Boxer Floyd Patterson: biography, victories and fights

Floyd Patterson became the first athlete in the world who, at twenty-one, was awarded the title of World Heavyweight Boxing Champion. The greatest boxers of the world met with him to try to win the world title. Before him no one had achieved such results. And even more so, the boxer surprised everyone when he returned the title of World Champion after his defeat. In addition, the athlete became the gold medalist at the 1952 Olympic Games. All this captured Patterson in the history of sports as an icon of boxing.

Incomplete biography. Floyd Patterson: Origin

Floyd Patterson

Floyd was born into an ordinary poor family living in North Carolina. Like all colored families of the time, the Pattersons were in dire need of money. Floyd was especially hard, as he was the eleventh son. The athlete’s childhood was not the best. Unlike wealthy boys, little Floyd traded in petty thefts. Patterson rarely attended school, which negatively affected his level of education. And there would be no end to this way of life if Floyd hadn’t been in the Wiltwicks boys school.

First training

Muhamed Ali Floyd Patterson

The first boxing lesson was held by Floyd in the Casa d'Amato Hall. So in his fourteen years, the boy fell into the world of sports. Training was difficult, but Floyd did not give up. On the contrary, he raised them too high, which contradicted the standard boxing stance. After several years of training and many fights, Floyd Patterson enters the ring of the 52nd year Olympic competition.

Floyd Patterson Boxers of the world

patterson floyd liston

This year was successful for the young boxer. Floyd overtook one victory after another, while bringing the athlete great fame both in the States and in other countries. In addition to the gold that he was awarded after winning the Olympics in Helsinki, Floyd prevailed in the national amateur championship. In addition, the boxer won a brilliant victory in the New York championship, held at the Golden Gloves club. At this time, Floyd moved to New York, where he purchased housing. In the career of an athlete there were a lot of really colorful fights. One of them was “Muhammad Ali the Greatest - Floyd Patterson”.

The path to the heavyweight championship

Muhamed Ali the greatest Floyd Patterson

“Frightening stance” - Patterson's commentators awarded this nickname. The reason was the feature of the athlete's stance. Unlike most boxers, Floyd held his hands a little higher than expected. Naturally, this did not go unnoticed. The manager of the athlete was the former trainer of Floyd's Cas d'Amato, the one who dedicated him to the world of boxing, when the famous athlete was still a youth.

At first, Floyd fought in the amateur class, and during this time he won forty victories from forty-four fights. Moreover, most of them were knocked out. Having risen as a professional, Patterson suffered only one defeat from former champion Joe Maxim. Although Floyd belonged to the category of light heavyweights, his plans did not include staying at this stage. And already in the 54th year, his manager said that Floyd Patterson was going to become a champion in heavyweight. This did not dazzle his fans at all, because the athlete’s self-confidence was manifested in every movement, every stroke. Everyone was sure - he will achieve his goal!

Heavyweight Way

biography of floyd patterson

One of the most colorful meetings of the athlete was “Muhammad Ali - Floyd Patterson.” The fight was really very interesting. But there were other equally interesting moments in the athlete’s career. For example, the year 1956 became known for the legendary resignation Rocky Marciano, the race for his place immediately began, Patterson immediately made himself felt clearly, and no one bothered him to run for office. On the contrary, the International Boxing Club singled him out of the six most worthy boxers in the world. opinion D ima Norris, had a good chance to get a world title and become worthy successors Marciano. So Patterson and hit the heavy weight.

In order to win the title, Patterson had to participate in two heavy fights. The first was with Tommy Jackson, nicknamed "The Hurricane." After several rounds, Floyd Patterson knocked out “Hurricane”, and this gave him the opportunity to take the next step to the championship.

The second fight with Archie Moore significantly hit the famous boxer, but in the fifth round Patterson also knocked out his opponent. All boxing clubs were shocked when they learned that the post of the legendary Rocky Marciano now belongs to the 21st year old guy from Carolina. Besides the fact that Patterson pushed the most experienced boxers, he was also the owner of the gold medal of the 1952 Helsinki Olympics. The history of boxing did not know before such as it does not know to this day.

