In some cases, in medicine there is a need to use catheters - special tubes that are inserted into the cavity of the organs. Catheters are used to divert the contents of the organ, if necessary, rinsing the cavity, for introducing the drug substance into the cavity. Catheters come in various lengths and are made from different materials. There are rubber catheters, metal, plastic. The thickness of the hole (diameter) is ranked according to Sharyer - there are thirty sizes (numbers) that differ from each other by a third of a millimeter. When using catheters, it is important that they are sterile clean and do not cause inflammation in the cavity of the organ into which they are inserted. To do this, they boil for thirty minutes and are stored for a day under a sterile sheet.
The technique of introducing catheters is not complicated, for example, soft catheters can also be inserted by average personnel. Before the introduction into the cavity of the bladder, the catheter is lubricated with a fatty substance - petrolatum, Vishnevsky ointment. The introduction is slow, smooth. When meeting with a sphincter that impedes the introduction, do not push forward. It is necessary to wait for the sphincter to relax and only then to guide it further. If catheterization is performed for a man with prostate adenoma, then a catheter with a curved nose is selected. Catheterization with metal instruments is done by a doctor, otherwise with an inept insertion of a catheter, you can violate the integrity of the bladder and insert it further along the false path, which is completely unacceptable.
Most often, catheters are used in urology in order to ensure the outflow of urine. For this, a Pezzer's catheter is used - one of the most popular in terms of its use in medical practice. It is made of rubber, and at the end it has an extension and two holes. A catheter is inserted quite simply - a probe is inserted into the channel so that the catheter is pulled at its end, then it is inserted into the cavity, after which the probe is removed, and the catheter straightens itself. It is optimal to insert the Pezzer's catheter six centimeters so that its end is at a sufficient distance from the walls of the bladder and from the urethra. If the catheter is inserted too deep, the end will rest against the top of the bladder and there will be no urine flow. If the catheter is not inserted deep enough, then this may cause unnecessary reflection of the bladder. The Pezzer's catheter is usually used before birth to empty the woman's bladder . Otherwise, a full bladder will prevent the baby from passing normally through the birth canal. The Pezzer's catheter is removed by pressing on the urethral wall through the vagina. If it is necessary to constantly insert a catheter in women, the Pezzer's catheter is placed in the hole above the pubis and is brought out.
If the catheter for urination is installed for a long time, then there is a risk of clogging small holes with salts. In addition, when removing it from the stoma, a hat may come off.
Other troubles can occur if a subclavian catheter is used. It is usually injected into the subclavian vein for quick resuscitation and intensive care. The subclavian catheter can cause complications, such as vascular embolism (air ingress), a clot with a thrombus, and the development of a purulent-inflammatory process at the site of catheterization. In order to prevent this from happening, careful care of the tools is necessary. Every five hours, the subclavian catheter needs to be flushed with a disinfectant solution, regardless of whether the catheter is involved in drug administration, etc. It is also necessary to disinfect the skin around the catheter, and when gluing it with a patch under the catheter, put a bactericidal tape. Only in the case of competent care of medical instruments will it be possible to avoid complications during catheterization.