Determining the sex of the child by the blood of the parents

Almost every woman on the eve of the imminent motherhood wants to know who she will have: a boy or a girl. After all, to determine who is born can only be closer to mid-pregnancy (using ultrasound), and even then not always. And many resort to various fortune-telling, calculations according to the age of parents, the Chinese calendar or according to folk signs, for example, recognition of the sex of the future baby in the form of the abdomen. In addition, there are several methods that help couples not only know the gender of the child in advance, but also plan the birth of a boy or girl. What this method is, we will find out in this article.

You can find out, and sometimes even plan the sex of the future baby, using the method in which the sex of the child is determined by blood. Rather, when the blood of the parents is updated. What is this method? As you know, our blood is periodically updated. This process takes place every few years. In men, the process of blood renewal occurs once every 4 years. In the female body, blood is renewed once every 3 years. According to what scheme, it is possible to determine the sex of a child by updating the blood of parents. Take the average couple, in which there is a thirty-five-year-old husband and twenty-six-year-old wife. Divide his age by three, and her - by four. It turns out the numbers 11.6 and 6.5. Based on the remainder, it can be argued that the last blood update was closer to the conception of a child in a woman, which means that a girl will be born to them. But this method is not ideal, since the blood can be updated artificially. For example, when donating blood, various operations, transfusions with large blood loss, childbirth and other interventions, an update can also occur. Therefore, when calculating, this factor must also be taken into account.

There are also two methods that make it possible to determine the sex of a child by blood type. One of them - takes into account the group, and the second - Rhesus. If the mother and father of the unborn child have positive or negative Rhesus blood, then a girl will be born. If the future Rhesus factor of the future mom and dad is different (one of them is positive, and one of them is negative), a boy will turn out. If mom has the first blood type, and dad - the carrier of the first - will have a girl, the second - a boy, the third - a girl, the fourth - a boy. For the second blood group of the mother, the calculation is carried out according to the same scheme, but vice versa, that is, if the mother has the second blood group, and the father has the first blood group, a boy will be born, the second - a girl, the third - a boy and the fourth - a girl. The third maternal blood type begins its report again with the girl. But to trust such a method as determining the sex of a child by blood is one hundred percent impossible.

The most reliable method will be to determine the sex of the child by blood, which is taken from a pregnant woman in the seventh week of pregnancy. Its veracity is approximately 99%. A pregnant woman will just need to take her blood from a vein for a special analysis. The essence of this method is based on the fact that in the bloodstream of a pregnant woman there is a small number of fetal cells, and in human cells there are two types of chromosomes. Also known is the fact that only X chromosomes are embedded in a woman, and X and Y chromosomes are in a man. And if in the result of the analysis among the X chromosomes in the female blood at least one Y chromosome is found, she will have a boy.

Besides the fact that it is possible to determine the sex of a child by blood, there are many more popular observations that have been collected for hundreds of years. For example, there is a sign that boys are more active in the tummy, or the more time a woman has passed between births, the more likely it is that the children will be of different sexes. They say that a girl takes away her mother’s beauty, because women who are pregnant with daughters often have skin problems in the form of stretch marks, acne, rashes and swelling. There is also a sign that women who carry girls are more attracted to sweets and flour. And if in the tummy a boy, a pregnant woman is drawn to everything sour, salty and spicy.

There are many more all kinds of methods both in traditional medicine and among the people. But to believe them or not is up to you. After all, the main thing is that the child is healthy.

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