The meaning of the proverb “small spool, yes dear”, interpretation and synonyms

In the article, we will analyze in detail the semantic meaning of the proverb "small spool, yes expensive." As you know, proverbs are a special genre of folk art that conveys to us the life experience and wisdom of an entire nation. We can also see the values ​​that our ancestors treasured. And involuntarily I recall the words of the classic: "Brevity is the sister of talent." So, “the spool is small, but expensive”, the meaning of the proverb, which accurately and accurately displays a certain object and gives it a certain assessment. But all in order.

"Small spool yes dear" meaning of the proverb

Small coin, or where did it all start?

During the heyday of Kievan Rus, a small coin was called a spool. Her weight was 1/741 pounds. In the periods of the XI-XV centuries, the smallest measure of weight, designed to measure gold and silver, the mass of which was equal to 4.26 grams, was also called the spool. In 1917, Russia switched to a metric measure of weights, and the spool went out of use as a measure of weight.

Interpretation of the expression

The explanation of the meaning of the proverb “small spool, yes dear” can be reduced to the following: this is a certain phenomenon, or an object that in its external manifestation looks discreet, modest, that is, in other words, does not make a strong impression at first glance, but actually not what it seems. The moral boils down to the fact that you should not rush to conclusions or make the wrong decision, based only on external data, since it is known that appearance is often deceiving. But this expression appeared much later. Its meaning is close to the meaning of the proverb “small spool, yes dear”, but in this case the difference is that the “small spool” is not described, the opposite may be implied here, for example, bright, beautiful, healthy, which turns out to be not at all like that. The wisdom of the expression "small spool, yes dear" is that do not rush to judge by the surface, sometimes you should not rush, but as you know - "hurry, make people laugh." And this is another saying.

Explain the meaning of the proverbs "small spools and roads."

Synonyms, or “little bird”

As mentioned above, proverbs are constructed in such a way that they carry a semantic load in two parts. The first part, in our case it will be "small spool", describes the subject, and the second part - "yes dear" - gives an assessment of the subject or phenomenon. As an example, we give other examples that have a similar meaning and meaning to the proverb “small spools and roads”. So, for example, “the nightingale is small, but the voice is great,” note that again the first part describes the subject, “the nightingale is small”, in other words, small, plain, weak, tiny, and the second part of the proverb gives an accurate description of a modest bird.

For comparison, we give a few more examples that are synonymous with “our” proverb. So, “the stump is small, but the duplex”, “the tongue is small, and it turns over by a person”, or “the pot is small, but the meat is cooking”. "Small, but daring." In the proverbs listed above, an unprepossessing little “subject” is given a positive characterization, but in contrast to this proverb, I would like to give an example such as “a small bug, but smelly.” The semantic meaning of this proverb radically differs from the “spool”. Since in our case the proverb "small spool, yes expensive" indicates a positive value, for example, a person with his, say, small stature, or a very young age. The meaning of the proverb “small bug, but smelly” indicates to us the humiliated position of the “little man”, which seeks to be more significant. A comparative analysis of seemingly similar proverbs carries completely different semantic meaning.

The meaning of the proverbs "small spools and roads"


Summing up the above, I would like to note that today folk proverbs are replenished with modern expressions or phrases that are pronounced by our favorite literary or "cinema" heroes. These expressions become “winged” and to a greater extent carry emotional release. And the proverbs were and remain not only the folklore heritage of our ancestors, but they are also a reflection of life itself, rather rules, in other words, we can say this: "If you do so, it will turn out like this." They suggest how to do the right thing in a given situation, serve as comfort in adversity. And today the meaning of the proverb “small spool, yes expensive” is already an axiom that does not require proof.

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