Advantages and disadvantages of laser blepharoplasty

It is nice to be young and beautiful, have a slim figure and elastic skin. However, inexorable age year after year leaves its mark on the appearance of a person. This is especially noticeable by changes in the area around the eyes. With increasing age, the delicate and thin skin of the upper eyelids loses its elasticity and hangs unaesthetically over the eyes. This gives the face a more adult look and makes the eyes visually constantly tired. And if for men this is not a tragedy, then for women at an elegant age it becomes almost a disaster. No cosmetics can fix this problem, the only way out of this unpleasant situation remains - plastic correction of the eyelids, laser blepharoplasty.

What is it and why is this procedure needed?

non-surgical blepharoplasty

The area around the eyes takes the first blow of aging, already from 25-30 years old you can notice sagging skin on the eyelids, crow's feet in the corners, swollen bags under the eyes. While these changes are not very noticeable, they can be dealt with by masking with cosmetics. But sooner or later, the time comes when it is not possible to hide these flaws with conventional decorative cosmetics, and then the time comes for blepharoplasty. But what is laser blepharoplasty?

In fact, blepharoplasty is the surgical or hardware removal of skin surplus and fat deposits from both the upper eyelids and lower ones, as well as a cardinal change in the existing eye section. This plastic surgery allows you to, if not forever, then at least permanently rid yourself of fat sagging hernias - the very unaesthetic bags under the eyes, increase the size of the eyes and raise their corners. Such a procedure can even help people who have a genetic predisposition to excess saggy skin on the upper eyelid or who have hereditary eye bags.

The whole procedure is carried out with local anesthesia, in an outpatient setting, without indispensable hospitalization in a hospital. You can carry out the operation under general anesthesia. The average operation time is about 40 minutes. Blepharoplasty is of several types. Injection - when drugs are introduced under the skin with a thin needle that break down fat and moisturize the skin, toning it and brightening age spots.

Surgical blepharoplasty - used in advanced cases, as well as if a change in the shape of the eyes is required.

It also happens to be hardware. It is divided into the following types:

  • thermal lifting - the thermal effect on collagen fibers, as a result of which positive changes are visible already from the first procedure - the skin becomes toned and smooth;
  • thermage - carried out using radio waves that provide stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  • ultrasonic massage-lifting - a hardware exposure to ultrasound, with the help of which collagen fibers are compacted and make the skin stronger;
  • laser blepharoplasty - a laser operation that stops bleeding at the incision site almost instantly and makes them very thin, almost invisible, has a short rehabilitation period.
laser blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids

When is it done?

Eyelid lift is not only done when age-related changes occur. It is often used in other cases:

laser blepharoplasty
  • with sudden weight loss;
  • with hormonal or biological changes in the body;
  • with defects in the skin of the eyes due to bad habits;
  • with chronic lack of sleep;
  • when the elasticity of the skin of the eyes is disturbed by the improper use of cosmetics;
  • as a result of unprofessional plastic surgery.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to undergo a preoperative examination to select the optimal method of blepharoplasty according to the patient's testimony.

Blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids

The term "laser blepharoplasty" in the reviews of a woman means a gentle surgical operation. During it, the laser acts as a scalpel, but more subtly and delicately. The laser beam makes very thin cuts, after which no scars remain. This method is less traumatic than conventional surgery, and gives the eyes a more aesthetic appearance after surgery. Such laser blepharoplasty refers to surgical methods.

There is also a non-surgical technique. It passes without skin incisions and is based on laser exposure to a problem skin area. This method is called laser resurfacing and is carried out using a carbon dioxide laser. When non-surgical laser blepharoplasty is performed, the carbon dioxide beam evaporates the upper layer of the dermis without damaging it. In time, it takes one procedure half an hour to an hour, and 5 sessions should be performed to achieve a positive effect. But the effect of this procedure lasts much longer than when using other methods.

Surgical pathway of blepharoplasty. Benefits

laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids

Consider how laser blepharoplasty is performed surgically. It occurs with the help of thermal dosed exposure to a biological tissue by a light beam. The light beam consists of a carbon dioxide or erbium laser, which penetrates 1 ฮผm deep into the tissue and does not leave burns. A carbon dioxide laser gives a thinner incision that is easier to heal.

