Mesoroller for the face at home: types, instructions for use, results before and after

Today, among all kinds of cosmetic gadgets that improve the condition of the skin of the face, the mesoscooter has gained particular popularity. With it, you can peel and polish the epidermis thoroughly.

Mesoroller is a medical tool of great cosmetic value. It is a roller with the thinnest needles from various materials. You can also find another name - dermaroller.

Needle length

How does the mesoscooter work?

During the rotation of the roller, the skin is punctured with needles. Through micro-wounds, the agent that was selected for the procedure enters the epidermis. Mesoroller has a therapeutic effect, improves blood microcirculation, activates metabolic processes, restores weakened tissues.

Beauticians say that this effect helps to get rid of many skin problems even at home. Among other things, this procedure stimulates the production of collagen by the epidermis. The skin becomes more elastic, small wrinkles disappear.

Using a mesoscooter for the face at home helps to start the rejuvenation process. If the complex is used correctly selected vitamin formulations, you can get a more pronounced and prolonged effect.

Thus, mesotherapy helps to achieve the following results:

  • getting rid of small wrinkles and sagging skin;
  • elimination of post-acne, scars and scars;
  • reduction of age spots;
  • protection against premature aging.

In their reviews of face mesoscooters at home, women note the high effectiveness of the device in the struggle to prolong skin youth.

Before and after photos

Types of devices

When choosing a tool, you should first of all pay attention to its quality, thickness and length of the needles. Manufacturers offer a wide range of models. Most often, the mesoscooter needles are made of titanium or steel, however, even alloys using precious metals can be found. More expensive devices have the only advantage - they have a longer service life.

No matter how expensive you choose the device, it is important to know how to use the mesoscooter for the face. But first, consider the types of devices.

The length of the needles can be from 0.2 to 3 mm. The choice depends on the problem for which the tool will be used:

  1. To increase the effectiveness of cosmetics, to even out skin color and get rid of the first signs of aging, it is recommended to choose mesoscooters with needle lengths from 0.2 to 0.3 mm.
  2. Which is better at home to use a face mesoscooter? Needles of 0.5 mm are suitable for the same purposes as the previous version, and they are also used to remove stretch marks and acne marks.
  3. 0.75 mm - chosen to combat the "orange peel". Such needles have proven themselves in the fight against cellulite of the first degree. Sometimes used for the face.
  4. Are there ugly bumps on the skin? The device with needles from 1 to 3 mm will help to cope with this. The course of procedures will relieve cellulite of any stage. The beneficial substances of the selected cocktail will be absorbed by the skin as well as possible.

The number of needles on the roller

When choosing a device, pay attention to the number of needles. It is important to consider in which part of the body mesotherapy will be performed:

  • From 190 to 200 is the best option for treating scalp and delicate skin around the eyes.
  • 540 needles on the mesoscooter for the face - the model is suitable for the neckline and neck.
  • For body treatment, a roller with 1800 needles is used.

Beauticians are convinced that good results can be obtained using an exclusively professional mesoscooter for the face at home with a needle length of 0.5 mm or more. Practitioners of such therapy for women note that the effect of the use of very thin needles may not be so pronounced.

Use efficiency

Features of the choice of material

Before buying a mesoscooter, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the features of the material from which its needles are made:

  1. Steel appliances should be used for just one course - about 10 sessions. These needles quickly become dull. Rarely used to treat facial skin.
  2. The most budget option is a plastic tool. It is easy to damage, and the needles quickly become unusable. It can be used in the absence of irritation in any part of the body.
  3. Titanium appliances are the most durable and durable. The sharpness of the needles can persist for 8 months if the procedure is carried out once a week. Such models are suitable for the most sensitive areas.
  4. The best mesoscooters for the face at home are made with a gemstone dusting. They are hypoallergenic and apply even to very thin skin with increased sensitivity.

