Caramel hair color: shades, photo, who suits

Hair has always been the pride of every girl, girl, woman and even grandmother. But in ancient times, the church categorically forbade the demonstration of this property, considered it sinful. Therefore, beautiful ladies hid the scalp under various hats, hoods and other flirty paraphernalia.

However, the current canons are fundamentally different from those that were once. And now modern fashionistas are allowed to exhibit their wondrous hair at the public eye. It is this freedom that gives the fair sex the opportunity to experiment on their curls as they please. For example, to give dark hair the color of “caramel blond,” which in ancient times was achieved with saffron, honey and even stale sheep’s urine. Now it’s enough to buy a tube with a special mixture that gives the desired color, dilute it in a plastic bowl, apply to hair and let stand for about half an hour.

The most difficult thing is to decide what shade the beauty wants to dye her hair. For example, caramel hair color has recently become increasingly popular. But does he suit everyone? How to achieve an excellent result? And is it possible to “caramelize” curls at home? We will provide detailed answers to these and many other important questions in the material below.

What is remarkable color?

What associations arise when we think of caramel? Surely many recall a delicious candy and sweet molasses or mentally draw an image of a dandelion field, along which buzzing bees fly and collect pollen for fragrant honey of golden hue. Caramel color suggests summer, warmth and sun. That's why many women choose it, and not the standard shades: black, blond, brown and red.

In addition, light, golden or dark caramel hair color is remarkable in that it decorates almost any beautiful person. Regardless of her age, type of haircut and hair length. But stylists explain the high popularity of today's peak shade not only with this. They name the four main factors that make the beautiful half of humanity choose it for coloring their hair. And this:

  1. Aesthetic potential, which is peculiar to the palette of caramel shades. It should be understood as a unique feature of color, which consists in the fact that it does not look banal, and due to golden glare, it is much younger.
  2. Mitigation of facial features, achieved due to the softness, tenderness, playfulness and femininity of the studied shade.
  3. The illusory volume that caramel overflows add to hair.
  4. A huge palette of shades, allowing each young fashionista or stylish lady to choose a color that makes her fascinating.

However, despite the seeming versatility, dyeing hair in caramel color is more suitable for some ladies. Therefore, further we will provide recommendations on who should use paint with such a shade, and who better to abstain.

Will the caramel color suit you?

To answer the question formed in the headline, you must again submit a sweet candy. What color is it? Golden brown, dark red, light yellow, ocher, etc. That is, exclusively warm tones dominate in this palette of shades. For this reason, caramel hair color is best suited to owners of the following appearance features:

  • fair skin and blue eyes;
  • fair skin with a barely noticeable tan and blue or light gray eyes;
  • dark skin and green eyes;
  • olive skin tone and gray or blue-gray eyes;
  • very tanned skin and golden brown or bright green eyes;
  • dark skin and eyes hazel, light brown or amber.

Is it worth refraining from dyeing hair in a caramel shade?

We have already noted that the color studied in the article is able to decorate almost any representative of the weaker sex. Therefore, in this paragraph we will tell who is wiser to avoid it. So, if a beautiful person is the owner of very fair skin, that is, different, as they often write in books, with porcelain pallor or a pale pink undertones, it is better for her to choose a coloring agent of a different tone. After all, having dyed her hair the color of “caramel blond” (photo is proposed below), she will give the face a painful pallor and a certain fatigue.

caramel blond

The same recommendation applies to ladies with a cold tint of the eyes. If a girl or woman in the iris contains black, saturated blue or dark brown pigments, she should not purchase a caramel palette in the store. This will not bring beauty and elegance into her appearance, but, on the contrary, will make the image unnatural and unattractive.

What is important to know about the treasured shade?

Caramel hair color looks very beautiful, but before you go to a beauty salon or try to realize your dream yourself, you need to carefully prepare. And this applies not only to the determination to change radically or to slightly correct your appearance. Rather, this is a minor and not so significant issue.

