When is it best to conceive a baby so that pregnancy is easy?

Almost all women are aware that the most favorable period in the menstrual cycle, when it is better to conceive a child, is from 10 to 18 days from the first day of menstruation. But it often happens that not all spouses are preparing for conception. They just have sex, not being protected, and then the woman finds out that she is pregnant. While other representatives of the fair sex only think about how to properly prepare for the birth of a child. It’s a paradox, but they don’t always get pregnant. In this case, many experts advise them to temporarily throw thoughts of pregnancy out of their heads, and just when the woman relaxes and ceases to worry, one day she will realize that she is pregnant. Oddly enough, but this advice is valid.

The most important thing is not when it is better to conceive a child. And the love between a man and a woman, mutual understanding and tenderness. Try to make the process as natural as possible, do not think about conception, but simply enjoy your partner and love.

When is best to conceive a child

When is best to conceive a child

Many doctors argue that having sex every day is not necessary. It is best to do this every other day, but the main thing is that the number of sexual acts should not exceed seven per week. It is also worth actively making love during the period of female ovulation, the probability of pregnancy at this time is very high.

The basic rules of conception

It does not matter in which position to conceive a child, but it is better to have a man, and not a woman, on top. In the female body, spermatozoa remain active for about four more days, conception can occur on these days. If you want your baby to be healthy, responsibly approach the fact that on the day of conception you can’t drink alcohol earlier, this applies to both men and women. Also, do not drink medicine.

baby conception table

Sample chart of conception of a child

If you are between 18 and 25 years old, you can use the following table to determine the gender of the unborn child. In the question: "How to conceive a boy?" a table will help you like no other.

The boy is marked with a "+", the girl with a "-".





















































































































Now you know when it is better to conceive a child. Remember that when preparing for conception, you must be mentally balanced, not subject yourself to stress, not take potent drugs. It will be great if you start drinking a complex of vitamins. Get positive emotions, do your favorite things, listen to pleasant music.

How to conceive a boy, a table

After intercourse do not immediately seek to get out of bed, go to the shower or somewhere else. Better lie down for about ten minutes, perhaps at that moment the sperm will tend to fertilize the egg, conception will occur. If you had a diagnosis of uterine bending, then the best pose for you would be when the man is behind.

Watch your diet. It is better to diversify it, to include in it all the necessary vitamins and minerals that will be important for the unborn baby.

Good luck! Soon you will become happy parents.

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