How to register on the TRP website - features, recommendations and reviews

After the collapse of the USSR, for a long time, due attention was not paid to the physical education of the younger generation. The interest in sports standards of the head of state contributed to the revival of old traditions. An all-Russian TRP website was created, on which everyone can register. At present, it is fashionable to lead a sports lifestyle, and therefore, experts are convinced that the glory of sports standards is already very close. That is why many are concerned about the question of how to register on the TRP website. Note that the information is of interest not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents.

register on the gto website

Features of the procedure

First you need to go to the site, enter your email inbox, think up and enter a password. To avoid spelling mistakes, you will have to re-enter the password you created. The procedure is quite simple, not associated with any complex actions and combinations, and therefore, anyone can easily register on the TRP website. RU. Note that the study of the information base and the delivery of standards is absolutely free for Russian citizens. The results of joining the sports movement are determined only by determination, capabilities, desire of the person himself.

features of phased registration

The purpose of the online service

Why was the WFSK GTO website designed? Register, get acquainted with different sports, find out other useful information here can be both adults and schoolchildren. The developers tried to bring to the portal such information as might be needed and to interest visitors.

You can register on the TRP website for students not only to track their athletic performance, but also for the following objective reasons:

  • to get news, including about planned sporting events and major events;

  • read recommendations that will help you pass the standards;

  • study the detailed, clear requirements for specific exercises;

  • read the detailed history of the movement, which is indicated in an accessible form;

  • analyze the documentary base, which includes normative acts and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

It is here that you can find information about the places in which the standards are adopted. It is important to register on the TRP website for schoolchildren because it has an excellent media gallery, which presents many interesting photos and video reports regarding important events taking place in the Russian Federation (and beyond).

There is a special information section on the portal that includes answers to the most pressing questions, contains instructions, and reference materials. Almost everything a user needs is offered by the TRP website. It is necessary for the teacher to register here at least in order to study materials relating to various sports, to tell their students about them in the framework of educational work.

vfsk gto website

Account Purpose

Having understood how to register on the TRP website, you can proceed to study the functionality and purpose of your personal account. It makes no sense to go through the procedure described above if you do not familiarize yourself in advance with what will be available in your own account.

At the moment, it includes the most important and necessary information for the participant in the movement. You can look and find the following items:

  • personal information of a registered user;

  • information about testing and acceptance centers located nearby;

  • test results and results shown earlier;

  • information about those tests that have yet to pass.

Also, a personal account additionally allows its holder to apply for those test options that he would like to pass.

As the main difference between the cabinet and the rest of the portal content, it is possible to note the presence of personal recommendations in it and focus on a specific user. Having understood how to register on the TRP website, you can proceed to the explanations and instructions of a general nature, as well as analyze personal advice that will help you achieve success.

how to fill in the information

Important information for students

To begin with, like all other innovations, the implementation of the standards of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex could not do without organizational problems. It would seem that passing the standards is a voluntary desire, but at the same time, parents note that children are forced to go to the TRP website. Teachers oblige all students to register (grade 3 to grade 11), and parents cannot understand whether this is really necessary, because the organizers are talking about the voluntary desire to create a personal account on the portal.

The reason for this discrepancy is that a decree was adopted in the form of additional motivation, according to which merit in competitions began to be considered additional points when entering higher and secondary educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Each school must fulfill certain standards, provide the education department with a list of a specific number of students (teachers) who have agreed to register on the TRP portal. That is why teachers "scare" pupils and their parents by the obligatory establishment of a personal account on the portal up to a certain number. It is worth noting that physical education teachers explain how to register on the TRP website, so the guys do not have any problems.

What as a result

Is there a need to register for a child on the TRP portal? Parents should be aware that currently the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation does not include the standards “Ready for Labor and Defense” in the list of mandatory tests similar to the state final certification.

What is the obligation of registration? In fact, no one can force a child to participate in competitions, take sports standards.

But, there is a second side to this issue. If you do not pre-register, in this case, the student will not be able to count on a well-deserved medal (the issue of the badge is possible only if you have your own ID number).

If it is not possible to use a computer or if you do not have Internet access, you can fill out the questionnaire offline at one of the many testing centers of the FSK TRP created in all regions of our country.

specifics of various icons


The TRP program is currently taking on a massive scale. This complex is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and sport in the country. Thanks to the new program, it is possible to heal the nation, to instill interest in physical development in children and adults.

All-Russian website

Age categories

Participation in the "TRP" program has the right to accept any person who is six years old. First you need to register on the site. It is supposed to divide the complex into steps for men, schoolchildren, women:

  • schoolchildren: 6-8 liters., 9-10 liters., 11-12 liters., 13-15 liters., 16-17 liters.;

  • women / men: 18-29l., 30-39l., 40-49l., 50-59l., 60-69l., from 70 years and older.

There are various options for difficulties in overcoming which you can get a bronze, silver, gold badge.

award documents


Those schoolchildren and adults who have been officially registered on the TRP website note the ease of action. Portal users highlight the convenience of navigation, the presence of a large amount of theoretical material. After creating a personal account, each user has an excellent opportunity not only to choose certain tests for themselves, but also to learn a lot of important and useful information about them.

Many high school students who plan to study at prestigious Russian educational institutions understand how important additional points are for them, so they are eager to join the new project and promote a healthy lifestyle. Passing the standards, they not only receive well-deserved rewards, but also add additional points to their portfolio. Often, thanks to these additional 4-6 points, they manage to become a student at a prestigious educational institution on a budgetary basis.

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