After all, it is much more important to assess the condition of the hair independently or with the help of a professional look of a salon master. They may be badly damaged or have recently been stained with natural dyes such as basma or henna. After all, if the last circumstance takes place, then caramel-colored hair dye can appear on the head of hair with a very unexpected green undertone. A similar situation will occur if the hair of a beautiful person was bleached, that is, she was blonde. Only in this case, the tinted means of the caramel palette will give the hair a copper tint.

And it is also important to note that "caramelize" your hair yourself with great care. Because the desired color is very moody. Even experienced stylists are not always able to find the right tone, let alone people who are completely ignorant of coloring issues.

The next thing that needs to be said about caramel hair color is further care for it. After all, the length of the hair is increased by about one centimeter per month. This means that a couple of weeks after going to the salon, natural hair color will appear. It will be more noticeable every day, thanks to overgrown roots. Therefore, dyeing your hair in the desired shade, you need to be prepared for the fact that changing your look and forgetting about your beloved for a long time will not work. After all, without proper care, the hair will lose its attractiveness.

And the last one. Many stylists recommend a bob haircut for caramel hair color (photo below). They say that she smashes more effectively than others.

caramel color

The best dark tones

We have already mentioned molasses and delicious candy - caramel. But we ask the reader to remember them again. Rather, introduce them. What color are they? After all, to answer this question clearly is simply impossible. Because each product will have its own tone. And if you remember about boiled condensed milk, beloved by all children, it will even become clear that it also has its own hue. The same is with caramel hair color. The photos presented in this article only prove this. After all, there are no similar tones and cannot be. However, from the vast palette of caramel shades, one can distinguish several of the most striking, interesting, elegant, and therefore popular.

And then we will examine each in detail to help the reader figure out which one should be paid special attention to. Let's start with the options recommended by redheads, brown-haired women and brunettes.

Chocolate-caramel - “tasty” color, combining red and chocolate tones. A woman who has painted her curls in this shade looks very sophisticated, feminine, dignified. In addition, this caramel hair color for brown eyes (photo below) fits perfectly.

caramel color brown hair

Dark caramel is a color that looks very interesting, thanks to a special application method. Implement it at home is almost impossible. Indeed, in order to achieve a perfectly even tone, stylists first apply paint with a pigment of wheat or light blond shade, and already on top of it put a darker shade.

Caramel black is the most complex and rich color. At first glance, it seems like an ordinary chestnut, but after a careful examination it becomes obvious that it looks many times livelier and more interesting. For example, the famous actress Mila Kunis dyes her hair only in this shade. And it looks stunning. You can verify this by looking at her photo. Caramel hair color gives it sensuality and tenderness.

Mila Kunis hair color

Best light colors

The following tones of the studied color are most easily achieved by owners of light brown, ash and other light hair shades. Brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads will have to work hard and suffer for a while before boasting to their friends a cardinal change of image. The main thing is to think carefully before the start of staining whether the selected tone is suitable. Perhaps it is better to use the shades proposed in the previous paragraph. If the decision is final and not subject to appeal, then we will present the best light caramel hair colors.

Light caramel (the photo is presented in the next paragraph) is a classic color that incorporates two leading tones: blond and blond. And due to the golden overflows, it turned out to be unique and incredibly demanded both among young girls and among those over thirty, forty or fifty. That is why many domestic and foreign celebrities preferred it. And among ordinary girls who can be seen right on the street, he is also popular.

Caramel blond - a charming hair color. Photo of the best option for staining shows us singer Adele. Its main features are warmth, seductiveness and maximum proximity to the natural shade. It looks like wheat, but it looks much brighter thanks to golden sparks. Girls choose it if they want to look "simple and tasteful."

dye caramel hair

Honey-caramel - a bright, noticeable and very original hair color, which differs from the previous one with a hint of red pigment. He makes the look warm and good-natured. Passing by such a girl will be extremely difficult.

