How to pump hip biceps and buttock muscles with one set of exercises

The back of the thigh is sometimes very difficult to pump. The thigh biceps consists of three muscle groups: semi-tendon, biceps and semi-membranous. They are responsible for bending the knee, slowing the movement of the lower leg and taking the leg back.

The biceps of the thigh plays a major role in performing squat exercises (with a barbell, with dumbbells, on exercise machines), lunges with legs and bench presses. The uniform development of these three muscles is important when loading the entire lower part of the body.

In order to maximize the use of hip biceps, in addition to exercises on the simulators, you can tilt your body forward with a load, various bends of the legs, engage in walking or long-distance running.

Biceps hip. Exercises

biceps hip exercises

  1. biceps hip
    The technique for inflating the biceps of the leg is to bend the knees, lying on the bench simulator. In this case, the back of the lower leg (Achilles tendon) abuts against the roller. The roller slowly rises with its feet to the maximum limit, then slowly lowers. During bending, it is necessary to take a breath, during extension - exhale. The simulator should not be heavily overloaded, otherwise you can cause microtrauma to the biceps of the leg.
  2. Leg curl sitting on a special simulator. The technique for doing hip biceps exercises is the same as lying down. Only the legs lower the roller with the load. With this exercise, you can change the distance between the feet, then with the load different parts of the biceps will be involved.
  3. Bending the legs while standing. The peculiarity of this exercise is that one-sided muscle training is stronger with each repetition. When changing legs, a break between sets should be avoided.
  4. This exercise is performed without burden. Having achieved the optimal technique, you can use dumbbells in lowered hands. It is necessary to do squats, but with the deviation of the body back. Starting position - standing, legs apart shoulder width apart. Having risen on toes, you need to sit down, leaning back to the maximum possible angle. In this case, the hips and body should be in the same plane. For beginners, it is allowed to adhere to the wall or back of the chair until your balance level is found.
    standing biceps exercise

Butt muscle exercises

Performing the load on the muscles of the biceps of the legs, the muscles of the buttocks are simultaneously involved. Consider a few exercises for this muscle group.

buttock muscle exercises

  1. Standing straight, in the arms lowered along the body, hold dumbbells. With a straight back, lunge forward to the maximum distance so that the thigh is parallel to the floor plane. Return to the original rack. Do the same with the other foot.
  2. Squats. The bar is located on the shoulders behind the head. Grip - slightly wider than the distance between the shoulders. Legs are 50-65 cm apart, socks are apart. Slow squats with a straight back are performed until the hips become parallel to the floor plane . Squatting is not necessary below. Also slowly need to get up. In the upper position, it is additionally necessary to tighten the buttocks.
  3. Lifting the body with the biceps of the hips and buttocks. Kneeling on a soft pillow, the heels are fixed under the roller. The housing lowers slowly until it becomes parallel to the floor. In this case, only the knees bend. Return to starting position. This exercise is very difficult and is suitable only for trained athletes.

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