Instructions for use

Mesoroller gave women the opportunity to conduct a rejuvenating procedure at home. To achieve good results, you need to study the rules and procedure for the session. So, consider how to use the mesoscooter for the face:

  1. Before the procedure, disinfect the needles of the device. You can use alcohol or chlorhexidine. Pour a small amount of the selected liquid into the container and immerse the roller in it for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Thoroughly cleanse your skin from all kinds of contaminants. After gel or foam, also use a disinfectant.
  3. Apply a special cosmetic cocktail to your skin. It is recommended to purchase a product designed for mesotherapy.
  4. Take the appliance in your hand. Conditionally divide your face into zones. Start processing the first plot. Drive the roller vertically, horizontally and diagonally. For each zone should be carried out 4-5 times in all directions. No need to put too much pressure on the face, the movements should be light and accurate. Do not hurry. Do not tear off the roller sharply from the face when moving to a new area.
  5. Some experts advise after a mesoscooter with fingertips to make a gentle massage of the skin without stretching it.
  6. Apply a calming, nourishing, or moisturizing agent.
  7. Rinse the mesoscooter under running water, place in a container with a disinfector. After 2 minutes, remove it, let it dry. Put in the case. Thus, it is necessary to treat the mesoscooter for the face before and after the procedure.
  8. Keep a nourishing mask on your face for half an hour. Then remove the remaining product with a napkin and wash.

Women in beauty forums often write reviews about face mesoscooters. At home, many ladies carry out this procedure.

Step-by-step instruction

The secrets of effective mesotherapy

To improve the skin of the face, mesoscooter should be used with caution, especially at home. No need to rush to conduct a rejuvenating session. To achieve the maximum possible results, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Do not select random products for the procedure. Prefer nutritious cocktails that were designed specifically for use with the roller. Natural compounds contain vitamins and minerals, they do not contain dyes, synthetic fragrances and preservatives.
  2. Do not allow anyone to use your mesoscooter. This appliance should only be used by one person, even after powerful disinfection.
  3. Take breaks between procedures, let the skin recover and relax. To achieve good results, spend at least 10 sessions, take breaks from 4 days to one week between each. Mesotherapy can not be carried out daily, this can give the opposite effect.
  4. Beauticians recommend at least two courses per year. This will not only get rid of cosmetic defects, but also start the processes of skin self-regeneration. Numerous photos and reviews of face mesoscooters indicate their high efficiency.
  5. During the procedure, do not press the device heavily on the skin of the face. So you can severely damage it.
  6. Keep an eye on the condition of the needles, they should be even and sharp. Do not drop the mesoscooter. Even during disinfection, the needles should not touch the container in which the antibacterial agent is located.
Mesoscooter processing

Side effects

As a rule, the procedure is well tolerated both in the salon and at home. It should be noted that redness of the skin is a normal reaction, which passes quite quickly.

In rare cases, when using a mesoscooter for the face at home, side effects may occur. These include the following:

  • itching
  • the appearance of swelling;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • allergic rash;
  • bruises and bruises.

The soreness of the procedure depends on the level of the pain threshold. In reviews of the home mesoscooter for the face of a woman, they almost never indicate the presence of discomfort during the manipulation.

Anti-aging serums and other products

If you decide on mesoteropia, then you need to correctly approach the issue of choosing cocktails. Restorative and anti-aging compositions allow you to achieve a pronounced anti-age effect.

So, you have purchased a mesoscooter for the face. The use at home of this device must be combined with one of the following cocktails:

  1. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It has a moisturizing effect, stimulates regeneration processes, accelerates the delivery of nutrients to cells. The result of the application is smooth skin with less pronounced age-related changes.
  2. Collagen products. Drugs increase the tone and elasticity of tissues. Collagen has regenerative properties, perfectly copes with wrinkles.
  3. The use of a mesoscooter for the face with aloe vera juice provides quick positive changes in the condition of the skin. This natural substance is famous for its powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Aloe perfectly moisturizes and speeds up the regeneration process.
  4. Ascorbic acid makes the skin freshened and rested. Vitamin C eliminates age spots, evens out skin tone and brightens a little.
  5. A decoction of chamomile pharmacy is the best way to combat the manifestations of allergies. You can use it as an antiseptic.
  6. Group B vitamins help eliminate traces of inflammation on the face. These substances improve skin tone and tone.
  7. Glycolic acid improves the production of collagen and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The substance smoothes out small stretch marks in the neckline and also eliminates superficial wrinkles. Acid fights acne and traces of them.
  8. Organic silicon will be a good outlet for owners of sagging skin. It increases the elasticity of the epidermis and protects against the aggressive action of free radicals.
  9. Face mesotherapy with a mesoscooter with antioxidant glutathione helps to renew the growth of cells and tissues.
  10. The peptide complex with hyaluron promotes the active secretion of collagen by tissues. It increases the density and elasticity of the skin, normalizes its tone.
  11. The complex of spirulina and hyaluronic acid β€œerases” age-related pigmentation, makes the skin of the face lighter, tightens it, and increases turgor. Also, the composition is used to combat stretch marks and cellulite crust.
  12. A complex of proteins and hyaluron reduces enlarged pores, smoothes out irregularities on the skin, and gives it elasticity.
  13. Collagen Lotion is considered a professional tool to increase skin elasticity. With its help, you can improve the oval of the face, remove small wrinkles, and even out the surface of the epidermis.
  14. Drugs that reduce the manifestation of rosacea are used for very sensitive, thin skin. They make the vascular mesh less visible, improve the complexion of the face, making it more natural and healthy.
Serums for the procedure