Caramel-blond - hair color, remarkable for an unusual and rather rare combination of cold and warm colors. And if the girl is also distinguished by her dark skin and gray or light blue eyes, then her image will be truly luxurious.

How to determine your tone?

Of course, the simplest answer to the question formed in the title of the current paragraph sounds quite simple: seek professional help. And this is not surprising, because people who have chosen the beauty industry as their life's business know best what paints to choose for caramel hair color to decorate their appearance, and not spoil it.

But if the lady is used to doing everything herself, we will describe several general recommendations that eminent stylists advise to adhere to:

  1. To the green, light brown or amber-nut eyes and dark skin, as well as girls whose natural shade of hair is red, chocolate-caramel color with light honey highlights is ideal.
  2. To dark brown eyes and dark olive skin - caramel, close to copper.
  3. To blue, hazel or amber eyes and tanned skin - light caramel hair color (photo presented after recommendations). This shade will give the girl or woman a radiance, make the image romantic and flirty.
  4. To dark blue or gray eyes, combined with a slightly tanned fair skin - caramel with golden highlights.
  5. To green, blue or silver-gray eyes and fair skin - a caramel shade with a pronounced honey tint.

And one more trick that stylists resort to. If a girl doubts which of the two colors suits her best, it is better to give preference to that which is darker. Indeed, in this case, the result will be just perfect.

light caramel color

How to protect yourself from mistakes?

Stylists note that it is easiest to choose the right coloring agent for light-eyed girls, whose natural shade of curls is blond or blond. But to determine the appropriate caramel hair color for brown eyes (the photo can be seen at the end of the paragraph) is much more difficult. Especially without professional help. In addition, brunettes or brown-haired women, in order to achieve the perfect tone, will have to use brightening agents that cause tremendous damage to the hair structure.

But if such a girl or woman still wants to “caramelize” her hair, stylists recommend that she pay attention to the palette of golden chocolate shades. Or use natural dyes that can give honey shine, sparkle, shine to the natural color of the hair.

In addition, leading stylists of the world warn the fair sex from experiments on their own appearance, conducted at home. After all, to achieve a beautiful honey-caramel hair color (or another of the desired palette of shades) on your own is almost impossible. Especially if you use unprofessional paint, which is freely available on the shelves of various cosmetic stores.

It is important for girls and women to know that caramel shades decorate only healthy hair. And, on the contrary, attract unwanted attention to damaged or unkempt curls, split ends or an unsuccessful haircut. Therefore, some beauties, before trying to change their appearance, it is necessary to cure their hair. You can do this in any beauty salon or on your own, using various infusions, masks, oils and other cosmetics that you can do yourself.

If you don’t want to radically change the image ...

Many girls would like to boast of light caramel hair color, but due to various circumstances, this is not always possible. Therefore, stylists offer two of the most original and affordable (even at home) solutions:

  • highlighting;
  • Ombre staining.
caramel hair color

Is it possible to “caramelize” hair with folk remedies?

Many ladies with dark curls dream of the cherished blond hair color (photo suggested above). But few decide to achieve it with the help of brightening mixtures. Indeed, as a result of incorrect actions, one can not achieve the desired result, and even lose hair. Therefore, further we would like to talk about folk remedies that can be done independently (without the help of stylists and salon masters) at home:

  1. Henna and Turmeric. To get a natural brightening mixture, it is necessary to combine an equal amount of these components in a plastic bowl. And brew them with boiling water. The gruel should be quite thick to simplify the application process. You can keep it on your hair no longer than an hour.
  2. Liquid honey. First, the ingredient should be diluted with water, bringing to the consistency of sour cream, then apply to hair, cover with a film and wrap with a towel. Keep on hair for about 5-12 hours.

Above were listed the best folk remedies that help to achieve light, golden or honey-caramel hair color. However, it is important to understand that they can lighten hair only in a few tones.

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