In medicine, a variety of different devices are used to establish an accurate diagnosis. These are laser equipment, ultrasound scanners, rheographs, all kinds of computer systems and others. Not the last place in this list is the X-ray diagnostic apparatus. It has a wide scope and helps to make an accurate idea of ββthe course of the disease.
What is x-ray equipment
An X-ray unit is a device for emitting radioactive rays. It is divided into x-ray diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. The X-ray diagnostic apparatus is equipped with various electron-optical devices, which make it possible to examine the whole body or some area of ββit. Make not only a picture of the organ, but also make a film about the state of the whole organism. An x-ray therapeutic device is used in radiation therapy for superficial and deep exposure to the lesion.
The device of the x-ray diagnostic apparatus
X-ray diagnostic equipment consists of the following parts:
- X-ray tube, which, depending on the model, differs in parameters and power.
- Source of power.
- Step-down and step-up current transformers .
- Rectifier kenotrons that convert alternating current to direct.
- A device that converts x-rays into an image.
- A protective system for staff and patients (cabins with lead coating, lead aprons, screens, gloves, etc.).
- A system of tripods and other mechanisms to help examine the patient in different positions.
- Fluorescent screen.
- The control panel is in the form of a table on which there are switches and toggle switches of measuring instruments.
All the constituent elements actively interact with each other, ensuring the smooth operation of the entire system.
The principle of operation of the apparatus
The X-ray diagnostic apparatus has the following mechanism of operation. X-ray radiation, passing through the study area, falls on the input part of the screen and provokes its glow. The photocathode generates electrodes, which, due to the influence of an electric field, pass to the output small screen. In this piece of equipment, the electrical image is converted to light.
The brightness of the x-ray image is based on two aspects. This is an increase in the luminous flux on the small screen due to increasing voltage in the gap between the large and small displays and the electron-optical image reduction. As a result of this process, the luminescence of the screen is amplified by 7000 times, and the reduction coefficient becomes equal to 10-14 units.
Thanks to the electron-optical magnification, it is possible to distinguish elements up to 0.5 mm in size. The diameter of the increase is affected by the brand of equipment. The larger its size, the more expensive the device is.
Application area
X-ray radiation is used both in the X-ray diagnostic region and in the therapeutic one. Its ability to suppress tumor growth is widely used in the treatment of cancer patients. In addition to medicine, X-rays are used in the engineering field, materials science and crystallography. Involved in chemistry and biochemistry. Use specialized x-ray diagnostic devices in the industry. Using X-ray radiation, defects made during the manufacture of products are revealed. For example, on rails, welds. This procedure is called flaw detection. Use devices with x-rays (X-ray television introscopes) at the airport and train station, as well as in crowded places, that is, where you need to view hand luggage and luggage to ensure overall security.
Pros of using X-ray diagnostic devices
Medical X-ray machines without a table, as well as equipment equipped with a control panel, have certain positive aspects of use. This is informative, affordable and easy. This method establishes about 60-80% of all diagnoses in areas such as gastroenterology, pulmonology, traumatology, urology and others.
The latest computer developments based on electronic and microprocessor technology, modern methods of processing a digital image make the field of X-ray diagnostics more progressive. Therefore, all modern qualified specialists try to use such equipment in their work.
Disadvantages of X-ray machines
The disadvantages of x-ray machines include the low brightness and contrast of the fluorescent screen. Compensate for this moment with the dark adaptation of the eyes of a specialist. Here a significant part of the small details is lost. The second significant disadvantage is the strong radiation load on the patient and working staff.
X-ray diagnostic devices: types
All X-ray diagnostic equipment is divided into categories. So, according to the degree of mobility, there is such a classification of X-ray diagnostic devices:
- Stationary Here, X-ray equipment is used in a special diagnostic room (hospital).
- Mobile They include devices that can be moved around the hospital and transported in transport in a collapsible and non-collapsible form.
- Wearable. Low power and mobile. They can be used both at home and in any other place.
Also, all this equipment is divided into general-purpose devices and specific X-ray diagnostic devices. Their types (classified according to their functions) are as follows:
- Angiographs conducting a study of blood vessels by introducing a special substance into them.
- Dental equipment that allows you to take panoramic photos of both jaws.
- Surgical x-ray machines designed to track surgical procedures.
- Fluorographic apparatus. They are stationary and mobile.
- Tomographs.
- Radiotherapy equipment for the treatment of radioactive rays.
