Dual citizenship in Russia

Very often people ask themselves: is dual citizenship allowed in Russia? In this article we will try to explain the concept of “dual citizenship”, as well as how it differs from second citizenship, reveal its essence and the difference between the above concepts.

So, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a Russian may have foreign citizenship (i.e. dual citizenship) under the conditions prescribed in the federal law or international treaty of Russia. The main law of the country also states that, despite the presence of citizenship of a foreign state, a citizen of the Russian Federation is not deprived of his rights and freedoms and is not released from duties arising from Russian citizenship. Naturally, there are special cases that are also prescribed by law.

The concept of “dual citizenship” in Russia is a special case of multiple citizenship. In the system of international law, “dual citizenship” is defined as having a person simultaneously the citizenship of several states. Today, Russia has legalized this issue with Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, but as for the rest of the world, everything is a little more complicated here. The thing is that even despite the permission to have a second citizenship and passport, holders of several citizenships are not perceived by the authorities of the Russian Federation on the territory of the country as double citizens. To describe this state of affairs, the concept of “legal vacuum” was introduced in jurisprudence.

Again, let’s take Turkmenistan and Tajikistan as examples. Russia, in which dual citizenship is experiencing a kind of crisis, has signed agreements with these countries, according to which each of the Parties should recognize the right of citizens to acquire the citizenship of another country without losing their first citizenship.

As for the rights, duties, social security of people with dual citizenship, as well as their military service, the signed agreements determine that these issues are in the competence of the country in whose territory such a “dual” citizen resides. However, people who have performed military service in one country are exempted from military service in another country. “Double” citizens are also under the auspices and protection of both countries, and the presence of two passports greatly facilitates the movement from one state to another.

Dual citizenship in Russia is very difficult, and on the way to it, as a rule, a number of restrictions arise. So, one of the conditions for acquiring citizenship in countries such as Germany, Denmark and Slovakia, is the renunciation of previous citizenship. Other restrictions are the termination of one citizenship as a result of obtaining another, or the failure to present citizenship by birth in cases where the child acquires the citizenship of some other country at birth.

Why is there a “legal vacuum” in relation to such an important issue as dual citizenship in Russia? The answer is very simple.

Each country is interested in tax payers, as well as in citizens who will serve in the army. That is why many countries do not encourage dual citizenship. However, it cannot be completely prohibited either, because in a number of cases objective circumstances will occur that contribute to the emergence of such “double” citizens. Such circumstances include migration. There is no arguing that people go to live where it’s easier and more profitable, and many countries create special programs to attract highly qualified workforce from abroad.

It can be concluded that the source of dual citizenship lies in the internal laws of each country. Dual citizenship in Russia arises only in those cases when the legislation no longer contains clauses that prevent the occurrence. Be that as it may, wealthy citizens can afford to issue a second passport on legal grounds and live in peace with two citizenships.

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