 2,000 of them. His name has become a household name, it is an “eternal image” of seducing women. This "image" has changed over the course of time, but the essence has always remained the same. Even his negative charm and profligacy even in those distant times was explained by intrapersonal conflict. But Madame Montmorency was an accurate woman, and according to the entries in her diary, which has survived to this day, in her life she “conquered” 4,694 cavaliers.

The word debauchery

Terrible consequences

In no case can the problem of dissolute life be considered as a certain modern way of life or as justifying arguments, to refer to various circumstances. Debauchery is a serious consequence, led by diseases such as AIDS, and not only ... After all, a person, despite a large number of sexual partners in his life, suffering from a kind of disease such as profligacy, remains at the end of his life or in old age , as a rule, all alone, because, unfortunately, he did not learn how to build relationships. A lonely person loses his sense of self due to a lack of contact with other people. He falls into the void, gets lost in it.

In most cases, debauchery occurs - a short-term phenomenon in human life, it is like some kind of fun, albeit of an unhealthy character. If a person does not stop, then over time, debauchery turns into an obsession.

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