Stationary X-ray diagnostic devices
A stationary X-ray machine is a complex device endowed with various electromechanical elements. There are general (multifaceted) and specialized x-ray diagnostic devices. The first to conduct a general radiological diagnosis. This is transillumination, images of the lungs, bones, gastrointestinal tract, etc. The latter have a narrow focus. Used in angiography, tomography, fluorography and in other areas of medicine.
Such installations are designed for two or more jobs. They have a rotary table tripod and a tripod for the procedure. A special trancheler helps expand jobs to three and four positions. At the same time, a tomograph will be located on the third, and a radiator for angiography and other diagnostics on the fourth.
Mobile equipment
Mobile x-ray machines are divided into ward, field and collapsible. Wards are adapted to work within the walls of the hospital to examine patients in the ward. Field use in work in the open. They are mounted and moved by special transport (cars, sea vessels, railway cars). Equipped with autonomous power, a room for the deployment of equipment and its own laboratory.
The following requirements are imposed on field X-ray diagnostic units:
- equipment boxes must be airtight and protect the device from dust and moisture;
- all parts during assembly must be well fixed for movement along field roads, railways and the sea;
- temperature differences in the range of -40 ... +40 Β° should not affect the quality of the device, storage and transportation conditions;
- assembly and dismantling of equipment is carried out within thirty minutes without the use of special tools.
In peacetime, all field X-ray equipment is used to examine ordinary citizens or for X-ray diagnostic studies in very remote regions.
Portable X-ray diagnostic devices
Such equipment is used for the simplest diagnostic study. For example, in ambulance or emergency care. Often involved in home care and examination of seriously ill patients who are unable to move independently. Used in dentistry.
Such devices are lightweight and compact. They fit in two small suitcases that one person can carry. Safe and have minimal radiation. Many of them - digital, work in close interconnection with a computer system. Accurate in measurements and are involved in various fields of medicine. They do not have age restrictions, therefore, unlike the mobile and stationary complex, they can be used to determine diseases in pregnant women and young children.
About Siemens Myltekc
The X-ray diagnostic apparatus Siemens Myltekc was launched in 2010. It consists only of high-quality and advanced components. Equipment can be easily installed in any room. This X-ray system allows you to increase throughput, increase the economic level of the hospital. Provides smooth operation.
The main advantages of the technology include:
- compactness of the system;
- configuration flexibility;
- easy and quick assembly;
- touch screen;
- high performance;
- excellent image quality;
- comfortable arrangement of patients;
- low percentage of radiation exposure.
The device consists of a mobile table, a tube, a vertical stand, a detector, a computer system. This high-tech modern equipment meets all quality standards.
Equipment "Archp Amiko"
The mobile diagnostic X-ray surgical apparatus "Arch Amiko" is a mobile x-ray surgical equipment. It was developed on the basis of the URI of the second standard with a CCD matrix having parameters 1024x1024. The unit is often used in abdominal and surgical operations. Involved in traumatology, urology and endoscopy.
A new modification of this apparatus expands the possibilities of examining the patient. Allows you to transfer and record images in 1024x1024 format at a speed of 25 frames per second. The conversion depth of analog and digital indicators reaches 12 bits. Expanding the scope of the C-arc creates more opportunities for the manipulation of the surgeon. Modern information processing and data storage improve the quality of work.
There are four main modes in the modern Archp-Amiko apparatus. This is continuous, pulsed, digital and film fluoroscopy. This makes it easier to work with snapshots. Increased database size. Now you can record to digital media. Improved equipment.
Modern X-ray diagnostic devices
Modern x-ray equipment is produced in the form of large stationary complexes. They include several units that can be installed both in separate cabinets and as separate set-top boxes. They allow you to conduct a number of different examinations. The main advantage of this design should include the uniformity of all nodes. In addition, if the need arises, you can always order an additional unit that is suitable in terms of parameters for the office where the X-ray diagnostic study will take place.
Modern diagnostic systems for x-rays are equipped with special equipment that allows you to do a tomography, electro-kimografiya or kimografiya. They have an electron-optical amplifier, which allows you to achieve a special image brightness, while reducing radiation load on the body. Fully or partially automate the workflow.
The technical development of radiation diagnostics makes it possible to improve old equipment. Dose forming units are being replaced. Special detectors are used to help obtain an image on the display screen and transfer it to magnetic media. There is a gradual rejection of film equipment. This factor significantly reduces the harmful effects of rays on humans. Helps to improve the quality of examination and reduces the cost of x-ray diagnostic procedures.