Belt loss

floyd patterson greatest boxers

After receiving the title, Patterson expected a number of heavy fights with:

- “Hurricane” Jackson;

- Rademacher;

- Harris;

- London.

The result was a battle with Ingemar Johansson in 1959, in which Floyd was defeated. Ingemar took Patterson’s champion belt, which was a major setback for the latter. There was nothing surprising in this, because the Swedish boxer sent Floyd into the ring seven times. The last fall occurred through a knockout. Thus, Ingemar became the first person from Europe to defeat an American boxer. Moreover, he took the World Champion belt from him.

Belt return

floyd patterson floyd patterson boxers of the world

After his defeat, the athlete began serious training. He was not going to retreat and set a goal for himself: to regain his title at all costs. Strengthening classes, which were permanent, allowed the former champion to enter the ring a year after his defeat. This was a surprise for both the public and Johansson, who was already enjoying his position and did not want to return the title to Patterson. However, in the fifth round he had to do it.

Patterson was merciless and attacked nonstop. The last blow knocked Johansson out of a rut. Judging by the fact that he simply collapsed into the ring, it was noticeable that by that time he was already unconscious. The defeated enemy oozed blood from his mouth, and his legs shook. No matter how the judge tried to shout at him, Ingemar managed to rise only five minutes after the fall. The title returned to its rightful owner. Patterson again became the World Heavyweight Champion. Until now, no one has succeeded in what he did - to return the belt.

New meeting

Swede Johansson after his defeat felt on his own skin what it feels like to lose the champion title. This influenced his training aimed at returning the belt. And a year later he was able to challenge Patterson again. Although the Swede dominated the battle and even managed to knock down Floyd once, the battle was lost to them, and the American remained with the belt.

Fight with Liston

Fight “Patterson Floyd - Liston Sonny” was very much expected by fans of these two boxers. His background is simple. After the return of the title, Patterson faced a new challenge - Sonny Liston. Liston had been waiting for this meeting for a long time, as he was aiming for the champion title, but the battle still could not take place for various reasons. The main one was Patterson's manager. The fact is that Sonny had a special reputation in the world of boxing, which was especially promoted by his mafia connections. In view of this, d'Amato tried his best to resist holding this match.

However, this did not last long. Due to financial difficulties, Floyd Patterson was forced to refuse the services of his old manager, which contributed to his consent to the fight with Liston. There is information that even the president of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy, dissuaded the athlete from this fight. It would be unacceptable if such a person who had a criminal past came to the title of World Boxing Champion. However, in 1962, the battle took place.

Liston had superiority in the fans, and most sports analysts foreshadowed him a victory. Nevertheless, this did not bother Patterson, and he entered the ring.

As a result, Liston knocked out Patterson in the first round, which for some seemed a natural occurrence, but for someone it was a real shock. It is worth recalling that among the fans of Patterson there were such famous boxers as Rocky Marciano and old rival Floyd Johansson.

Reasons for defeat

After a long silence, the first opinions about this event nevertheless appeared. And really, how did such a successful athlete, who previously surprised the audience, was suddenly defeated in the first round?

The reason was Liston's battle technique, which was significantly different from Patterson. If Floyd's style was quick attacks, constant mobility and calculation, then Sonny Liston took only brute force and its size. The battle was, one might say, a scene from the gospel “David and Goliath”, but the outcome was different.

In addition, analysts have repeatedly noted that Patterson often entered the clinch, which was considered unacceptable in such an unequal battle. There were even rumors that Patterson was paid for this fight. Due to his financial problems, this would not be surprising. But it was only dirt in the direction of Floyd from the side of distressed fans. In addition to his discoveries, Floyd was in no hurry to attack Liston, which also caused bewilderment of the public. Such an easy victory over the two-time World Heavyweight Boxing Champion only worsened the young boxer's reputation.


It was scheduled in a year, but did not take place due to damage to the Liston's knee. However, a few months later, Liston still came out against Patterson. But, unfortunately, the outcome was the same, except that this time Floyd lasted four seconds more.

Patterson studied boxing before the 72nd year, after which he left the world of sports. At the age of seventy-one years, the fighter died of Alzheimer's disease and prostate cancer.

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