The advantages of laser blepharoplasty eyelids in the reviews of ladies include the following:

  • the laser beam minimally injures tissues while cauterizing capillaries, due to which the bleeding stops immediately and the wound heals quickly;
  • due to the high temperature of the laser, the likelihood of hematomas and edema after surgery is reduced;
  • during healing, a scar does not form, so that after surgery there are no visible scars on the eyelids;
  • damaged tissues are quickly restored;
  • cauterization of the wound with a laser beam reduces the risk of infection and the occurrence of various complications;
  • no hospital stay required;
  • the procedure is quick and painless;
  • the achieved result does not require adjustment of 4-10 years;
  • Surgical laser blepharoplasty of the eyelids can be successfully combined with laser resurfacing, which gives an excellent anti-aging effect;
  • minimum contraindications to this method compared to others.

Surgical pathway of blepharoplasty. disadvantages

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of procedures;
  • restriction in the first week after the operation of physical activity and activities related to the eyes - working on a computer, reading books, watching TV shows;
  • use of cosmetics only on a natural basis and not earlier than 8 days after surgery;
  • solar procedures can be taken in 15-30 days;
  • wearing contact lenses for the first 1-1.5 weeks is not allowed;
  • at least a month you can not take a hot shower and go to the pool and spa.

How is the procedure performed?

With the apparent simplicity of the method, you should still prepare for the operation:

  • pass the necessary tests in advance, so that the doctor before the operation sees the entire amount of the upcoming work, can study the anamnesis and assess the condition of the skin;
  • one week before surgery, stop taking medications containing aspirin and hormonal drugs, as well as stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • take food in such a way that at least 5-6 hours remain before the operation.

Laser blepharoplasty is performed (photo of the result is presented below) of the lower eyelids and upper eyelids in different ways, but the principle of conducting is general. As a rule, the procedure is outpatient. In most cases, patients prefer local anesthesia, but at the request of the client or, if necessary, additional manipulations are done and general. First, the doctor marks the front of the work on the eyelids, puts a protective lens on the pupil and lubricates the skin with a special antiseptic cream. After 10-15 minutes, you can start the incision of tissues and correction of the eyelids.

When the necessary manipulations are made, the incisions are sutured with absorbable threads or glued with surgical glue. On average, it takes about 20 minutes to work. After suturing wounds, a special agent is applied to the operated surface, which reduces pain and protects against the occurrence of edema.

features of laser blepharoplasty

Doctor's recommendations

After that, the patient can go home and live his usual life, fulfilling at the same time 1-2 weeks of the doctor's recommendation:

  • apply cooling regular compresses to the operated area;
  • sleep on a high pillow so that your head is raised, preferably on your side or back;
  • do not take medicines on aspirin;
  • Do not go to the bathhouse and sauna, as well as stay very moderately in the open sun;
  • apply a cream with a high degree of ultraviolet protection - for a month;
  • limit exercise and stress.

Work on the upper eyelids

advantages of laser blepharoplasty

Laser blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids occurs in this way - a qualified doctor makes a laser beam cuts according to his markings, then performs an excision of excess fatty tissue and skin, removing the overhanging eyelids. Due to the fact that preliminary marking was made, the doctor can remove the epidermis locally, without violating the function of closing the eyelid. The duration of the operation may be different - it depends on the degree of overhang of the eyelid, but does not exceed two hours. A sterile special patch is applied at the incision site, which should be worn for several days, after which the seam site is regularly treated with antiseptic drugs to prevent infection.

Work on the lower eyelids

Laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is a little different. It is carried out in the presence of bags, fatty hernias and edema of the area under the eyes. This operation has two types, namely: percutaneous subciliary, when the skin is incised along the edge of the lower eyelashes, and transconjunctival with a cut in the inner cavity of the eyelid. After gaining access to excess fat reserves and tissues, eyelids are excised and the wound sutured. The skin around the eye is polished, and the resulting lifting effect lasts a very long time. The operation is painless and does not give the patient uncomfortable sensations.

non-surgical laser blepharoplasty

Indications for blepharoplasty

In the reviews, women write about a number of medical indications:

  • overhanging upper eyelid and lower lower;
  • excess epidermis on the eyelids;
  • existing fat bags under the eyes;
  • deformed eyelids;
  • lowered corners of the eyes;
  • different sizes and shape of the eyes, violating the symmetry of the face;
  • age-related changes in the skin of the eyes;
  • wrinkles appearing.


However, there are some contraindications:

  • endocrine system diseases;
  • inflammatory processes near the problem area;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • tumors - malignant and benign;
  • blood disease - hemophilia;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • HIV disease
  • sensitivity to the laser.


As can be seen from the above, laser eyelid correction is safe. In addition, it is very easily tolerated by patients. However, only a doctor can confirm the need and ability to perform such an operation for a specific patient based on the analysis and the patientโ€™s health status.

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