Active headphones for shooting or hunting: review, prices and reviews

Acoustic comfort is an important component when shooting or hunting. Noise effects from firearms not only become an obstacle to human interaction with other participants in the event or the perception of teams, but also adversely affect health. It is not easy to immediately notice changes in hearing abilities, but over time, with regular exposure to loud sounds, the consequences are felt. Therefore, special protection for the ears is needed, which ordinary earplugs cannot provide. For these purposes, special headphones with active noise reduction are used, a review of which will allow you to decide on the choice of the optimal model.

What are the features of active headphones?

Active headphones implement a noise reduction system that allows you to cut off sounds that irritate your hearing. In other words, such devices form an acoustic corridor along which sound waves comfortable for human perception are transmitted. The standard scheme provides for the presence of a speaker and a microphone through which the shooter or hunter can communicate with colleagues. In reviews that describe active headphones, passive models are often mentioned. The fact is that the functions of such models partially overlap with active noise reduction devices. But there is an important difference - they do not allow any sounds at all, including conversational speech.

active headphones

On the one hand, this feature testifies to the effectiveness of passive devices, but on the other hand, it imposes certain restrictions on the nature of operation. They are usually used at construction sites, training ranges and shooting ranges, where auditory contact with the outside world is not required. However, for active headphones, the ability to interact with people in conditions of noise interference is mandatory.

Main characteristics

The effectiveness and functionality of this type of headphone is usually determined by the level of reduction of external noise. This is an indicator according to which active shooting headphones attenuate the sound wave from a shot. The degree of protection of the ears depends on how much higher this value is. For example, in mid-range models, noise reduction varies from 20 to 25 decibels (dB).

active shooting headphones

In addition, the threshold for suppressing sounds is important, beyond which the power of the noise wave begins, inaccessible to playback by the electronic circuit. The extreme value is usually 80-90 dB. It is also necessary to note such parameters as cut-off and recovery times - the optimal values ​​do not exceed 2 milliseconds. In the first case, the cutoff response is characterized by strong noise, and in the second case, the gain is restored under conditions of powerful sound exposure.

MSA Models

The Swedish brand MSA launches a series of professional active headphones Supreme Pro X. The headset is provided with two independent microphones with high-quality insulation of the surfaces, in which the stereo effect is optimal in terms of performance. Also, active headphones in this series are distinguished by the ability to localize noise sources, which significantly increases acoustic comfort.

The headset is equipped with an AUX input, designed to work with external sound sources, including a walkie-talkie and microphone. The noise reduction level of Supreme Pro X models is 25 dB, and the auto-cut-off threshold of the noise amplifier reaches 85 dB. The scope of operation of such devices is quite extensive, since the manufacturer developed them specifically for extreme conditions. But first of all, these are active headphones for hunting and sport shooting. Most elements of the headset are made of metal, although the total mass of the equipment is low - only 310 g.

Peltor Headphones

Peltor also focuses on producing high-quality headphone models for use in shooting sports and hunting. The SportTac base model delivers amplification up to 95 dB with an automatic shutdown threshold of 75 dB. The model has absorbed all the advantages of a modern headset of this class - including an ergonomic arc, four-fold amplification of quiet sound, the possibility of stereo sound, etc. But besides this, Peltor’s small active headphones have their own highlight in the form of Bluetooth support and the possibility of wireless contact with a mobile device .

active noise canceling headphones

No less interesting is the Tactical XP model, which is intended for use by professional rescuers. It is distinguished by the ability to program modes of amplification and suppression of noise, as well as a special emphasis placed on the detection of quiet sound.

Headphones from Caldwell

American models of active Caldwell headphones are designed for shooters. The devices operate with frequency reproduction in the range from 80 to 16,000 Hz with a limit of 85 dB. By the way, the company is well thought out in its approach to the configuration of amplifiers. In particular, the active Caldwell shooting headphones are equipped with two amplifiers, which are separated and are each in its own channel (right and left). In general, the models are provided with a basic set of functions, including the option of automatic shutdown at the moment of shot and the ability to adjust the volume. The manufacturer also endowed the device with some additions that increase the ergonomics of the headphones. This, for example, LED indication of the battery level, as well as a convenient bezel in the headset.

shooting active headphones

How much are?

The price range for headphones of this type is very wide. Cost depends on many factors. For example, from operational indicators in terms of the ability to work with different frequencies, from the technical implementation of the device, the number of amplifiers, etc. In the minimum configuration, active headphones can cost 2-5 thousand rubles. For this amount, the user will receive a model that will not be able to provide high-quality screening of sounds and, moreover, speech recognition function in conditions of loud noise. This will require more solid devices and preferably with a stereo effect. In this case, the cost will increase to 10 thousand rubles.

In the 25-30 thousand category, professional models and headphones designed for specialized tasks are already presented. In addition to the initially powerful amplification of weak sounds and effective noise reduction of acoustic noise, active headphones in this segment are endowed with wide functionality in the form of the ability to synchronize with mobile devices and radios.

active headphones for hunting reviews

Active Headphone Reviews

As the reviews show, in the case of such a device, it is especially important to initially determine the tasks that will face it. The fact is that some users often complain about weak amplification of sounds, while this function was emphasized in the choice. Others, on the other hand, criticize headphones for inadequate noise reduction. At the same time, for both purposes, you can choose quite effective active headphones for hunting. Reviews also have different opinions on the ergonomics of models and additional features. Criticism usually refers to the materials used in the manufacture of the body and headphone wires. Especially in extreme conditions, such characteristics as water resistance, resistance to temperature influences and mechanical damage are important.

active noise canceling headphones review


The range of models of this kind of headphones is very large, despite the manufacturability, and in some cases even the innovativeness of the proposed developments. On the market you can find models for hunting enthusiasts who need to catch rustles in the process of tracking prey, headphones with active noise reduction during firing, as well as specialized and multifunctional devices for professional tasks. So that the purchase does not disappoint during operation, it is advisable to immediately compare the requirements for the model with its characteristics. Each device has quite clear recommendations for working with sounds at different frequencies. However, if we are not talking about specialized fields of application, then practically any model from the middle price range can cope with domestic and sports tasks.

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