Most of these products can be purchased at pharmacies. They are also represented in specialized online stores.

Why is mesotherapy worth doing?

Creating a roller with needles has become a real progress in modern cosmetology. The results from the application can be seen in the photo. In the reviews of face mesoscooters, specialists and people who have tried the device on themselves, argue that the procedure has many advantages:

  1. Visually noticeable results can be observed even after the first use of the device. After application, the skin looks refreshed and rejuvenated.
  2. Needles make microscopic punctures that do not pose a danger to our skin. Traces of the mesoscooter will disappear just a few hours after the session. In rare cases, they can remain noticeable for about five days.
  3. The cosmetic device does not have a destructive effect on the epidermis.
  4. The device is affordable. Budget models can be purchased for only 250 rubles.
  5. The mesoscooter is convenient not only in use, but also in storage. For safe use, it should be treated with a special antiseptic before and after the procedure. Keep the device in packaging so as not to damage the needles.
  6. Most people report a painless effect of the roller on the skin, despite the fact that its piercing still occurs. For hypersensitive epidermis, local use of light painkillers is allowed.
  7. The mesoscooter can be used for the most sensitive areas, for example, for the skin around the eyes.
  8. Experts regard anti-aging sessions as an effective alternative to laser peeling or cleaning. Facial mesoscooter massage at home will be your favorite procedure.

The best models

The following mesoscooter models have proven themselves perfectly.

Beautykey is your home beautician. His needles are made of titanium alloy, the coating is made of 14 carat gold. In contact with skin, such an instrument does not oxidize. Diamond sharpening minimizes facial trauma. The diameter of the needles is only 0.09 mm, so the procedure takes place without pain and discomfort. The accessory is designed for 200 sessions.

The manufacturer has released several models with a different number of needles and their width.

Cost - from 1500 rubles.

How to use

The Gold Skin Roller mesoscooter is a premium tool. It is made using medical steel. Also present is gold plating. It avoids allergic reactions. Owners of very sensitive skin can use the device.

Super thin conical needles (0.25 mm) penetrate the skin, making a deep massage. According to the manufacturer, the effectiveness of mesotherapy with such an instrument is 2 times higher than with conventional rollers.

The price of the device is about 11,000 rubles.

Contraindications to the use of dermaroller

Mesotherapy, like any other cosmetic effect on the skin, has a number of contraindications. Consider cases in which microneedle therapy should be abandoned:

  1. The presence of moles. If there are any formations at the place of the alleged treatment, it is strictly forbidden to act on them. Even the slightest damage can trigger oncology.
  2. Infectious foci. Punctures can lead to the spread of pathogens.
  3. Damaged areas of the body. You can not use a mesoscooter if the skin has wounds that have not healed burns, abrasions.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Diseases of the circulatory system.
  7. Oncology.
  8. Epilepsy.
  9. Autoimmune pathologies.
  10. Intolerance to the components of cocktails.

Results, photos before and after

On women's forums, you can see photos that show the condition of the skin before and after the procedure.

Girls note that in the absence of contraindications and subject to exposure techniques, you can get a noticeable rejuvenation of the face in the shortest possible time. Many representatives of the fair sex carry out the procedure with courses for several years and can not get enough of excellent results.

Application result

If you decide to undergo a course of mesotherapy at home, you still need to first consult with a specialist about the appropriateness of the procedure. Only a cosmetologist will be able to assess all possible risks.

He will also tell you which face mesoscooters are the best today, which drugs to use to solve your particular problem. It should be noted that at home you need to create sterile conditions for the session.

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